November 17, 2015

Armatage Neighborhood Association Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by board president Denis Houle

ANA board members in attendance: Denis Houle, Sarah Broich, Bri Keeney, Jeff Forss, Laurel Luxenberg, Tara Brown, Sara Emmenecker

Others in attendance: Nikki Lindberg- ANA Coordinator, Nikki Frederich- Park Director, Guest Speaker from Fulton neighborhood: Bart Phillips, 2 interested neighbors (Dave DeNamur and Judy Vecere)

City Council Update: No update; no one from Ward 13 office was able to attend

Park Update:

  • The Halloween event went well (4-7 time frame was good); Nikki F. thanked board for contributing to the hayride; Nikki is brainstorming new ideas for event next year
  • Basketball registration has started and the online registration is working
  • Started to prepare for ice rink
  • New program brochure is out for winter and spring programs
  • “Fire on Ice” event is on Friday 1/22; Nikki F. will communicate with Nikki L. about how board might support
  • Nikki F.’s hours are generally 10-6 and her contact info is in the brochure

Fulton Small Grant Program:

Bart Phillips from the Fulton board presented on Fulton’s Micro Grant Program

  • The program rose out of the idea that small amounts of money can be really helpful for small organizations/projects
  • It took about one year to get going
  • Overview: the program requested applications this past fall, received 7, a small group on the board reviewed apps, funded 4 of the apps in February. At the October annual meeting the groups presented about their community engagement projects.
  • The range of the grants was $500-2000; this year they are offering up to $2500
  • It was important that the projects followed the NRP rules/guidelines

Mr. Phillips further described how the applications were reviewed and answered questions about the project. He offered to assist the ANA if we are interested in pursuing a similar program.

Committee Updates:

  • Safety- there was a request for a safety committee chair. No board members volunteered at this time.
  • Community Engagement – Committee Chair Bri made requests for the board to discuss at December and January board meetings:
    1. An Armatage definition of community engagement–something we agree upon and operate under
    2. Board should set 3 engagement goals for 2016. They can be quantitative or qualitative.
      Bri will also email this request to the board.

Coordinator Update:

  • There are 6 new resident welcome bags; Nikki L. asked board members to help deliver them. Nikki also asked for ideas for things to add to the welcome bags. Email her with any ideas.
  • Nikki L. posed a question to new board members: “what do you need as a new board member?” She is working on adding a board member section to the ANA website and wants ideas for information that should be included.
  • Announced that the Fix-it loan money has now rolled into the combined account with other SW neighborhoods.
  • Blueprint for equitable engagement- the end of the month is the deadline for any feedback.
  • Grievance policy- ANA has one. Nikki L. submitted it to Michelle Chavez to review. If she approves it, we’ll leave it as is.
  • Kwan’s was able to get their beer and wine license.
  • Nikki L. announced that the ANA website is updated.
  • Nikki L. forwarded email to board with information from a community meeting about Solar Gardens. She asked board members to read this information and let her know if ANA has interest in any involvement with this.

Treasurer Report:

No report; there were no changes this past month

Secretary Report:

October meeting minutes were approved via email

New Business:

Judy expressed interest in joining the board. Jeff made a motion that Judy Vecere become a board member. Tara seconded. The motion carried.

Tara announced that she recently completed a master recycling course. She asked if the board would be interested in having her put together a plan to educate Armatage neighbors about organics recycling as it rolls out. Board members encouraged her to pursue this and noted it as a possible community engagement goal for 2016.

Denis asked board members to email him if interested in leading the micro grant program. Bri said she would be interested in being involved in this.

Nextdoor continues to have a lot of posts about package theft. There is information in the newsletter about preventing this.

There was a motion to adjourn at 7:10 pm. Motion was seconded and carried.

Armatage Neighborhood Association