April 10 & 15, 2014 eNews

The next Armatage Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Meeting is Tuesday, April 15th at 6:30 p.m. in the Armatage Park Building (57th and Russell Ave)


Safety Update
We will be discussing the recent crime incidents in the neighborhood.  We will have many guest speakers from the Mpls. Police Department to answer questions and address concerns.
City Council update from Council Member Linea Palmisano
Molly Broder
Molly Broder from Broder’s Restaurants and Wine Bar will talk about the 70/30 petition.
Coordinator Update
The Board will be discussing GMAC and CEE funds.
Treasurer Report
Secretary Report
New Business

Free water and cookies. Hope to see you there!

Just a reminder that we will be holding our Armatage Neighborhood Meeting this evening at 6:30.  Given the recent crime activity in the neighborhood, we have gathered some special guests from the Minneapolis Police Department to come and address resident’s comments, questions and concerns.  We will also have Molly Broder from  Broder’s Restauants to talk about the 70/30 Resolution.  This is an important topic that may appear on your next voting ballot.  Council Member Linea Palmisano will also be in attendance to give us a City Council Update.  If you have not had the opportunity to come to a neighborhood meeting, this will be a great meeting to attend!
Hope to see you all tonight.
Kristina Erazmus
Armatage Neighborhood Coordinator