Adopted January 1, 2008

  • Any person or organization wishing to ask the ANA for a financial contribution must submit their request in writing or via email to the board president, secretary or NRP coordinator by the second Tuesday of the month.
  • If the request is submitted by this time, the request will placed on the next meeting’s agenda. the meeting will occur a week after, on the third Tuesday of the month.
  • Either the person submitting the request or a representative from the organization submitting the request must appear at the meeting and orally present their request to the board.
  • After the presentation and board discussion, the board will vote on the request.
  • If the request is not submitted by the second Tuesday of the month, or an individual or organization appears at the next board meeting to present their request, the board will place the request on the next month’s agenda, and will follow the procedure listed above.
Armatage Neighborhood Association