Armatage Neighborhood Safety Meeting

Started at 6:31 pm

Amy Lavender, Crime Prevention Specialist

Amy distributed the Armatage Year to Date crime statistics. Our neighborhood continues to be very safe. She also distributed a block leader map and  info sheet about becoming a block leader. One of the benefits to block leaders, is that you are eligible to receive Action Alerts, helping you and your neighbors stay that much more informed about crime in your immediate area. We plan to promote the block leader recruitment at the park’s winter party, post it on Facebook and the website, as well as through email. We decided to have the map made into a poster sized board that we can use at events and mark up as we add block leaders.

Other ideas to encourage block leader involvement is to host a training, with food, inviting current leaders to share their experiences, and hopefully encourage new leaders to sign-up.
With lots of people traveling over the holidays, Amy again recommended calling or emailing her to let her know when you will be away. She will add your address to the Vacation Patrol list, which has patrols make an extra effort to check on your address when in the area.
It was also noted that our current precinct Commander, Inspector Anthony Diaz, is retiring. We all wish him well, and welcome, Lt. Todd Loining in February, as our new precinct Commander.

Armatage Neighborhood Association Meeting

Called to order at 7:00 by Betsen Philip

ANA board members in attendance: Tom Alagna, Lance Custer, Kelly Falsani, Jeff Forss, Nikki Lindberg, Betsen Philip, and Keith Swanson.

Others in attendance: Tina Erazmus, ANA staff member; David DeNamur, Bri Keeney and Joe Eiden .

2014 Meeting calendar

After reviewing the proposed 2014 meeting calendar, it was recommend we amend the by-laws to move the annual meeting and board elections to May. Such a change requires a 2/3 majority vote and must be presented with notice to the neighborhood. A motion was made to change the by-laws to reflect the board’s term of service to be from May 1-April 30.  Motion seconded. Motion carries.  We will post this proposed by-law change, and will vote in January.

It was also moved that we move the annual meeting to May, and to turn December into a “snow-day” meeting date. Subject to Amy’s availability, we would adjust safety meetings accordingly. Motion seconded. Motion carries.

MailChimp update

During the switch over from our old email system to the new MailChimp system, we captured way more subscribers, to over 600 email subscribers. MailChimp will also give us open rates, click-throughs, and the ability for people to auto subscribe and unsubscribe.

Website update

A beta version of the website was presented. Some edits were suggested. The site will go live soon.

Treasurer update

Presented current financials. Noted the receipt of the NCEC payment and some late expenses from Festival. We will have an adjustment from Maude’s (removing sales tax) from our November meeting expenses. Motion to approve the financial statements made, seconded, and carries.

Coordinator contract

Typically we review the coordinator contract in November, and will plan to do that in 2014, especially with the proposed change to the December meeting to “as needed.” The contract will remain the same (scope of work and hours allotted). A motion was made to increase the hourly rate by $1 (a 5% raise). Motion seconded and carries.

Secretary update

November minutes approved via email.

New Business

  • An update was given regarding the changes in our neighborhood, including nine families who have moved out, nine who have moved in, and that there are three new builds to start soon.
  • We are up to 253 Facebook followers, only 2 on Twitter, but over 600 email connections.
  • Bri Keeney is interested in joining the board. A motion to accept her to the open seat was made and seconded. Motion carries (for term through May when we will hold our 2014-16  board elections).

Meeting adjourned at 7:39 p.m.

Armatage Neighborhood Association