• Final plans were approved for the Washburn tot lot and the ANA will be paying to replace picnic tables and benches and adding a bike rack (up to $17,000 in improvements).
  • Continued our neighborhood happy hours, and are engaging with new residents who have some great ideas for future events.
  • In partnership with Metro Blooms, worked with 12 area homeowners to install rain gardens. The ANA subsidized this program, contributing over $7,000, and hope to continue supporting more gardens in 2019.
  • Initiated a safety rebate program for residents and businesses and awarded 60 rebates in 2018.
  • Held a series of community conversations on pedestrian safety at 54th & Penn in November and December for residents and local businesses.
  • Sponsored holiday lights in Armatage Park and kicked off the season with Holiday Tree Lighting and Donation Drive to benefit the Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery.
Armatage Neighborhood Association