Armatage Monthly Neighborhood Meeting
Tuesday, April 21
6:30-8:00pm via Zoom
- Welcome & Introductions
- Annual Meeting & Board Elections:
- Online Elections vs. Delaying
- Board recruitment
- Virtual Happy Hours & Coffee Breaks
- Social distancing engagement:
- Collect art, photos, poems
- More summer outreach ideas (art kits?)
- Other Business
- President’s Report
- Minutes – need to approve
- Treasurer Report – financials emailed
- Committee Updates:
- Green Team:
- Rain & Native Garden Program
- Virtual Organics Workshop – May 18
- Mini Grants:
- Approve 2020 grant recipients
- Complete Count:
- 2020 Census social media campaign and outreach
- Green Team:
- Coordinator Update:
- Armatage Park playground construction
- Mission Guardian free legal services
Accessing the meeting using Zoom: create a free Zoom account and if possible, download the free Zoom app on your device. Then using the info below to log into the meeting:
Join the Armatage Monthly Meeting Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 946 4689 1472
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Meeting ID: 946 4689 1472
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