December Meeting Highlights

December 15, 2015

Council Member Palmisano presented updates from the City Council including highlights from the recently passed budget. She also shared about a successful domestic violence pilot program that will be expanded next year. There will be public meetings coming up soon regarding small business policies, in particular regarding paid time off.

The park saw an increase in basketball registrations and have 5 more teams this year than last. The link in the sidebar of this newsletter will connect you with the online sports page for Armatage and Kenny parks (ACC/KPAC). Obviously the skating rink and warming house are not operational yet. As soon as the weather is cooperative, we hope to get skating! The Kite Festival on Lake Harriet is scheduled for January 16. There must be 8-10 inches of ice, however, for this event to take place – so stay posted. Armatage Fire on Ice event will be at our park on Friday, January 22. Watch for details coming soon. The parks also recently released a Winter Highlights flyer which shows park activities throughout the city and is a great winter resource for outdoor fun and more.

The ANA is pursuing new community engagement ideas and programming. First, we are working on a definition of what engagement means, and then will set 3 goals for 2016. We welcome your ideas, and invite you to join our engagement committee! This will be a focus at our January meeting.

Experience Southwest Goes Mobile!

With the XSWapp, you’ll be in the know on the go. It’s now easier than ever to Experience Southwest.

  • Find local events, shops, restaurants and service providers
  • Get exclusive insider updates on local businesses and happenings
  • Access special deals and discounts available through the app only
  • And find all the great events and happenings in Southwest all in the palm of your hand.

Beta testing underway. Download through Google Play now (iTunes coming soon). Please let us know if you find this useful or if you hit a glitch.

Seniors’ first choice for food and independence

Our volunteer-based shopping and delivery service gives seniors personal, reliable access to their choice of food and household essentials, so they can continue to live in their own homes.

We partner with 500 volunteers a year to take client grocery orders over the phone and enter it online, shop customer grocery orders, and provide administrative support.

If you are interested in attending an order taker training or would like to learn more about volunteer shopping and other volunteer experiences at Store to Door please contact Carolyn Swenson Volunteer Program Coordinator at 651-642-1892 or

Toolkit for Neighbors of New Construction – Updated!

In April 2014, we created the first version of the Toolkit for Neighbors of New Construction in response to multiple requests from residents who wanted to know their rights when it came to residential construction nearby. The document provides Minneapolis residents with the information they may need when living next to a construction site. For example:

  • Who’s who in city government when it comes to construction?
  • Steps recommended to prepare for construction
  • Handling common construction management issues
  • What to do if you experience problems

We keep this Toolkit updated for you, and the latest version reflects new changes to the Construction Management Agreement.

Sign up today: the Citizens Academy starts March 17, 2016

Attend Hennepin County’s Citizens Academy to find out how we are serving you, our residents, each day in ways both big and small. Get an insider’s perspective on the workings of the state’s largest county, and take advantage of tours behind the scenes at several facilities.

Participants meet for seven evening sessions — see the full schedule below. The series is free and open to anyone who is at least 18 years old. Get more information and register at

Armatage Neighborhood Association