Want to keep the Summer Festival, Halloween at the Park, Happy Hours, rain garden funding, Fire on Ice, forums on pressing community issues, neighborhood newsletter and eNews, or security rebates? These and more are all services provided and supported by the Armatage Neighborhood Association. Funding for neighborhood groups like ANA and the events we support runs out next year.

The City of Minneapolis is reviewing new guidelines, funding, and whether neighborhood organizations will continue to exist to support our community’s needs. The vision of Neighborhoods 2020 is to have an inclusive community where all people are valued, all communities are engaged, and leadership mirrors the great diversity of the city. See the new recommendations at http://www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/ncr/2020 and submit your comments in support of continued funding and support for neighborhoods in one of the following ways:

*Leave text message or voicemail: (612) 440-5762.
*Email: neighborhoods2020@minneapolismn.gov.
*Write to: Neighborhood and Community Relations
105 5th Ave South, Suite 425
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Call 612-673-3737

Please cc the ANA at anacoordinator@armatage.org and Council Member Linea Palmisano at Linea.palmisano@minneapolismn.gov. Thanks for making your voice heard.

Armatage Neighborhood Association