NCR – City of Minneapolis Neighborhood and Community Relations Department
Created in 2008. Part of the broader City Coordinator department. Serves residents directly and supports all other City departments with enterprise guidance in the realm of strong neighborhood and community relationships. Administers the Community Participation Program (CPP) and the Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP).
CPP – Community Participation Program
Provides funding for neighborhood organizations’ community engagement activities, related administrative expenses, and Neighborhood Priority Plans (NPP). Administered by the NCR. Funding first provided in 2011. NOT the same as the Citizen Participation Program, which was funded by Community Development Block Grants (CDBG).
DFD – Development Finance Department
Provides contracting and technical support to the NCR, neighborhood organizations and third-party vendors on NRP and community participation issues.
NCEC – Minneapolis Neighborhood and Community Engagement Commission
Provides input to the NCR.
NPP – Neighborhood Priority Plan
Identifies major initiative(s) for the neighborhood organization and communicates neighborhood priorities to the City and other jurisdictional partners. May or may not include neighborhood or City funding. New element starting in the 2012-2013 CPP funding cycle.
NRP – Neighborhood Revitalization Program
Created in the early 1990s as a 20-year program to revitalize Minneapolis neighborhoods. Was governed by the Policy Board, including representatives from each of the NRP’s governing jurisdictions (City of Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minneapolis Public Schools, Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board) as well as representatives from neighborhoods, labor, private foundations, community groups and the State Legislature. Neighborhoods developed Phase I and Phase II Action Plans. NRP office closed the end of 2011.