May 17, 2016 Minutes – Annual Meeting

Armatage Neighborhood Association Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by board president Denis Houle

ANA board members in attendance: Denis Houle, Bri Keeney, Sarah Broich, Kelly Falsani, Steve Johnson, Laurel Luxenberg, Sara Emmenecker

Others in attendance: Nikki Lindberg- ANA Coordinator, Councilmember Linea Palmisano, Hennepin County Commissioner Marion Greene, Alex Anderson- Bike Fixtation, Luke Breen- Perennial Cycle, Soren Jensen- Midtown Greenway Coalition, Cycling Museum of Minnesota, Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition, approximately 10 neighbors


Board president Denis Houle welcomed everyone to the ANA Annual Meeting

Guest Presenters

Ward 13 Update- Councilmember Palmisano presented

  • Council approved complete streets policy today (includes public right of way policies)- endorsed by AARP
  • Parks agreement- council passed 20 year plan for parks and streets- councilmember worked hard on this to avoid referendum
  • Paid sick time ordinance- will be voting on this- councilmember has signed on to author this bill. Public hearing is tomorrow at 3 pm. Amendments will be discussed next Thursday.
  • 54th street construction- 2 year project (public meeting next Wed at 6:30 at City Church)
  • A neighbor reported she called the Ward 13 office 5 times and has not received any returned calls. She also expressed frustration that councilmember was not involved in Xerxes Ave meetings. Councilmember Palmisano stated she personally attended some of those meetings and that her office works hard to return all phone calls. She offered to talk with the woman individually about her experiences, but the woman left before offering her contact information.

Board Introductions

ANA board members introduced themselves

Bike Fixtation- Alex Anderson

  • Small company in South Minneapolis
  • Sell vending machines with bike stuff and make their own pumps. They have these pumps around town (very heavy duty, resilient)
  • Provides bike resources
  • Also have water stations
  • Closest station to Armatage is Lynnhurst community center
  • They sell to schools, parks departments, other institutions
  • The idea is based on the car infrastructure system- gas stations are readily available, so bike stations should be too.
  • Maps were available for neighbors to take

Perennial Cycle- Luke Breen

  • Talked about the evolution/growth of bike culture in Minneapolis
  • Demonstrated bike rack, bag to carry groceries, convertible pannier bag/backpack, phone carrier, cargo bike
  • Perennial is at 34th and Hennepin (formerly Calhoun Cycle)
  • There was a question about where to bring used bikes- suggested Sunrise Cyclery can take used bikes and also Venture North or Full Cycle

(Or Cycling Museum of MN can take bikes with historical significance)

Marion Greene- Hennepin County Commissioner

  • Brought updated Hennepin County bike maps; distributed one page of significant happenings at the county
  • Hennepin County has a 2 billion dollar annual budget; board president encouraged everyone to follow what is happening with the county
  • A neighbor asked question about LRT- no specific updates
  • A neighbor complimented the library system
  • Question about Southdale service center- Commissioner confirmed the service center will move to Southdale Mall. The library will close temporarily at some point. There will still be a library there or near there.

Midtown Greenway Coalition- Soren Jensen

  • Hennepin County owns the Greenway
  • The group is a coalition of the neighborhoods that the Greenway runs through
  • “The best urban bike trail in the nation”
  • Over 5000 people on the Greenway each day.
  • Increased cycling rates in Mpls after Greenway opened
  • Trailwatch- volunteers who ride the trail at night
  • The coalition works on things that enhance the Greenway
  • Greenway Glow- 6/18 Arts Festival (9pm to 1 am) *still need artists. There is also a 5K event this year and a 10 mile bike ride
  • Question from neighbor- what is the biggest threat to success? Soren Jensen said mugging events are rare- but there is a perception that it might be unsafe- that is the biggest challenge
  • The coalition works to increase safety; increase lighting and security cameras
  • They support a streetcar line going along the greenway, someday (WAY in the future)
  • Greenway is plowed during the winter (maintained by City of Mpls)

Board Elections

Denis Houle is up for re-election

Bri Keeney is also up for re-election

Michael Kootsikas is running for open seat

Ryan Antkowiak is also running for open seat

There is one more open seat if any neighbors are interested.

Sarah Broich, Lance Custer, Jeff Forss are leaving the board

Neighbors voted and everyone running was elected to the board.

Secretary Report

April minutes were approved via email

Treasurer Report

Treasurer shared report via email

New Business

Cynthia at 58th and Logan has been working on an art wrap for utility box at 60th and Penn. It will hopefully be done sometime this summer.

There was a motion by Kelly to adjourn, seconded by Bri. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned.