Thanks to those who could make it last night – it was great to get the ball rolling.

A few things we have set already:
Date – Monday, Aug 8 (6-8:30)
Showmobile is reserved
We have “Where the Wild Things Are” for the Movie in the Park to take place after the festival
Decided to make the wristbands $5 (with a $10 cap per family) — if we are able to have success with sponsorships this should be a fine change financially
Because of the sponsorship focus and the success of the raffle, we will focus on raffle prizes, pulled throughout the event — and move the drum out closer to the Showmobile so we can announce winners from the stage

A few things we have folks working on nailing down:
Denis will contact the Melvilles to see if they can play again this year
Anne & Nikki will contact some food vendors
Ryan & Nikki are going to meet to carve off some of the sponsor contact duties (others welcome to help with this as well!)
Judy spoke with a realtor in the neighborhood – we will try to follow up regarding hosting something (maybe like Keith’s cake walk)

Things we are working on:
Always looking for good contacts for sponsorship — we are developing a more sophisticated program, and I will forward a document for everyone to review — this will outline the opportunities and then we can work on matching up places with areas that make sense, etc.
We had 4 carnival games last year (the Elephant for pre-schoolers, Football Toss, Putting Green and Plinko) — looking for ideas for some easy to run games that we might be able to add. Especially interested in ideas for the non-elementary school ages (middle, high school, and those without kids). Some ideas: Giant Jenga, the Mathnasium might have a large chess board, Corn Hole (bean bag toss), Shoe Kick

We plan to meet again in early April. Feel free to send ideas my way and I will gather them to share with the committee. Since most of the board seems interested in helping (hurray!) I will continue to update you all. If you want a “job” let me know and we can chat about what works best for your schedule/interest!

Nikki Lindberg, Coordinator

Armatage Neighborhood Association