January 16, 2018 Agenda

  • Welcome
  • Guest: Larry Matsumoto, City of Minneapolis, Public Works regarding road resurfacing project
  • Guest: Diamond BBQ (new restaurant going in at 54/Penn in Jensen’s)
  • City Council Update
  • Park Update, Nikki Friederich
  • President’s Report
  • Secretary Report – December minutes (approved online)
  • Treasurer Report
  • Committee Updates
    • Community Engagement
      • Washburn Park
      • Happy Hour (Jan 9)
      • Fire on Ice Skating Party (Jan 19)
      • Mobile Menders (Feb 10)
    • Green Team
    • Summer Festival
    • Micro-grant program
    • Other program/spending ideas (annual meeting idea?)
  • Coordinator Update
    • Business facade grant
    • Neighborhood Forest
    • January newsletter
  • New Business
  • Adjourn

Upcoming meetings/events

  • Fire on Ice 1/19
  • Minneapolis Connections Conference
    Saturday, February 10th
    Minneapolis Convention Center
    FREE Register online
  • ANA 2/20

Walk and Talk with your City Council Member

We will be working to pull together walk and talks with Council Members in February or March to discuss pedestrian issues around their ward and Minneapolis. Share your thoughts on how to make our streets more safe and comfortable for everyone over a stroll through your Ward.

Interested in getting involved? Click here to let us know your name, address, and what you would like to say to your Council Member. Then Our Streets staff will work with your Council Member to schedule a walk with you and others in your Ward.

MAC Meeting & Winter Listening Session on Jan 30th

In an effort to make meetings more accessible to Minneapolis residents, the next noise meeting by the Metropolitan Airport Commission will be held in the 13th Ward! This will be a great one to attend, as this meeting will be combined with their quarterly Listening Session.

The Winter Listening Session will be held Tuesday, January 30 at 7:00 PM at the Mount Olivet Lutheran Church (Main Building), 5025 Knox Avenue South, Minneapolis.

As for the agenda for the meeting, it will begin with a presentation by MAC staff. Since this meeting will take place shortly before the Super Bowl, it will include a Super Bowl update as well as an update on the January Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) meeting. After the presentation, the meeting will be opened up for some Q&A from the audience.

City taking registrations, license applications for short-term rentals such as Airbnb

The ordinance applies to dwelling units rented for a period of fewer than 30 consecutive days per leasing period. The short-term rental registration fee is $46. Rental licenses for Tier 1 properties will range from $70 to $175, plus $5 for each additional unit, and $112 to $350 for Tier 2 properties, plus $5 for each additional unit. You do not need to reapply if you have a valid rental license and are a Tier 1 or Tier 2 property.

Short-term rental hosting platforms, which collect a fee for booking services and often provide an online platform for property owners to advertise a dwelling unit, are required to submit an annual business license application. The annual license fee for a platform with fewer than 150 active Minneapolis dwelling unit listings is $630, and for a platform with 150 or more active listings in Minneapolis is $5,000.

Go to the City’s short-term rentals webpage to find registration and licenses applications. Hosting platforms can find license applications at the City’s Business Licensing website.

The new regulations will allow the City to track the number of short-term rental units in Minneapolis and require hosting platforms, such as Airbnb and VRBO, to advertise only units that have registered or obtained a rental license.


Armatage Neighborhood Association