Support the Armatage Neighborhood!

Support your neighborhood nonprofit with a donation on Give to the Max Day! Small or large, every  donation helps us engage community members, advocate for the neighborhood, and serve as a critical connector between residents and local government.

Visit…/Armatage-Neighborhood-Association to donate.

Welcome to New Board Members!

Congratulations to Vikisha Goberdhan and Ethan Komoroski on being elected to the ANA Board!  And thanks to everyone who joined to vote in this month’s Special Election.

At the November 17 meeting, the ANA Board approved year-end expenses, discussed proposed changes to the board and committee expectations and renewed staffing contracts for our Coordinator, Lauren Anderson, and our Accountant, Rachel Ireland-Henry.

Armatage Holiday Light Tour

Enjoy the colorful city streets and light displays of the Armatage Neighborhood this holiday season with our first-ever Holiday Light Tour from 5:00-8:00pm on Friday, December 11 through Sunday, December 20.

Sign up for the Tour

Click here to register for the tour by Tuesday, December 8 and be a bright spot in the neighborhood this season! By signing up you agree to have your address published on the tour map. Just like our Halloween Tour, we’ll ask visitors to vote for their favorites after visiting each stop on the tour. The three addresses with the most votes will each win a $50 gift card to an Armatage business!

Palmisano Presents Tonight!

Email to attend Council Member Linea Palmisano’s community presentation and discussion on the Minneapolis’s proposed 2021 budget  tonight (Thursday, November 19) from 6:30-8:00pm.

Minneapolis Solid Waste & Recycling Survey

Got a few minutes? Take Minneapolis Solid Waste & Recycling’s survey on how your waste generation and purchasing behaviors have changed since March. The responses are anonymous and will serve as a guide for developing community outreach and educational messaging for 2021. The survey will close December 20 at 11:59 p.m. but don’t wait, fill it out today. Take the survey here.

Sign up for Snow Emergency Alerts

Snow season has arrived! Avoid a ticket and tow and help crews do a complete job plowing the streets by moving your car when a Snow Emergency is declared. In addition to the mailing the City of Mpls recently sent out to all residents, there are a few key things you can do to make sure you don’t miss a Snow Emergency alert:

Transforming Community Safety Survey Closes Friday

There’s just over a day left to provide your input on what community safety looks like and share your ideas about a new model of community safety for the City of Minneapolis. Your input will help inform efforts to expand and improve the public safety system, with the goal of ensuring that every single person in Minneapolis can trust they’ll be kept safe. Stay up to date on this process at

Survey links:

COVID-19 Housing Assistance

Minnesota’s COVID-19 Housing Assistance Program helps cover housing expenses such as rent, mortgage, utilities or other housing-related costs for eligible renters and homeowners in communities across the state. People in Minnesota interested in applying for assistance can call the Greater Twin Cities United Way’s 211 Resource Helpline at 651-291-0211, visiting or texting “MNRENT” or “MNHOME” to 898-211. The 211 Helpline has dedicated multilingual staff to answer questions about the COVID-19 Housing Assistance Program 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. You can also check the COVID-19 Housing Assistance Program frequently asked questions.

Hennepin County also continues to offer emergency rental assistance for residents with low incomes who have been financially harmed by COVID-19. Residents can learn more and apply at

Give Feedback on the Proposed 2020 Budget

Share your thoughts on Mayor Frey’s recommended 2021 City Budget by submitting a comment online or at an upcoming virtual public hearing:

  • 6:05pm on Wednesday, December 2
  • 6:05pm on Wednesday, December 9

Learn how to participate in online public hearings here. Comments submitted online will be entered into the public record and shared with the mayor and council members. The City Council is scheduled to vote on adopting the budget on Wednesday, Dec. 9. Visit the City’s website to learn more about the mayor’s recommended budget, key dates in the approval process, FAQs and more. You can also watch a series of videos on the City’s budget process.

New Stay Home Order Takes Effect Friday

Tomorrow (Friday, November 20), new statewide restrictions will go into effect to combat the dangerous spike in COVID-19 cases that has occurred this fall. Some of these changes include:

  • All bars and restaurants will end dine-in service and operate exclusively with takeout or delivery. This is a great opportunity to support our neighborhood businesses by getting take out!
  • Fitness centers and gyms will be closed.
  • Adult and youth sports practices and competitions will be paused (professional and collegiate sports will continue).
  • Minnesotans should not gather with anyone outside their immediate household, whether indoors or outdoors.
  • During the next four weeks, no person outside of the immediate household be brought into your home, except if certain exceptions apply.
  • Weddings, funerals, and other similar planned ceremonies can be held with the current rules in place, but all receptions and gatherings around these ceremonies must be canceled or postponed.

This is an incredibly challenging time for all. Learn more at

Armatage Neighborhood Association