Meeting highlights

Guest Presenters

  • The Southwest Business Association (SWBA) presented information about an upcoming ballot initiative: YES ON 1 MPLS. A “yes” vote means that Minneapolis residents choose to eliminate outdated regulations that make it expensive and cumbersome for a local restaurant to obtain a license to serve liquor. Lifting the old regulation means leveling the playing field for all neighborhood restaurants, and as a result, providing more choices for diners. SWBA, Council Member Palmisano, and local restaurants, including representatives from Red Wagon who attended the meeting, are in favor of this initiative.
  • Two committees are working on the future park space plans, one for the outdoor park facilities across Southwest Minneapolis  the other for the trails along the Minnehaha Creek  Both are working, with Park planners, etc., on releasing design options. You can share your ideas, keep on on these projects, and learn about your chance to see plans and more through their websites, and by signing up for email updates (links above).

City Council Update

  • Monday from 7:00-8:00pm at Armatage rec center, Palmisano Presents will be addressing the proposed budget recently proposed by the Mayor.
  • Early voting begins at City Hall on Friday. There will be select locations across the City open for early voting (locations TBD) the week prior to the Nov. 6th election.
  • There are 3 ballot initiatives to be aware of: 1) the one present above; 2) a request to increase the levy for school funding; and 3) a new levy for technology in schools. You learn more about these and other items on the ballot online.
  • The 2nd draft of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan is scheduled to be made public by the end of September. Armatage and Kenny neighborhoods will be hosting a joint meeting to discuss these updates after they each have brief business meetings on October 16. Armatage will have their business meeting 6:30-7:15, and will be joined by Kenny residents (meeting 6:00-7:00) along with Council Member Palmisano to focus on what was changed, and what more may need to be addressed in the City’s comprehensive plan for the future of Minneapolis.

At the Park

  • Halloween at the Park will be on Friday, October 25 from 6:00-8:30pm. This is a free event with wagon rides, bonfire, treat trail, and more! (see flyer for more details)
  • The park will be hosting a new gentle yoga program on Tuesday mornings.
  • More than 65 volunteer coaches are involved in youth sports this fall, supporting 15 flag football and 19 soccer teams. Thank you to these volunteers!
  • Improvements to the Washburn Tot Lot are underway!

Other Business

  • November Happy Hour will move to November 13 so as to not conflict with the election. Mark your calendars!
  • We will again host a charily drive and tree lighting event. Trees will be lit on Friday, November 23 at 7pm. We will be collecting diapers and formula for the Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery. More info to come!
  • 12 homeowners had raingardens installed this summer through a partnership with Metro Blooms and the ANA. We hope to do this again in 2019, and will share details early next year.
  • The ANA will be looking at hosting a series of DIY type events focused on home and yard maintenance, based on input and ideas generated at our annual meeting.
Armatage Neighborhood Association