Armatage Neighborhood Association Meeting

Called to order at 6:33 by Betsen Philip

ANA board members in attendance: Tom Alagna, Sarah Broich, Kelly Falsani, Jeff Forss, Steve Johnson, Bri Keeney, Nikki Lindberg and Betsen Philip.

Others in attendance: Tina Erazmus, ANA staff member; and six neighborhood residents.

Transition Town Presentation

Mary Jean Port and Linda Ridlehuber introduced this international program focused on climate change activism on the grassroots/community level (how to make positive changes in our daily lives). They will be hosting an informational meeting at the community center on February 6 at 7:00 pm to explore the level of interest and projects that neighbors might support.

Linea Palmasino, Ward 13 City Council Member

Introduced Aide Ken Taylor (ANA’s main contact person) and Aide Emily Zeiring. Currently involved in moving and hiring. Some of the areas she will be most active include: Ways & Means, Transportation/Public Works, Civil Rights Committee, Emergency Management/Public Safety, Audit Committee, Youth Coordinating Board and Airport Working Group. The city is looking for people to be a part of a focus group relating to Animal Control (and the animal adoption process). Tax assessments are coming soon. If interested, we can have a representative come out to address questions/concerns related to these assessments. The second phase of the Penn Ave construction will begin in April. Linea’s team is meeting with Penn Ave planners to address concerns about lighting placement. She is also interested in hosting a meeting with a variety involved parties, in relation to the airport RAV and noise issues.  In relation to Xerxes Ave, the changing traffic options are part of a test to determine the best flow option. Minneapolis is to be included more in this process in the future.

Board vote: Bylaw changes from December meeting

Bylaw amendment (handout). Tom requested that we don’t change the language affecting the fiscal year (keeping it March 1 – Feb 28) and instead put in an addition of the board membership year to run May 1 – April 30. Motion, as amended, made and seconded. Motion carries.


Motion to approve calendar with change of Safety meeting from September to October, made and seconded. Motion carries.

Park Update – Kris Stevens, Park Director

Basketball has been going great, with a significant increase in involvement. There is just under one month left for the ice rink. The warming house is open weekdays 3:00-9:00, Saturday 10:00-9:00 and Sunday noon-6:00. On school release days, they open at noon. If the wind chill is below -20, they are required to close. The Park Board keep track of facility usage,  and may look at closing some rinks that aren’t being used, so be sure to skate!

Coordinator Update

  • Amy Lavendar has new job and we haven’t been notified as to her replacement yet.  May see if Chelsea can do block leader training at Armatage. Because of change will have to see how we will move forward with our block leader planning.
  • Website is in the final stages (adding links, stores, etc.), and will launch soon. New features include a way to donate through Razoo and the ability to view the site on a mobile device. It was suggested that we look at creative ways to encourage donations (especially for Give to the Max Day in 2014), such as what your money can help support (food at festival, prizes for games, etc.).
  • The first MailChimp email was sent out and had a good response rate. It is easy to use, provides great stats, and we hope it continues to be well received.
  • Steve said he could get an HDMI cord that we can keep for the ANA for future meeting needs.

Treasurer Report

Updated financial report distributed.

Secretary Report

December minutes approved via email.

New Business

  • Notecards for ANA – Tina will get cost & layout ideas.
  • Kenny’s ice rink was having hot cocoa available Friday night’s at the ice rink (promoting a Family Skate Night). Motion made to purchase hot cocoa to support the park and the Free Saturday Skate & Snack (with the park to contribute popcorn). Motion seconded. Carries.

Meeting adjourned at 7:44 p.m.

Armatage Neighborhood Association