Ward 13 Community Meeting Tonight

Saturday, May 30
Register in advance here

Council Member Palmisano is hosting a community conversation tonight on Zoom with Hennepin County Commissioner Marion Greene. Please register at the link above and share this email with neighbors.  The meeting will be facilitated pro bono by Craig and Patricia Neal of the Center for Purposeful Leadership.

Neighborhood Safety:

We’re sharing safety tips that have been circulating on social media today. Please share widely and above all, stay safe.

  • Leave your lights on overnight.
  • Put trash/recycling/organics bins in garages (or out of sight under cover) so they can’t be set on fire
  • Move grills, fire pits, and anything with propane into your garage.
  • Ensure that your hoses attached to your spigot and test them and make sure they’re ready. Bucket brigades have saved businesses already.
  • If you see people lighting fires, bang pots & pans, shine light and make noise (but protect your safety). Consider keeping your car keys close so you can activate car alarms.
  • In case of emergency, fire hydrants can be opened with pipe wrenches to fill buckets for bucket brigades
  • MEET YOUR NEIGHBORS. Talk to your block, have contact info and make an e-list and/or text chain if you don’t already have one to stay in contact with one another.
  • Check in on your vulnerable neighbors to find out how they are and what they want/need.
  • Remove sharp tools or anything that could be used as a weapon from your property.
  • Protect your safety – do not confront anyone. The folks coming from outside of our communities are NOT our neighbors and are not listening.
  • Be vigilant, follow the curfew and have a safety plan for your home including fire escape routes.
Armatage Neighborhood Association