Tech Help for Seniors

Sat, April 23 | 1:00-3:00pm
Armatage Community Center (2500 West 57th St)

Need help with Zoom? Sharing photos or videos? Setting up a new app?  Drop by the Armatage Community Center  on Sat, April 23 from 1:00-3:00pm for free tech help! All are welcome to come, whether you live in the Armatage neighborhood or not.

We’re partnering with Cyber Seniors, a nonprofit that trains Minneapolis teens and connects generations!

Bring your phone, computer, tablet or other device AND your questions to get help from friendly, trained teens who will walk you through solutions step by step.

To keep the event safe for all, please wear a mask while indoors at the Armatage Community Center. Questions?  Please give us a call at 612-466-0296.

Armatage Neighborhood Association