Neighborhood Houseplant Swap

Bring your house plants and cuttings to exchange with others, share tips & tricks about propagation, and make new planty friends at the Springtime in Armatage event on Saturday, May 13 from 9am–12pm.

How does a plant swap work? Each attendee brings plants or plant cuttings to share with others. New to the plant world? Bring something simple like some succulent cuttings or babies. Plant enthusiasts — bring some of your special stuff to share with the rest of the collectors. Remember that everyone is in a different place in their plant journey so be prepared to chat, trade, and learn. Learning is half the fun (collecting is the other half!) Please, no plants for sale, just trades.

Helpful tips for propagating your plants

  • How to propagate cuttings: use a sharp knife or shears, taking care not to crush the stem.
  • When taking cuttings of most leafy plants, cut low enough on the stem to leave 3-4 leaf nodes and/or 3-6 inches intact. Other plants can be propagated from one leaf, sections of leaves, or simply dividing new plantlets off the mother plant, depending on the plant.
  • Place cuttings in water immediately, or wrap in a wet paper towel and place in a plastic bag.
    • This is not necessary for cuttings that need to callus over, like succulents, cacti, sansevierias, etc.
  • Please inspect your plants for signs of disease or insects like mealy bugs or mites and “leaf” those at home.
  • This website has a more comprehensive overview for multiple types of plans and propagation:

Please bring:

  • Your plants/cuttings to share!
  • Containers for your swapped cuttings: cup, mason jar, wet paper towels in a plastic bag.
  • A tray or flat carrying surface to make bringing your new plants home easier.
  •  ~Excitement to meet other planty folks~
Armatage Neighborhood Association