ANA board members in attendance: Tom Alagna, Sarah Broich, Kelly Falsani, Jeff Forss, Denis Houle,
Steve Johnson, Nikki Lindberg, and Keith Swanson.

Others in attendance: Tina Erazmus, ANA staff member; Kris Stevens, Park Director; Matt Perry, NEHBA;
Amy Lavender, Crime Prevention Specialist, and 26 neighbors.

NOTE: Email votes since last meeting:

Motion to approve the Bellwether grant application subject to the following stipulations:
1.) all appropriate procedures and documentation is provided as per our Facade Improvement Policy
2.) we have verified that Bellwether is not in the scope of Lynnhurst’s original grant application (and thus, we do not have a conflicting jurisdiction issue), and Bellwether hasn’t applied to Lynnhurst for reimbursement
Motion carries.

Motion to update our donation policy to read as follows:
“As each donation request is unique, expectations and outcomes of each party will be agreed upon in writing prior to funds being granted.”
Motion carries.

Armatage Neighborhood Association Meeting

Called to order at 7:02 by Kelly Falsani

NPP Priorities — Neighborhood Vote

The Neighborhood Priority Plan recommendations compiled from the three surveys conducted over the past year, were presented to those in attendance. The board’s suggested actions based on these results, focused on the issue of safety, as the top priority demonstrated through these surveys. The board recommends recruiting more block leaders, as well as other actions which may include safety workshops, a “leave the lights on” campaign, traffic safety and RNAV (airport noise) issues.

A question was raised about environmental issues. An overview of the process required by the city was given, stating that the we were responding to the top issue, but that we are glad to hear other issues if they are of interest to residents. We would be able to modify this priority plan in the future provided we have neighborhood support and interest. Neighbors can share these interests and ideas at the monthly meetings. The raw survey results will be added to our website for neighborhood reference. We also maintain an fairly active Facebook pate.

Shevy Crowly moved to accept the proposal as presented. David DeNamur seconded the motion.
28 voted in favor
0 against
No abstentions
Motion carries.

Amy made a plea for block leaders. Explaining what is expected (which is minimal) and their importance to neighborhood safety. Jeff & Keith from the board both gave glowing recommendations to about Amy and her responsiveness and helpfulness. Her contact information is available on our website.

Armatage Treasurers Presentations

Jerry Peterson, park director at Armatage for 11 years, created the Youth Start program, wrote many grants for the park, including for the underground sprinkler system, helped coordinate the merger of the Kenny/Armatage sport programs (KPAC) as well as many other actions that helped make our community center and neighborhood park the wonderful place it is today.

Jen Swanson,  neighborhood coordinator for 10 years, Manage over $300, 000 in neighborhood funds, wrote numerous grants, oversaw park improvements, helped develop a new neighborhood logo and boundary signs, created welcome packets for new residents, coordinated numerous festivals, and so much more. We are very indebted to her for all her years of service and her continued support of the neighborhood.

We wish them both all the best in their future endeavors.

New Business

A question was asked about in-fill housing, and what was the primary cause. It is actually a combination of homeowners building their dream homes, as well as builders remodeling/rebuilding in desirable neighborhoods as more people want to stay or move into the city. Although there have been limits put in by the city on in-fill housing, there are still issues that need to be addressed. This is something that the city council will be reconsidering in the next year, hopefully.

Keith mentioned, now that Penn open again, the crosswalk light at 56th & Penn will automatically function one direction, but if you are going across 56th it won’t trigger without button being pushed. Just requested that you help children at the corner if they are not crossing because the light isn’t changing.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

Armatage Neighborhood Association