ANA board members in attendance: Tom Alagna, Sarah Broich, Lance Custer, Steve Johnson, Nikki Lindberg, and Betsen Philip.

Others in attendance: Tina Erazmus, ANA staff member; Kris Stevens, Park Director; Matt Perry, NEHBA; Danielle Walczak and David DeNamur.

NOTE: Email votes since last meeting:

Motion was made to approve the application by Kurt Bohnen of Penn Mobil for a Great Streets Facade Improvement Matching Grant to be paid out upon completion of the project following all stipulated guidelines and processes of the Great Streets Facade Improvement Program. Motion carries.

September minutes were approved.

Armatage Neighborhood Association Meeting

Called to order at 6:30 by Betsen Philip

CPP Priorities — Survey Summary

The results from three the surveys have been compiled. The top three areas of concern for residents are (in order) Safety, Building a Sense of Community and Natural Environment. Below are the suggested action items supporting these priorities, which must be voted on by the neighborhood. We are required to provide 21 days notice for this vote, and it will be posted online and sent via email, and will take place at our November meeting.
Recruit more block leaders
“This is your speed” sign
Personal and home safety workshops
Bike racks (at business nodes and park)
Airport noise issue

Website discussion

The estimate from Javicom to update, redesign and maintain our ANA website was presented. Motion was made to sign a contract with Javicom, not to exceed current estimate ($1,075) for the website work stated. Discussion: Concerns about losing him as we have lost others in the past, but since this is his business, may be less of a risk than an neighborhood volunteer (who may move away). It was also suggested that we look into finding an agency who might be willing to work with us as a non-profit, and mitigate some of this sort of risk for us over time. Could also post skills needed to the neighborhood and develop others who could be available as back-up, and not put all of our website needs on one person. Motion carries.

November meeting discussion

Originally, we had the idea of doing an off site meeting in November for the CPP vote and socializing. Since meeting with Kevin and Todd at Cafe Maude, and sharing our estimate of 75 in attendance, they feel it would be better to instead cater our event at the community center. Cost from Maude’s would be about $10/person. Still think this could appeal to neighbors, and help increase attendance in November, plus it would be a nice time to thank Jerry & Jen for their years of service. We can create an evite, post the event details online, and use the park sign. Some concerns were raised about possible weather-related effects (like the poor attendance in March), but a risk we are willing to take right now. Motion was made to have Cafe Maude cater the November meeting at the park, not to exceed $750. Motion carries.

Coordinator Update — Tina Erazmus

City Council updates: The Penn Ave bridge is now open. There are several areas requiring small repairs, and will be finishing those soon. Pedestrian/street lights should be installed later this in fall.
Ward 13 candidate forum (October 22 at 7pm at Burroughs)– As a neighborhood we have been asked to submit a question that will be posed to the candidates. In order to have more time to think about and construct a good question, the board will do this over email.

Park Update — Kris Stevens

Annual Halloween party will be on October 31, 6-8 pm. Hotdog, chips, drink dinner available. Activities include a haunted house, horse drawn hayride, s’mores around the fire and candy for the kids. All ages welcome.

Youth Basketball program (K-12) registration starts in November (at Armatage on 12 & 19, at Kenny on
14 & 21, from 6:30-8pm).

Treasurer Update — Tom Alagna

No update.

New Business

Donation Request Policy: In June we were asked by NEHBA for $250 in support of an ice cream social and a Penn Ave reopening celebration, which we supported. We have since learned that the reopening celebration happened without ANA awareness, any promotion that we know of, nor any publicly posted invitations. Moving forward, it is suggested we adopt a policy that we will only release funds after we know that we have gotten what we were promised, and to be sure to be clear about what it is we are expecting in return for our donation. Motion carries.

(As a point of clarification, Matt from the NEHBA, heard similar concerns from Kenny. Although the business owner in Armatage took on the responsibility for planning the celebration, NEHBA was also not included in the arrangements. NEHBA has received a check from Kenny (ours is yet to come) and they only reimburse with receipts.  Concerns were also raised over NEHBA’s role as overseer for these events, and it was agreed that we all have learned from this experience.)

Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

Special Guest: Fair Vote, Josh

Armatage Neighborhood Association