Category Archives: New Board Member

January 26, 2021 eNews

January 19, 2021 Meeting Recap

Thank you to everyone who voted in the Special Election last week – it was a close race. Congratulations to our newly-elected board member, Nikki Lindberg!

The ANA also discussed potential changes to the Mini Grant program, the Green Team’s upcoming Let’s Talk About Plastic series and Reading Circle (see below!), and voted to add a committee participation requirement for board members.

Transforming Community Safety Meeting

The City of Mpls will host upcoming Transforming Community Safety meeting tonight (Tuesday, January 26).  See below for info and how to participate:

Transforming Community Safety online meeting

6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 26
Learn more about the City’s work to transform community safety and upcoming engagement opportunities. RSVP here to attend.

Read more about the City’s work on community safety here.

Learn More AND Limit Your Use of Plastic

There is still time to sign up to learn about the problems with plastic, why recycling alone isn’t the answer, and practical strategies to rethink your purchasing and drastically limit your use of this problematic material. Open to all even if you don’t live in Armatage. Register at

  • Through Jan 31: Get a link to screen the groundbreaking film, The Story of Plastic, and learn the real truth behind the global plastic pollution crisis from the comfort of your home.
  • Jan 28 at 7:30pm: Attend our free virtual workshop on The Problem with Plastic & Practical Alternatives. Fabulous speakers from the City of Minneapolis, Eureka Recycling & local zero waste hub Tare Market will share an insider’s look at the challenges with plastic recycling in Minneapolis, where our plastics go for recycling, and LOTS of strategies to meaningfully reduce your use of plastic at home and move toward zero waste.

Winter Reading Circle

We’re excited for our first-ever Reading Circle, hosted by the Armatage Green Team! This will be a slothful book club: each month, neighbors will read one section of All We Can Save – Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis and come together as a group to discuss. Sign up for the first meeting on Monday 2/1 at 7:00pm on Zoom at

Need a book? Times are tight and we can help: email and we will bring you a copy.

Armatage Welcome Bags

Attention new neighbors! If you’ve recently moved into the neighborhood, we want to bring you a Welcome Bag! The groovy, reusable tote bag’s contents include useful information on the Armatage Neighborhood Association (ANA), elected representatives, governmental services, local businesses, and a couple of fun items to welcome you.

  • Homeowners: be on the lookout for friendly ANA volunteers Ethan (pictured) or Kevin with a Welcome Bag with your name on it! They’ll swing by to do a masked, distanced drop-off.
  • Renters: if you are a renter who moved in during the past year or if you own a rental property in the neighborhood and have new tenants, please reach out to us at and let us know where we can drop off a Welcome Bag!

Block Leader Contact Info

We’re gathering block leader contact information for every block in Armatage and need your help! Currently, block leader information cannot be shared or accessed by the neighborhood. If you are a block leader, please send your name, address, email address, phone, and the block(s) that you represent to me at

Interested in learning more about block and apartment clubs and how they work? Visit

Keep Calm and Use Less Salt

When snow and ice melt, the road salt must go somewhere. When over applied, the excess salt flows directly into ditches and storm drains and then into lakes, streams, wetlands, and groundwater. Salt does not breakdown or degrade over time and instead will persist, permanently polluting our waterways.

Less is more when it comes to applying salt because at high concentrations, chloride can harm the fish and plant life in our waters and alter the taste of drinking water. In fact, the salt sitting on the pavement is no longer helping us, it’s hurting us and polluting our waters. We’ve all seen it and now it’s time to address the problem head on.

More salting does not mean more melting. Remember these 4 steps during our next storm:

  • Shovel and scrape before snow compacts,
  • Select the correct de-icer,
  • Scatter salt only where critical, and
  • Sweep up and reuse leftover salt.

Salt is widely used and is an important public safety tool in winter conditions. The goal is not to compromise public safety, but instead advocate how we can wisely use salt to provide safe conditions and be mindful of the environment. If you’re interested in learning more or have any questions, feel free to reach out to Lianna at

November 19, 2020 eNews

Support the Armatage Neighborhood!

Support your neighborhood nonprofit with a donation on Give to the Max Day! Small or large, every  donation helps us engage community members, advocate for the neighborhood, and serve as a critical connector between residents and local government.

Visit…/Armatage-Neighborhood-Association to donate.

Welcome to New Board Members!

Congratulations to Vikisha Goberdhan and Ethan Komoroski on being elected to the ANA Board!  And thanks to everyone who joined to vote in this month’s Special Election.

At the November 17 meeting, the ANA Board approved year-end expenses, discussed proposed changes to the board and committee expectations and renewed staffing contracts for our Coordinator, Lauren Anderson, and our Accountant, Rachel Ireland-Henry.

Armatage Holiday Light Tour

Enjoy the colorful city streets and light displays of the Armatage Neighborhood this holiday season with our first-ever Holiday Light Tour from 5:00-8:00pm on Friday, December 11 through Sunday, December 20.

Sign up for the Tour

Click here to register for the tour by Tuesday, December 8 and be a bright spot in the neighborhood this season! By signing up you agree to have your address published on the tour map. Just like our Halloween Tour, we’ll ask visitors to vote for their favorites after visiting each stop on the tour. The three addresses with the most votes will each win a $50 gift card to an Armatage business!

Palmisano Presents Tonight!

Email to attend Council Member Linea Palmisano’s community presentation and discussion on the Minneapolis’s proposed 2021 budget  tonight (Thursday, November 19) from 6:30-8:00pm.

Minneapolis Solid Waste & Recycling Survey

Got a few minutes? Take Minneapolis Solid Waste & Recycling’s survey on how your waste generation and purchasing behaviors have changed since March. The responses are anonymous and will serve as a guide for developing community outreach and educational messaging for 2021. The survey will close December 20 at 11:59 p.m. but don’t wait, fill it out today. Take the survey here.

Sign up for Snow Emergency Alerts

Snow season has arrived! Avoid a ticket and tow and help crews do a complete job plowing the streets by moving your car when a Snow Emergency is declared. In addition to the mailing the City of Mpls recently sent out to all residents, there are a few key things you can do to make sure you don’t miss a Snow Emergency alert:

Transforming Community Safety Survey Closes Friday

There’s just over a day left to provide your input on what community safety looks like and share your ideas about a new model of community safety for the City of Minneapolis. Your input will help inform efforts to expand and improve the public safety system, with the goal of ensuring that every single person in Minneapolis can trust they’ll be kept safe. Stay up to date on this process at

Survey links:

COVID-19 Housing Assistance

Minnesota’s COVID-19 Housing Assistance Program helps cover housing expenses such as rent, mortgage, utilities or other housing-related costs for eligible renters and homeowners in communities across the state. People in Minnesota interested in applying for assistance can call the Greater Twin Cities United Way’s 211 Resource Helpline at 651-291-0211, visiting or texting “MNRENT” or “MNHOME” to 898-211. The 211 Helpline has dedicated multilingual staff to answer questions about the COVID-19 Housing Assistance Program 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. You can also check the COVID-19 Housing Assistance Program frequently asked questions.

Hennepin County also continues to offer emergency rental assistance for residents with low incomes who have been financially harmed by COVID-19. Residents can learn more and apply at

Give Feedback on the Proposed 2020 Budget

Share your thoughts on Mayor Frey’s recommended 2021 City Budget by submitting a comment online or at an upcoming virtual public hearing:

  • 6:05pm on Wednesday, December 2
  • 6:05pm on Wednesday, December 9

Learn how to participate in online public hearings here. Comments submitted online will be entered into the public record and shared with the mayor and council members. The City Council is scheduled to vote on adopting the budget on Wednesday, Dec. 9. Visit the City’s website to learn more about the mayor’s recommended budget, key dates in the approval process, FAQs and more. You can also watch a series of videos on the City’s budget process.

New Stay Home Order Takes Effect Friday

Tomorrow (Friday, November 20), new statewide restrictions will go into effect to combat the dangerous spike in COVID-19 cases that has occurred this fall. Some of these changes include:

  • All bars and restaurants will end dine-in service and operate exclusively with takeout or delivery. This is a great opportunity to support our neighborhood businesses by getting take out!
  • Fitness centers and gyms will be closed.
  • Adult and youth sports practices and competitions will be paused (professional and collegiate sports will continue).
  • Minnesotans should not gather with anyone outside their immediate household, whether indoors or outdoors.
  • During the next four weeks, no person outside of the immediate household be brought into your home, except if certain exceptions apply.
  • Weddings, funerals, and other similar planned ceremonies can be held with the current rules in place, but all receptions and gatherings around these ceremonies must be canceled or postponed.

This is an incredibly challenging time for all. Learn more at

June 23, 2020 eNews

Community Conversation This Thursday

Thursday, June 25

Join the ANA for a second Community Conversation this week on Zoom to continue our dialogue on where we go from here as a neighborhood and a broader community. The discussion will include community engagement, safety, equity and anti-racism and we’ll be joined by Ward 13 City Council Member Linea Palmisano.

Neighborhood Art Journal Submissions Due 6/30

We need art more than ever. Please share pictures of what you and your family members have done to express yourselves creatively by June 30. We will assemble your submissions into a journal to document this moment of time in Armatage.

A free pdf of the art journal will available to download at and we will possibly feature your submission in ANA communications about this project or in a future community mural. Check out submission guidelines and an awesome video about this project at

Proposed Armatage Neighborhood Funding Cuts

The City of Minneapolis is considering a plan that would drastically reduce the annual funding for Armatage and many other neighborhoods. The last few months have reinforced how critical strong, local communities are and we believe there can be a better balance that will increase funding for equity while allowing small neighborhoods like Armatage to keep doors open.

We Need Your Help

Visit for a message you can copy and send to the Mpls City Council by July 15, 2020.

2020 Board Election Results

Thank you to everyone who voted in the 2020 Armatage Board Election!  We received 119 votes in total and it was a close election. Congratulations to the newly elected ANA Board Members:

  • Samantha Bild
  • Sean D. Burke
  • Sharla McIntosh-Ziegler
  • Kevin Ross
  • Adriana Dobrzycka (current ANA Board member elected to a new term)

Emergency Rental Assistance Available

Hennepin County has extended its emergency rental assistance program to include residents of Minneapolis. Learn more and apply at Please share widely!

Evictions Suspended Until July 13

The governor’s latest extension of the peacetime emergency means that the suspension of evictions and landlord-initiated lease terminations remains in place until July 13. This suspension will allow households to remain sheltered during the peacetime emergency. The executive order does not relieve a tenant’s obligation to pay rent.

Vote by Mail Info

With a probable wave more COVID-19 cases later this year, we encourage you to request an absentee ballot now. It only takes a couple minutes to request ballots for both the primary and the general election. Ballots will arrive with postage-paid envelopes for return. To complete this application online you must:

  • Be eligible to register and vote in Minnesota (check or update your voter registration here)
  • Provide an email address
  • Provide your identification number: MN-issued driver’s license, Minnesota ID card or last 4 digits of Social Security Number

Register for Pickle Ball Leagues at Kenny and Fuller

Need some physically distanced fun in a park this summer? The MPRB is offering Pickle Ball at both Kenny and Fuller Parks starting in July. Click on the links below to sign up:

Lifeguards Return to Select Mpls Beaches

If you’re thinking of heading to a Minneapolis beach to cool off, there will now be lifeguards at select beaches during the weekends with more lifeguard hours to come during weekdays. Click here to see hours, locations and water safety info.

Mask Up Mpls

ICYMI, cloth masks or face coverings are required at all indoor public spaces in Minneapolis. Masks can help prevent you from infecting others, especially in situations where you may spread the virus without symptoms. Even while wearing a mask, you still need to wash your hands frequently, cover your cough, and practice physical distancing by keeping at least 6 feet of space between people.

Businesses are not required to provide masks to customers or employees, though employers are required to mandate the use of masks by their staff. Non-compliance should be reported through 311.  Learn more about the Minneapolis Mask Ordinance here.

Donate Face Masks for Mask Drive Mondays

Minneapolis residents can deliver homemade masks to their local fire station from 10:00am-2:00pm every Monday for Mask Drive Mondays.  Our closest fire stations are at 2810 W 50th St and 5410 Nicollet Ave S.

Please plan to stay 6 feet away from others when dropping off your donation. The City of Mpls will distribute the donated masks throughout Minneapolis to residents, organizations and businesses that are most in need.

Help is Available

We’re still keeping our COVID-19 Resource Page updated with links to emergency rent assistance, unemployment, food shelves, maps of local businesses offering curbside pick-up, online kids’ activities, and details on our indoor mask ordinance. Check it out at

2020 Board Election

Thank you to everyone who voted in the 2020 Armatage Board Election!

We received 119 votes in total and it was a close election. Congratulations to the newly elected ANA Board Members:

  • Samantha Bild
  • Sean D. Burke
  • Sharla McIntosh-Ziegler
  • Kevin Ross
  • Adriana Dobrzycka (current ANA Board member elected to a new term)

Voting Instructions:

armatage mapVoting begins June 9 and ends June 16 at 7:30pm during the virtual Armatage Annual Meeting. All Armatage residents 18 years and older and designated representatives of an Armatage business are eligible to vote once here. Neighborhood boundaries are shown below.

Election results will be announced live at the end of Annual Meeting on June 16 and on the website the following day. If you have any questions about this process, please contact our Coordinator, Lauren, at

There are seven (7) candidates running for the ANA Board of Directors this year. If elected, each candidate term’s will run from June 2020 – May 2022.  Learn more about the candidates through the ANA Voter Guide and vote for up to five (5) candidates.

Voter Guide: learn more about the candidates here

Click here to vote in the 2020 Board Election

May 30, 2019 eNews

May Annual Meeting & Board Elections

Thank you to everyone who made it to last week’s Armatage Annual Meeting & Board Elections!  Congratulations to our new board members Sara Fulton-Koerbling, Patty Grabski, Donté Mearon and Adam Miller!

Kenny/Armatage Neighborhood Garage Sales Start Tomorrow!

Friday, May 31 &
Saturday, June 1
8:00am – 4:00pm

Over 65 sales are happening in the Kenny and Armatage neighborhoods so you’re sure to find something new that sparks joy and save a ton over buying new!

Visit for an interactive map and full listings of this year’s sales. Paper copies will be available at the Armatage Rec Center (today through Saturday) or the Kenny Rec Center (today and tomorrow).

First-ever Armatage Green Garden Tour this Saturday

Saturday June, 1 10:00am – 12:00pm

While you’re checking out the neighborhood garage sales this Saturday, stop by the Green Team’s first-ever Armatage Green Garden Tour to visit rain gardens, native plantings, backyard composting stations and more! Garden owners will be in attendance to answer questions and help you get inspired.

The fun happens this Saturday, June 1 from 10:00am – 12:00pm. Visit for an interactive map of this year’s tour or pick up a paper copy at the Armatage Rec Center.

Southwest Parks Plan Update

A preferred concept plan for each Southwest park property will be published online by the end of May, along with another online survey for public feedback. The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) will meet several times to discuss the preferred concepts, provide direction to project staff, and ultimately make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. Check the project website at to view the concept plans (which should be available by the weekend)

All CAC meetings are open to the public and anyone interested in the refinement of these park concepts is encouraged to attend! Snacks, refreshments and passive children’s activities are provided. Please contact Cindy Anderson at 612-230-6472 or to request language, access or interpretation accommodations.

CAC Meeting #8
Thursday, June 6, 201, 6-8 pm
Painter Recreation Center, 620 W 34th St.

CAC Meeting #9
Monday, June 10, 2019, 6-8 pm
Bryant Square Recreation Center, 3101 Bryant Ave. S

CAC Meeting #10
Tuesday, June 25, 2019, 6-8 pm
Fuller Recreation Center, 4802 Grand Ave. S

Minnehaha Creek Master Plan

If you’re interested in the Southwest Parks Plan, you may also be interested in the Minnehaha Parkway Regional Trail Master Plan (called Minnehaha Creek Master Plan for short). The Minnehaha Creek Master Plan is following a similar schedule to the SW Parks Plan. The CAC recently discussed big questions uncovered during the development of initial Minnehaha Creek park concepts and preferred concepts will be published by June. Follow the link below for more information on that project.

Minnehaha Creek Master Plan Project Page

Spring Crime Prevention Tips

Spring is finally here! With the warmer weather, we all enjoy having our windows open and are busy outdoors. Minneapolis Police would like to share some crime prevention tips to help you stay safe now and for the rest of the season:

  • Keep your doors locked, even when you are home or working in the yard! Criminals look for opportunities such as open garage doors and unlocked front doors to quickly steal your belongings even when family is outside in the backyard.
  • Remember to put all ladders, tools, bikes, golf clubs, and yard equipment away when not in use. Lock these items up, even in your locked garage!
  • More about bike security… always store bicycles out of sight, in a secure location, and record the serial number. Also, take a picture of it so it can be recovered if ever stolen.
  • If you go on vacation, put a few lights on timers so they will turn off and on to give the appearance that someone is always home.
  • Be sure to roll up your car windows, remove all valuables or store in trunk, and lock every time you exit your car, even when in your own driveway!
  • Install motion lights in the front and backyard, so if someone were to approach your home, the lights will automatically come on to illuminate the area. Criminals do not like to be seen!

Princess Bride at Armatage Park

Wednesday, June 19  •  9:00pm

Join the Armatage Neighborhood Association and Armatage Park on Wednesday, June 19 for this summer’s movie in the park: The Princess Bride! The movie will start at dusk (around 9:15pm). More details to come!

May 18, 2017 eNews

Annual Meeting Highlights

  • Brief presentation regarding the construction to take place at Armatage Montessori (see below).
  • Brief park updates, including an announcement that all parks are going completely tobacco free.
  • Board elections were held (see below).
  • Updates from City Council Member Linea Palmissano
    • Because of the annual increase in crime during summer months, Minneapolis Police and engaging in Strategic Safety Partnerships. Organizations are welcome to connect with the MPD to discuss opportunities.
      • Concerns raised over rising crime, but statistically we have little to no change over the past 5 years, but more awareness through social media.
      • Concerns about policing levels and lack of patrolling in our area. Mostly a result of our low crime levels.
        • Discussion about our staffing levels in comparison to other areas in the country. Refer to this website with data on officers per capita. Minneapolis has about 20 officers for every 10,000 residents, compared to the average for cities of comparable populations of about 19.
    • Organics collection has exceeded its city-wide participation goal ahead of schedule (goal was 40% by July and we were at 42% in March).
    • Gypsy moth spraying communication efforts successful as her office as well the the MDA hotline received no calls. Conditions were ideal and maximum benefits should be gained. Second, and final, application to take place within the next week or so.
    • 54th Street construction should be complete by late September.
  • Updates from Hennepin County Commissioner Marion Greene
    • The Hennepin County Commission is made up of seven districts. We are in District 3 and the district also includes St. Louis Park. They function much like a corporate board of directors, and help oversee a $2 billion budget. Much of their budget goes towards safety net services, such as health and human services. They also look after county bridges and roads, our county library system and waste disposal.
    • The County be encouraging cities to get involved in organics recycling. In a recent study, organics was the number one area where we could reduce garbage that goes to the burner. Organics can be put toward other uses, so expanding involvement would have many levels of benefit.
    • The County offers microgrants to support small businesses in setting up recycling and composting programs.
    • Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) poses a big threat to our tree canopy which the county deems a natural resource. It is estimated that we will lose 17% of our trees due to EAB. Hennepin County is utlizing gravel bed nurseries to help reduce costs and support the growth and replanting success of new trees.
    • The Southdale Library building will be redeveloped. The county courts have moved to Bloomington and other services into Southdale Mall. It will most likely be a multiuse facility, but ideas are still being generated.
      • Affordable housing was mentioned, which is a County priority

Welcome to our board members – new and old!

There were three new people elected to the board on Tuesday night: Joel, Jim and Stephanie. We look forward to having their insights and energies working for Armatage! Continuing on the board are: Tara, Kelly, Laurel and Judy. Along with other members who are in the middle of their 2-year term, we have 11 members, filling all seats on our board. You can read about our members on our website. Officer elections will take place at our meeting on June 20.

Steve Johnson as ANA President

Steve during is time as president on the ANA in the 90s

Thank you to Steve “The Mayor of Armatage” Johnson!

After 25 years on the Armatage neighborhood board, Steve has been a part of what makes Armatage great. From nearly its inception, Steve as been engaged in helping improve our neighborhood. He was at the groundbreaking for the development of the park and school facilities we see today. We are certain we will see The Mayor at future meetings and Armatage events, and hope he enjoys his much earned retirement!

garage sale
Armatage-Kenny Neighborhood-wide Garage Sales

It’s not too late to register your garage sale for Saturday, June 3! Turn in your registration form by Monday, May 29 to be included on the printed map! Forms available for download on our website. An online map will be available before the sales.

Sign up for Adult Tennis Lessons this summer at Minneapolis parks!

10-week sessions available for Beginner, Advanced Beginner, or Intermediate lessons

Registration is now open for Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) Summer Tennis Lessons! With expert coaching from a USTA-trained instructor, our new, innovative program will have you rallying back-and-forth in no time.

We offer a variety of 10-week sessions across different skill levels and locations. Lessons begin in June.  Adult Tennis Lesson Information

National Night Out 2017

There’s still plenty of time to register a National Night Out event for your block, and as a block leader, get a free street permit for block segments that qualify! The highlight of many block clubs is this relaxed, annual get-together, a reunion of neighbors. Need some convincing? Just click on this “highlight reel” from just some of of the events during our 2016 National Night Out. Over 1,200 events took place around Minneapolis and “a fun time was had by all” as they celebrated police-community partnerships.

Natonal Night Out 2017 falls on August 1st this year — always the first Tuesday in August. You can register by using this link — 60 seconds to reserve your NNO packet which includes MOA Nickelodeon Universe Mystery Tickets for kids, and a street permit for most blocks. Permits are free for our block leaders who register by July 18!

We’re looking forward to another record year for the Minneapolis Police Department’s and the community’s participation in National Night Out! Register now!

May 18, 2016 eNews

May Annual Meeting Highlights

  • Council Member Palmisano presented an overview of much of the recent work at City Hall.
  • Bike Fixtation shared the story of how they came to be, and described the repair stations and equipment they have developed including self-service kiosks at transit hubs. You can find their stations across the metro on Zap.
  • Perennial Cycle brought in bikes to demonstrate some of cool and efficient ways you can carry things on your bike, from laptop to a bag of groceries and more!
  • We got a surprise visit from Marion Green our Hennepin County district representative.
  • Great information was shared about the Midtown Greenway project and their upcoming Greenway Glow event (which is looking for artists!).
  •  Neighbors were able to learn about the Cycling Museum of Minnesota which got a nice write-up in the Strib.
  •  The Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition shared information about protected bikeways and advocates for safe routes for cyclists. Plus has been very busy during Bike Week which is this week!
  • A variety of biking maps were available for attendees (and some extras are available at the park).

Board Elections

We are also excited to have Ryan Antkowiak and Michael Kootsikas as new board members with the ANA! Thanks to Ryan and Michael for volunteering – and to all our great board members who continue to work on behalf of the neighborhood. Some projects and initiatives the board is working on include:

  • Expanding park opportunities for older residents
  • Supporting the organics recycling program from the City (including hosting a workshop on Saturday, June 11 from 1-2:30pm at the park!)
  • Finding ways to connect with property owners and renters in the area
  • Improvements at the park and supporting park events
  • Celebrating our 25th anniversary
  • Connecting with neighbors in new ways (including hosting occasional happy hours, etc.)

Your ideas and input are always welcome and valued as Armatage residents! Help us spend $ the way that has the most impact and helps to improve our wonderful corner of Minneapolis.

54th Street Construction

The Department of Public Works will hold an informational meeting to address any questions that you may have about the 54th St W Reconstruction project construction. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be located at:

City Church
1501 W 54th St
Minneapolis, MN 55419

You can sign up for regular project email updates via GovDelivery and find out additional information on the project website:

Tree Trust Distibution – help needed!

As a resident of the Armatage Neighborhood, you are probably familiar with the annual Minneapolis City Trees distribution which Tree Trust facilitates for the City of Minneapolis. In fact, the Armatage Neighborhood has been one of the top participating neighborhoods to get trees so we’re hoping you may be interested in “giving back” by volunteering at the distribution.

We are specifically looking for volunteers to help at the Tree Distribution on Sunday afternoon, May 22 from 11 AM – 2:30 PM. We need volunteers to assist with pointing people in the right direction, and others who are good lifters (<30 lbs.) to help load trees into vehicles. This is a fun and very busy event, and a great opportunity to interact with others from Minneapolis who are excited to take home their new tree!

The Distribution is held at the Minneapolis Impound Lot at 51 Colfax Ave North.  Food and refreshments will be provided for all volunteers.

To sign up, please email Tate Vaughan at or call her at 952-767-3919.

Skateboard Instructional Camps

Ages 6-17
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
12-3pm ($120)

  • Week 1 (June 28-30) #61465
  • Week 2 (July 19-21) #61466
  • Week 3 (August 9-11) #61467

Monday, August 8 • 6-8:30 pm • FREE at the Armatage Summer Festival

3rd Lair expert lead instructors will provide hands-on instruction to skateboard participants of all levels. Through small group instruction and fun activities each participant will become more comfortable on their boards. Instructors will also work with the campers to help set personal goals they will work to attain each day.

Register online.

Armatage Organics Recycling Workshop

Saturday, June 11 • 1-2:30pm
Armatage Rec Center

You have a green can – now what?

Come learn from the experts about organics recycling (city-wide composting).
•    Hear about the benefits of this service
•    Learn what can go in your free compost bin and what not to compost
•    Get tips on setting up your home recycling system from neighbors
•    Armatage neighbors attending will receive free compost bags!
•    Kids welcome! Fun crafts and games to play!
•    Light snacks will be provided

Haven’t sign-up to get your organics can yet?
Sign-up during the workshop or go online
or call 311

November 17, 2015 Minutes

November 17, 2015

Armatage Neighborhood Association Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by board president Denis Houle

ANA board members in attendance: Denis Houle, Sarah Broich, Bri Keeney, Jeff Forss, Laurel Luxenberg, Tara Brown, Sara Emmenecker

Others in attendance: Nikki Lindberg- ANA Coordinator, Nikki Frederich- Park Director, Guest Speaker from Fulton neighborhood: Bart Phillips, 2 interested neighbors (Dave DeNamur and Judy Vecere)

City Council Update: No update; no one from Ward 13 office was able to attend

Park Update:

  • The Halloween event went well (4-7 time frame was good); Nikki F. thanked board for contributing to the hayride; Nikki is brainstorming new ideas for event next year
  • Basketball registration has started and the online registration is working
  • Started to prepare for ice rink
  • New program brochure is out for winter and spring programs
  • “Fire on Ice” event is on Friday 1/22; Nikki F. will communicate with Nikki L. about how board might support
  • Nikki F.’s hours are generally 10-6 and her contact info is in the brochure

Fulton Small Grant Program:

Bart Phillips from the Fulton board presented on Fulton’s Micro Grant Program

  • The program rose out of the idea that small amounts of money can be really helpful for small organizations/projects
  • It took about one year to get going
  • Overview: the program requested applications this past fall, received 7, a small group on the board reviewed apps, funded 4 of the apps in February. At the October annual meeting the groups presented about their community engagement projects.
  • The range of the grants was $500-2000; this year they are offering up to $2500
  • It was important that the projects followed the NRP rules/guidelines

Mr. Phillips further described how the applications were reviewed and answered questions about the project. He offered to assist the ANA if we are interested in pursuing a similar program.

Committee Updates:

  • Safety- there was a request for a safety committee chair. No board members volunteered at this time.
  • Community Engagement – Committee Chair Bri made requests for the board to discuss at December and January board meetings:
    1. An Armatage definition of community engagement–something we agree upon and operate under
    2. Board should set 3 engagement goals for 2016. They can be quantitative or qualitative.
      Bri will also email this request to the board.

Coordinator Update:

  • There are 6 new resident welcome bags; Nikki L. asked board members to help deliver them. Nikki also asked for ideas for things to add to the welcome bags. Email her with any ideas.
  • Nikki L. posed a question to new board members: “what do you need as a new board member?” She is working on adding a board member section to the ANA website and wants ideas for information that should be included.
  • Announced that the Fix-it loan money has now rolled into the combined account with other SW neighborhoods.
  • Blueprint for equitable engagement- the end of the month is the deadline for any feedback.
  • Grievance policy- ANA has one. Nikki L. submitted it to Michelle Chavez to review. If she approves it, we’ll leave it as is.
  • Kwan’s was able to get their beer and wine license.
  • Nikki L. announced that the ANA website is updated.
  • Nikki L. forwarded email to board with information from a community meeting about Solar Gardens. She asked board members to read this information and let her know if ANA has interest in any involvement with this.

Treasurer Report:

No report; there were no changes this past month

Secretary Report:

October meeting minutes were approved via email

New Business:

Judy expressed interest in joining the board. Jeff made a motion that Judy Vecere become a board member. Tara seconded. The motion carried.

Tara announced that she recently completed a master recycling course. She asked if the board would be interested in having her put together a plan to educate Armatage neighbors about organics recycling as it rolls out. Board members encouraged her to pursue this and noted it as a possible community engagement goal for 2016.

Denis asked board members to email him if interested in leading the micro grant program. Bri said she would be interested in being involved in this.

Nextdoor continues to have a lot of posts about package theft. There is information in the newsletter about preventing this.

There was a motion to adjourn at 7:10 pm. Motion was seconded and carried.

A Quick Guide to Acronyms

NCR – City of Minneapolis Neighborhood and Community Relations Department

Created in 2008. Part of the broader City Coordinator department. Serves residents directly and supports all other City departments with enterprise guidance in the realm of strong neighborhood and community relationships. Administers the Community Participation Program (CPP) and the Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP).

CPP – Community Participation Program

Provides funding for neighborhood organizations’ community engagement activities, related administrative expenses, and Neighborhood Priority Plans (NPP). Administered by the NCR. Funding first provided in 2011. NOT the same as the Citizen Participation Program, which was funded by Community Development Block Grants (CDBG).

DFD – Development Finance Department

Provides contracting and technical support to the NCR, neighborhood organizations and third-party vendors on NRP and community participation issues.

NCEC – Minneapolis Neighborhood and Community Engagement Commission

Provides input to the NCR.

NPP – Neighborhood Priority Plan

Identifies major initiative(s) for the neighborhood organization and communicates neighborhood priorities to the City and other jurisdictional partners. May or may not include neighborhood or City funding. New element starting in the 2012-2013 CPP funding cycle.

NRP – Neighborhood Revitalization Program

Created in the early 1990s as a 20-year program to revitalize Minneapolis neighborhoods. Was governed by the Policy Board, including representatives from each of the NRP’s governing jurisdictions (City of Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minneapolis Public Schools, Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board) as well as representatives from neighborhoods, labor, private foundations, community groups and the State Legislature. Neighborhoods developed Phase I and Phase II Action Plans. NRP office closed the end of 2011.

December 17, 2013 Minutes

Armatage Neighborhood Safety Meeting

Started at 6:31 pm

Amy Lavender, Crime Prevention Specialist

Amy distributed the Armatage Year to Date crime statistics. Our neighborhood continues to be very safe. She also distributed a block leader map and  info sheet about becoming a block leader. One of the benefits to block leaders, is that you are eligible to receive Action Alerts, helping you and your neighbors stay that much more informed about crime in your immediate area. We plan to promote the block leader recruitment at the park’s winter party, post it on Facebook and the website, as well as through email. We decided to have the map made into a poster sized board that we can use at events and mark up as we add block leaders.

Other ideas to encourage block leader involvement is to host a training, with food, inviting current leaders to share their experiences, and hopefully encourage new leaders to sign-up.
With lots of people traveling over the holidays, Amy again recommended calling or emailing her to let her know when you will be away. She will add your address to the Vacation Patrol list, which has patrols make an extra effort to check on your address when in the area.
It was also noted that our current precinct Commander, Inspector Anthony Diaz, is retiring. We all wish him well, and welcome, Lt. Todd Loining in February, as our new precinct Commander.

Armatage Neighborhood Association Meeting

Called to order at 7:00 by Betsen Philip

ANA board members in attendance: Tom Alagna, Lance Custer, Kelly Falsani, Jeff Forss, Nikki Lindberg, Betsen Philip, and Keith Swanson.

Others in attendance: Tina Erazmus, ANA staff member; David DeNamur, Bri Keeney and Joe Eiden .

2014 Meeting calendar

After reviewing the proposed 2014 meeting calendar, it was recommend we amend the by-laws to move the annual meeting and board elections to May. Such a change requires a 2/3 majority vote and must be presented with notice to the neighborhood. A motion was made to change the by-laws to reflect the board’s term of service to be from May 1-April 30.  Motion seconded. Motion carries.  We will post this proposed by-law change, and will vote in January.

It was also moved that we move the annual meeting to May, and to turn December into a “snow-day” meeting date. Subject to Amy’s availability, we would adjust safety meetings accordingly. Motion seconded. Motion carries.

MailChimp update

During the switch over from our old email system to the new MailChimp system, we captured way more subscribers, to over 600 email subscribers. MailChimp will also give us open rates, click-throughs, and the ability for people to auto subscribe and unsubscribe.

Website update

A beta version of the website was presented. Some edits were suggested. The site will go live soon.

Treasurer update

Presented current financials. Noted the receipt of the NCEC payment and some late expenses from Festival. We will have an adjustment from Maude’s (removing sales tax) from our November meeting expenses. Motion to approve the financial statements made, seconded, and carries.

Coordinator contract

Typically we review the coordinator contract in November, and will plan to do that in 2014, especially with the proposed change to the December meeting to “as needed.” The contract will remain the same (scope of work and hours allotted). A motion was made to increase the hourly rate by $1 (a 5% raise). Motion seconded and carries.

Secretary update

November minutes approved via email.

New Business

  • An update was given regarding the changes in our neighborhood, including nine families who have moved out, nine who have moved in, and that there are three new builds to start soon.
  • We are up to 253 Facebook followers, only 2 on Twitter, but over 600 email connections.
  • Bri Keeney is interested in joining the board. A motion to accept her to the open seat was made and seconded. Motion carries (for term through May when we will hold our 2014-16  board elections).

Meeting adjourned at 7:39 p.m.