Category Archives: Green Living

2023 Highlights

Here’s what the ANA did in our community this year!

Armatage Fire & Ice

In January, the ANA and PTA helped Armatage Park hold another great Fire & Ice event!  This year, we again held a Winter Gear Mutual Aid table and Community Engagement volunteers helped serve cocoa, popcorn and s’mores while keeping the music and fires going!

Washburn Tot Lot Open House

On Thursday, April 13, the Green Team held an open house with neighbors around the Washburn Tot Lot to share about the new garden project and sign up volunteers to help plant and water. It was an beautiful, 80 degree evening (in April!) and perfect way to get ready to see the garden come to life!  More about the garden is at

Springtime in Armatage

Springtime in Armatage

Saturday, May 13 • 9am – 12pm
Armatage Park

Come to Armatage Park to celebrate the arrival of spring with upcoming neighborhood event! In case of rain, the fun moves inside the Armatage Community Center:

  • Swing by the ANA table to register to serve on our Neighborhood Board and vote in the annual Board Election.
  • Bring garden tools or equipment you no longer need and pick up free new tools at the Garden Tool Swap.
  • Bring your house plants and cuttings to exchange with others, share tips & tricks about propagation, and make new planty friends!
  • Enjoy free activities and treats from the ANA, Armatage Elementary PTA, and more!
  • Connect with Hennepin County Master Gardeners to get all your gardening season questions answered.
  • Chat with a Minnesota DNR representative to share your love of feeding the birds and other delightful creatures that visit your yard and hear the latest, greatest tips for springtime feeding.
  • Visit Monarch Joint Venture’s table to hear what you can do to protect and promote monarch butterfly habitat in your yard
  • Bike tune-ups: we’re sad to share that we aren’t able to offer free volunteer-led bike tune-ups due to our lead volunteer being out sick! So sorry, neighbors!

Neighborhood Election Day

The 2023 Armatage Board Election kicks off at the event and runs from May 13–16 at

The Armatage Neighborhood Association is small but mighty and we need more neighbors to serve on the ANA Board.  We’re a volunteer-driven neighborhood with one part-time staff member. Can you help our neighborhood by getting involved and serving as a board member?

Learn more about the time commitment and duties and register to run here. You can also stop by the ANA table and register at the event!

Garden Tool Swap

Huge thanks to Minneapolis Solid Waste & Recycling for coordinating this annual city-wide swap garden tools and plant-related equipment!  With spring approaching, hang on to unused yard tools and gardening items when cleaning out your garage.

From first time gardeners to those with green thumbs, all are welcome at this free event. All items are intended to be freely given and picked up and you do not need to bring items to the event to take items home with you. Find more info on the City’s website here.

Neighborhood House Plant Swap

Bring your house plants and cuttings to exchange with others, share tips & tricks about propagation, and make new planty friends!

How does a plant swap work? Each attendee brings plants or plant cuttings to share with others. New to the plant world? Bring something simple like some succulent cuttings or babies. Plant enthusiasts — bring some of your special stuff to share with the rest of the collectors. Remember that everyone is in a different place in their plant journey so be prepared to chat, trade, and learn. Learning is half the fun (collecting is the other half!) Please, no plants for sale, just trades.

Click here for what to bring and helpful tips for progagating house plants in advance of the event!

Free Bike Tune-ups – Canceled

We’re so sorry to share that this station is canceled due to our lead volunteer being sick!

Get your bike ready to roll for the season! We’ll have a volunteer providing light duty tune-ups for you or your kids’ bikes at our event. On a first-come, first-serve basis, you can get up to 15 minutes of time for the following tune-up options of your choosing:

  • Getting your tires pumped up to pressure
  • Adjusting your brakes
  • Adjusting your seat heights and/or helmet fit
  • Lubing your chain and/or gears

You can visit the other event areas while you’re waiting for your tune-up to be done, or you can lock up your bike and come back for it later.

December 6, 2022 eNews

The Holiday Light Tour Starts Friday

Enjoy the colorful city streets and light displays of the Armatage AND Kenny neighborhoods this holiday season! This year’s tour map will be available on Thurs, Dec 8 The tour is self-guided and open to all! Please be respectful of neighbors on your adventure. If you drive, please turn off your vehicle when you arrive at each stop.

Today is Your Last Chance to Register for the Tour Map!

If you live in Armatage or Kenny and love to decorate for the holidays, sign up to be a tour stop on the Holiday Light Tour! The deadline to register is tonight (Tues, Dec 6) at 11:59pm. Learn more and sign up here!

Final City Budget Public Hearing Tonight

Give feedback on the proposed 2023-2024 City budget through tonight’s public hearing or online comment. The proposed 2023 budget is $1.66 billion and the 2024 budget is $1.71 billion. The proposed tax levy increase for 2023 is 6.5% and is expected to be 6.2% in 2024.  Visit the City’s website to learn more about the mayor’s recommended budget, key dates in the approval process, FAQs and more.

Online comments (click here to submit) will be entered into the public record and shared with the mayor and council members.

There is one final public hearing TONIGHT (Tues, Dec 6) at 6:05pm at City Hall, 350 S Fifth St, in Room 317. Learn more about participating here. The City Council is scheduled to vote on adopting the budget after tonight’s hearing.

Ward 13 Conversation with MPD Chief O’Hara

Join Council Vice President Linea Palmisano for an evening of conversation with new Police Chief Brian O’Hara on Mon, Dec 12 from 6:30–8 pm at Southwest High School (enter through Door #1 on Beard Ave S).  Please pay attention to parking restrictions on certain blocks around Southwest High School.

Chief O’Hara will share some remarks and then open up the floor to Q &A. Pizza and cookies will be served starting at 6:15 pm. This promises to be a great forum – hope you can join in!

Support Your Neighborhood

Join us in supporting the Armatage Neighborhood Association Association this giving season! Click here to make a secure donation through Give MN.

Big or small, EVERY donation matters!  With your help, the ANA works to make Armatage a place where all are welcome, empowered, and connected through community-building events and programs (see the list below), environmental work, safety initiatives, advocacy and communications that keep you informed and engaged. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, every donation to the ANA is tax-deductible and eligible for employer matching. Give today at

2022 Year in Review

Here’s what your neighborhood association did to build community and make Armatage an event better place to live and work this year:

  • Fire & Ice Skating Party with Armatage Park (Jan)
  • Green Team Monthly Reading Circle (Feb-Sep)
  • Green Team Regenerative Agriculture series (Mar)
  • Earth Day Neighborhood Clean-up (Apr)
  • Tech Help for Seniors drop-in event (Apr)
  • Armatage Pet Fest (May)
  • Garden Tool Swap with City of Mpls (May)
  • Annual Meeting & Board Election (May)
  • Movie in the Park with Armatage Park (Jun)
  • Garden Evolution Workshop (Jun)
  • Armatage Summer Jam (Aug)
  • Rain & Pollinator Garden Program (Aug)
  • Fall Fun at the Washburn Tot Lot (Sep)
  • Electronics Recycling Event (Sep)
  • Fall Neighborhood Clean-up (Oct)
  • Halloween Decoration Tour (Oct)
  • Holiday Light Tour (Dec)
  • New Washburn Tot Lot pollinator garden coming in 2023!

Buying and Selling Safely This Holiday Season

MPD has seen an increase in robberies associated with buying and selling items using social media such as Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist. Meeting with a stranger to make a transaction can be a dangerous situation. During an in-person transaction, individuals have been robbed of the item being sold or the money being paid.  In some cases, people have been shot.

Buying/Selling Meeting Safety Tips:

  • Transactions should only occur in a public place where there is good lighting, surveillance cameras, and with vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Police precincts, coffee shops, and public libraries are good examples of places to meet.
  • Never meet at your home or at a residence.
  • Do not disclose your personal information.
  • Check-out the buyer or seller’s social media profile to help determine if he or she is legitimate.
  • Bring a friend or family member to the transaction.
  • Have a complete plan in place before meeting, including a public meeting location, specific time, how funds will be exchanged (use transaction apps when possible – if paying in cash, only have the payment due on hand). Be wary and strongly consider canceling if the person changes anything last minute.
  • Trust your instincts! If something doesn’t feel right, cancel the meeting.
  • Never meet at night, alone, or in an isolated area.

Keep Sidewalks Clear of Snow and Ice

Please clear your sidewalk of snow and ice all winter to keep Minneapolis accessible for everyone. Many in our city rely on the sidewalks to get to work, school, errands, appointments and more. One- and two-family dwellings have 24 hours after the snow stops to clear their sidewalks. All other properties must have clear sidewalks within four hours. If you don’t clear your sidewalk, you could get a warning letter and bill from the City to remove snow from your sidewalk. A typical bill is $229.

Resources are available for people who are unable to shovel or clear their sidewalks. Several for-hire contractors and a few nonprofit organizations can help. If you need help, you can call 311 to find the best match in your area. Visit the City website for more information and resources or to report an issue.

Using the Right Amount of Salt Saves Money and Protects Clean Water

Winter road and sidewalk de-icing salt is a major – and permanent – polluter of local freshwater lakes and streams. Seventy-eight percent of salt applied in the metro area ends up in groundwater or local lakes and rivers.  Salt also causes infrastructure damage to things like vehicles and concrete and can hurt pet’s paws. Use the tips below or take the 30 minute Salt Mini Course here.

Salting tips:

  • Shovel: Physical removal is always most effective and prevents snow from turning into ice.
  • Select: Salt or sand? Salt doesn’t melt ice if the pavement is below 15 degrees, so use sand or grit for traction when it’s too cold or choose a different de-icer.
  • Scatter: A 12-ounce coffee cup of salt is enough to cover 10 sidewalk squares or a 20-foot driveway.
  • Sweep: Clean up leftover salt and reuse as needed.

Equity Corner: Microaggressions

Microaggression is a term used for commonplace daily verbal, behavioral or environmental slights, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative attitudes toward stigmatized or culturally marginalized group, including LGBTQ+ people, people living in poverty, and people who are disabled. The persons making the comments may be otherwise well-intentioned and unaware of the potential impact of their words.

  • This handout has helpful examples of common racial microaggressions we may be unwittingly committing in our day-to-day interactions with friends, neighbors, or co-workers.
  • Also, this YouTube video does a great job of illustrating the little things people say that on the surface may not seem harmful.
  • Finally, if you’d like a quick tool for learning how to avoid microaggressions in the future, you can watch this short video here.

Thank you to Armatage neighbor, Sheila Dingels, for this write-up!

Neighborhood Roots Winter Markets

Neighborhood Roots Winter Markets return to Bachman’s with music, fresh food and beverages, produce, crafts, and gifts from local farmers, bakers, and artisans. This market series will take place outdoors (November and December) and indoors (January – March) at Bachman’s and will feature all your favorite vendors from the Kingfield, Fulton, and Nokomis Farmers Market.

The next winter market is this Saturday, December 10 from 10am – 2pm. For more information, visit Pets are not allowed at the market. Service animals are always welcome.

Field + Festival Holiday Market at Wagners

Field + Festival’s popular holiday markets at Wagner’s Garden Center are BACK! Check out the food and maker market series every Saturday and Sunday from 10am–2pm this holiday season. The fun happens inside the Wagners greenhouses, a warm escape perfect for holiday shopping!

Check out each week’s participating vendors and learn more at

Apply for the 4d Affordable Housing Incentive Program

The 4d program helps preserve naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH) in Minneapolis through commitments from property owners to ensure long term affordability. This program allows property owners to obtain property tax reductions for agreeing to keep at least 20% of rental units affordable for 10 years. The eligibility for 4d property tax rate provides an approximate 40% tax rate reduction on qualifying units with prorated reductions. For example, if you enroll 50% of the units in the building the reduction would be about 20%.

The 4d program also helps rental property owners make their existing buildings greener through cost sharing: $50,000 per building (up to 70% of project costs) with eligibility determined by a free energy assessment and Solar Energy incentives up to $50,000 per project. The application deadline is January 11, 2023 at 5pm. Property owners are encouraged to apply early! For additional information regarding the application process, benefits, and commitments, visit the 4d website. Please feel free to reach out with any questions at or 612-673-5055.

November 10, 2022 eNews

Nov 15, 2022 Meeting Agenda

Come one, come all to the Armatage Monthly Meeting next Tuesday, Nov 15 at 6:30pm!  We have fabulous speakers on the agenda including new Hennepin County Commissioner Debbie Goettel and Minneapolis School Board Representative Ira Jourdain. Meetings also now kick off with comments from community members so please come share your thoughts, concerns, and ideas!

  • Welcome and Introductions (6:30pm)
  • Comments from the Community (6:35pm)
  • Park Update – Armatage Park Director Dillon Clements (6:45pm)
  • Hennepin County Update – County Commissioner Debbie Goettel (6:50pm)
  • Minneapolis School Board Update – Representative Ira Jourdain (7:10pm)
  • Welcome Bag Program (7:20pm)
  • 2023 ANA Budget (7:35pm)
  • Staff Contracts (7:50pm, closed portion of the meeting)
  • Approval of Minutes & Financials (8:10pm)
  • New Business (8:15pm)

Give Today to Support the ANA

We hope you’ll join us in supporting the Armatage Neighborhood Association with a Give to the Max Day donation this year. Give to the Max Day is Nov 17, but you can give early today. With your help, the ANA works to make Armatage a place where all are welcome, empowered, and connected through community-building events, environmental work, safety initiatives, advocacy and communications that keep you informed and engaged.

Big or small, EVERY donation matters!  Give today at  As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, every donation to the ANA is tax-deductible and eligible for an employer match.

Upcoming Road Closures

There will be several street closures over the next two weeks due to CenterPoint Energy’s ongoing Upton Ave S Pipeline Replacement Project.

  • 50th St at Upton Ave S: closed 11/8 and reopening on 11/15.
  • 54th St at Logan Ave S: closed 11/15 and reopening on 11/23.
  • 54th St Eastbound between Penn and Oliver Aves S: closed on 11/15 and reopening on 11/2; one lane of Westbound traffic will be maintained.

Please note that W 50th and W 54th Streets will NOT be closed at the same time.

Give Feedback on the Mayor’s Proposed City Budget

Give feedback on Mayor Jacob Frey’s recommended 2023-2024 City budget through a public hearing or online comment. The proposed 2023 budget is $1.66 billion and the 2024 budget is $1.71 billion. The proposed tax levy increase for 2023 is 6.5% and is expected to be 6.2% in 2024.  Visit the City’s website to learn more about the mayor’s recommended budget, key dates in the approval process, FAQs and more.

City budget public hearings – learn more about participating here:

  • 6:05pm • Tuesday, Nov 15, room 317, City Hall, 350 S Fifth St.
  • 6:05pm • Tuesday, Dec 6, room 317, City Hall, 350 S Fifth St.

Online comments (click here to submit) will be entered into the public record and shared with the mayor and council members. The City Council is scheduled to vote on adopting the budget on Tuesday, Dec 6.

Field + Festival Holiday Market at Wagners

Field + Festival’s popular holiday markets at Wagner’s Garden Center are BACK! Check out the food and maker market series every Saturday and Sunday from 10am–2pm this holiday season. The fun happens inside the Wagners greenhouses, a warm escape perfect for holiday shopping!

Check out each week’s participating vendors and learn more at

Neighborhood Roots Winter Markets

Neighborhood Roots Winter Markets return to Bachman’s with music, fresh food and beverages, produce, crafts, and gifts from local farmers, bakers, and artisans. This market series will take place outdoors (November and December) and indoors (January – March) at Bachman’s and will feature all your favorite vendors from the Kingfield, Fulton, and Nokomis Farmers Market.

The first winter market is this Saturday, November 12 in the NE Parking Lot off of Lyndale from 10am – 2pm. For more information, visit Pets are not allowed at the market. Service animals are always welcome.

Southwest High School Open House

Southwest High School is hosting a Prospective Student Open House on Tuesday, November 29 at 6:30 p.m. If you have an incoming high schooler for the 2023-2024 school year, come check out the event and learn about all the fabulous offerings at our community high school. For more info, visit

Are You Signed up for Snow Emergency Alerts?

Snow season is approaching (noooooo!). The City of Minneapolis mailed out snow emergency info last week so now is a great time to make sure you’re signed up to receive alerts.  You can sign up for text, email and phone alerts and download the Minneapolis Snow Emergency smartphone app at

When a Snow Emergency is declared, parking rules take effect so plows can clear the streets. Plowing the streets completely requires vehicles parked on streets to move. We all have to work together to do our part and follow the parking rules so plows can do the best job possible and we can avoid a ticket and tow.

November is National Native American Heritage Month

What started at the turn of the century as an effort to gain a day of recognition for the significant contributions the first Americans made to the establishment and growth of the U.S., has resulted in a whole month being designated for that purpose.

If you’d like to learn more, or want to celebrate the month with your family, the Meet Minneapolis has an excellent website that shares events, local restaurants, and retailers that honor our Indigenous people’s heritage. Celebrating Native American Heritage Month in Minneapolis | Meet Minneapolis | Meet Minneapolis

One of the very first proponents of an American Indian Day was Dr. Arthur C. Parker, a Seneca Indian, who was the director of the Museum of Arts and Science in Rochester, N.Y. He persuaded the Boy Scouts of America to set aside a day for the “First Americans” and for three years they adopted such a day. Rev. Sherman Coolidge, an Arapahoe, called upon the country to observe such a day. Coolidge issued a proclamation on Sept. 28, 1915, which declared the second Saturday of each May as an American Indian Day and contained the first formal appeal for recognition of Indians as citizens.

The year before this proclamation was issued, Red Fox James, a Blackfoot Indian, rode horseback from state to state seeking approval for a day to honor Indians. On December 14, 1915, he presented the endorsements of 24 state governments at the White House. There is no record, however, of such a national day being proclaimed. Sadly, it took until 1990 for President George H. W. Bush to approve a joint resolution designating November 1990 “National American Indian Heritage Month.”

Native Americans have been living in America for a very long time. They are not a single nation but include a variety of cultures, nations, and languages. Some people believe that they have been living on the sub-continent for over 30,000 years. The 10 largest Native American tribes are Navajo, Cherokee, Sioux, Chippewa, Choctaw, Apache, Pueblo, Iroquois, Creek, and Blackfeet, according to census data from 2010. The government of Native Americans serves as the model of federated representative democracy. The government system of the U.S. is based on the system in which the power is distributed amongst the central authority and smaller political units.

Thank you to Armatage neighbor, Sheila Dingels, for this write-up!

November 3, 2022 eNews

Halloween Tour Results are In

Thank you to everyone who hosted a display, participated in, or voted in this year’s Halloween Tour!  The results are in and voting was close this year!

Huge thanks to Book Club for generously donating a $50 gift card to each of the following displays:

  • Best use of Pumpkins: 5642 Oliver Ave S (bottom left)
  • Spookiest: 5621 Morgan Ave S (top left)
  • Kenny Neighborhood Fave: 5428 James Ave S (bottom right)
  • Armatage Neighborhood Fave: 5821 Sheridan Ave S (top right)

Give Today to Support the ANA

We hope you’ll join us in supporting the Armatage Neighborhood Association with a Give to the Max Day donation this year. Give to the Max Day is Nov 17, but you can give early today. With your help, the ANA works to make Armatage a place where all are welcome, empowered, and connected through community-building events, environmental work, safety initiatives, advocacy and communications that keep you informed and engaged.

Big or small, EVERY donation matters!  Give today at  As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, every donation to the ANA is tax-deductible and eligible for an employer match.

Get Ready to Vote in the 2022 Election

The November 8 election is almost here so make sure you’re ready to cast your ballot! We’ve included helpful links below but if you’ve got more questions, is sure to have the answer!

Field + Festival Holiday Market at Wagners

Field + Festival’s popular holiday markets at Wagner’s Garden Center are BACK! Check out the food and maker market series every Saturday and Sunday from 10am–2pm this holiday season. The fun happens inside the Wagners greenhouses, a warm escape perfect for holiday shopping!

Check out each week’s participating vendors and learn more at

Pumpkins Can Go in Organics Recycling

When you’re done with your carved pumpkins and other gourds, you can put them in your green organics recycling cart. They don’t need to be bagged but do remember to remove any candles or lights first.

If you haven’t signed up for organics recycling yet, you can also put them with your other yard waste. Added synthetic materials such as paint, permanent markers, glitter or jewels make that part of the pumpkins non-compostable, and then they have to go in the black garbage cart.

Find more information on organics recycling on the Solid Waste & Recycling webpages.

21-Day Equity Challenge

In 2021, the United Way of Olmstead County challenged Minnesotans with a powerful opportunity for learning, action, and growth. The concept was simple – spend 10-15 minutes a day learning about equity and justice issues. Although you cannot sign up to receive daily emails any longer, all 21 days of activities can still be accessed on their website. Activities include watching short videos, reading articles, and listening to music; all things you can do from the comfort of your home. More than 1500 Minnesotans participated in October of 2021; will you challenge yourself to participate now? Access the activities here: 21-Day Equity Challenge | United Way of Olmsted County (

“We must see who benefits from their race, who is disproportionately impacted by negative stereotypes about their race, and to who power and privilege is bestowed upon – earned or not – because of their race, their class, and their gender. Seeing race is essential to changing the system.” – Reni Eddo-Lodge

Thank you to Armatage neighbor, Sheila Dingels, for this write-up!

Keep Leaves Out of the Street

Please do your part to protect our local waterways and keep your leaves out of streets and storm drains. Collect leaves and other yard waste and place them next to your regular recycling and garbage containers for city crews to haul. You can also use leaves as mulch in your garden, mow them into your lawn, or add them to your backyard compost.

In Minneapolis, it is illegal to rake leaves from your yard into the street (Title 17, § 427.270 of the Minneapolis Code). Decomposing leaves wash into storm drains and eventually end up in Minneapolis’ lakes, streams, and the Mississippi River where they over-fertilize the water and help harmful aquatic plants and algae thrive. The result is murky water that isn’t good for swimming or fishing and harms wildlife. Thanks for doing your part this fall! Visit solid-waste/yardwaste/ for more information or call 612-673-2917.

Street Sweeping is Underway

Watch the progress, look up your sweeping date, and get all your street sweeping questions answered at

Crews will post temporary “No Parking” signs at least 24 hours in advance so streets will be clear of cars when they’re swept. Anyone who parks on the street will need to follow posted parking rules or their cars may be ticketed and towed.

Are You Signed up for Snow Emergency Alerts?

Snow season is approaching (noooooo!). The City of Minneapolis mailed out snow emergency info last week so now is a great time to make sure you’re signed up to receive alerts.  You can sign up for text, email and phone alerts and download the Minneapolis Snow Emergency smartphone app at

When a Snow Emergency is declared, parking rules take effect so plows can clear the streets. Plowing the streets completely requires vehicles parked on streets to move. We all have to work together to do our part and follow the parking rules so plows can do the best job possible and we can avoid a ticket and tow.

Help Needed: Racial Housing Covenant Interviews

Do you live in a home that had a racial housing covenant? Daniel Rosenblum, a visiting PhD researcher working with the Mapping Prejudice Project, is looking for residents from Armatage who would be open to participating in interviews. This would be a great opportunity to share your perspective on your home, neighborhood, racial covenant histories, and recent events in Minneapolis in relation to covenant data compiled by the Mapping Prejudice Project.

To sign up, contact Daniel Rosenblum at or 267-337-0670.

October 25, 2022 eNews

The Halloween Tour is Here!

Enjoy the sights and frights around Armatage AND Kenny for this year’s Halloween Tour, which runs each night from 6–8pm through October 31! The tour is self-guided and great for all ages with 23 fabulous displays. Please be respectful and minimize idling if you drive.

Find the tour map and a PDF to print with all the tour stops at Once you’ve visited every address on the tour, head back here to vote for your favorites in the following categories: Best Use of Pumpkins, Spookiest, Armatage Neighborhood Fave and Kenny Neighborhood Fave. The display with the most votes in each category will get a $50 gift card generously donated by Book Club at 54th & Penn!

Oct 18, 2022 Meeting Recap

The ANA had a great October meeting with Park Commissioner Cathy Abene and Aryca Myers from the City’s Neighborhood & Community Relations Department. Commissioner Abene walked the ANA through the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board’s proposed budget and answered questions on low-cost youth programming and repairs for the Lake Harriet Bandshell. The ANA Board also went through its 2023-2024 city funding applications, outlined and edited engagement plans, and approved the final draft. The meeting wrapped up with a quick refresher board training.

Thinking of Adding Rooftop Solar?

If you’re thinking about going solar, it’s easier now with the Solar United Neighbors Twin Cities Area Solar Co-op. Solar United Neighbors is a nonprofit that has done more than 350 solar co-ops around the country helping over 7,400 people go solar. Solar co-ops are neighbors joining together to get the best price and service from a solar installer, tap into the expertise at Solar United Neighbors, and support each other through the process and Members will access incentives including Minneapolis Green Cost Share funds.

Co-ops are free to join and there’s no obligation/ Learn more, including how to join, at and attend an upcoming webinar:

Public Hearing for MPD Chief Nominee Tomorrow

The City Council’s Public Health and Safety Committee will hold a public hearing tomorrow (Wed Oct 26) at 1:30pm at City Hall on Mayor Jacob Frey’s nomination of Brian O’Hara to serve as police chief. See below for meeting information and learn more about participating in a public hearing including how to stream it here.

  • Public hearing on nomination of Brian O’Hara for police chief
  • 1:30 pm on Wednesday, Oct. 26
  • City Council’s Public Health & Safety Committee, City Hall, 350 S Fifth St, Room 317

Room 317 will be open 30 minutes prior to the meeting and you are welcome to register to speak.

Get Ready to Vote in the 2022 Election

The November 8 election is almost here! Make sure you’re ready to cast your ballot. We’ve included lots of helpful links below but if you’ve got more questions, is sure to have the answer!

21-Day Equity Challenge

In 2021, the United Way of Olmstead County challenged Minnesotans with a powerful opportunity for learning, action, and growth. The concept was simple – spend 10-15 minutes a day learning about equity and justice issues. Although you cannot sign up to receive daily emails any longer, all 21 days of activities can still be accessed on their website. Activities include watching short videos, reading articles, and listening to music; all things you can do from the comfort of your home. More than 1500 Minnesotans participated in October of 2021; will you challenge yourself to participate now? Access the activities here: 21-Day Equity Challenge | United Way of Olmsted County (

“We must see who benefits from their race, who is disproportionately impacted by negative stereotypes about their race, and to who power and privilege is bestowed upon – earned or not – because of their race, their class, and their gender. Seeing race is essential to changing the system.” – Reni Eddo-Lodge

Thank you to Armatage neighbor, Sheila Dingels!

Keep Leaves Out of the Street

Please do your part to protect our local waterways and keep your leaves out of streets and storm drains. Collect leaves and other yard waste and place them next to your regular recycling and garbage containers for city crews to haul. You can also use leaves as mulch in your garden, mow them into your lawn, or add them to your backyard compost.  In Minneapolis, it is illegal to rake leaves from your yard into the street (Title 17, § 427.270 of the Minneapolis Code).

Decomposing leaves wash into storm drains and eventually end up in Minneapolis’ lakes, streams, and the Mississippi River where they over-fertilize the water and help harmful aquatic plants and algae thrive. The result is murky water that isn’t good for swimming or fishing and harms wildlife. Thanks for doing your part this fall! Visit solid-waste/yardwaste/ for more information or call 612-673-2917.

Street Sweeping Has Begun

Watch the progress, look up your sweeping date, and get all your street sweeping questions answered at

Crews will post temporary “No Parking” signs at least 24 hours in advance so streets will be clear of cars when they’re swept. Anyone who parks on the street will need to follow posted parking rules or their cars may be ticketed and towed.

Neighborhood Funding Changes for 2023

The Southwest Connector released released a story on the reduced funding for many neighborhoods including Armatage starting this January. In previous years, Armatage received around $31,000/year in funding and as of January 1 that number will drop to just over $14,000/year, which is a big change. Please check it out and learn more here.

Pumpkins Can Go in Organics Recycling

When you’re done with your carved pumpkins and other gourds, you can put them in your green organics recycling cart. They don’t need to be bagged but do remember to remove any candles or lights first.

If you haven’t signed up for organics recycling yet, you can also put them with your other yard waste. Added synthetic materials such as paint, permanent markers, glitter or jewels make that part of the pumpkins non-compostable, and then they have to go in the black garbage cart.

Remember: Wrappers from Halloween candy go in the garbage. They are not recyclable or compostable.  Find more information on organics recycling on the Solid Waste & Recycling webpages.

Runway 17/35 has Reopened

Runway 17/35 at the Minneapolis-St.Paul International Airport (MSP) reopened last week after being closed since September 6 for safety area restoration work adjacent to the runway. Aircraft operating at MSP had been directed to use Runways 12L/30R and 12R/30L while Runway 17/35 was closed. This caused an increase to air traffic over southwest Minneapolis. More information about the project is available here.

Now that Runway 17/35 is open we can expect a return of typical aircraft activity. Anyone with questions regarding airfield or aircraft noise and/or runway closures may call the Community Relations Office at 612-726-9411.

Apply for Neighborhood Traffic Calming by Nov 1

Each year the City of Minneapolis receives 2,500+ requests for traffic calming measures – far more requests than resources. In an effort to better serve residents, the City just launched a new Traffic Calming Request Process! Visit to learn more and apply for traffic calming at an intersection or on a street around Armatage or anywhere in Minneapolis now through November 1!

The ANA submitted comments on this process this past winter and are glad to see the application launch. Please go check it out!

Weekly Yard Waste Collection is Back!

Weekly yard waste pickup is back and the yard waste collection season has been extended through the end of November going forward to catch all those late-to-fall leaves! The week of Nov 28 will be the final week for collection of leaves, brush and other yard trimmings.

Set out property prepared yard waste at your alley or curb next to your carts by 6am on garbage/recycling day. You can use a reusable container, compostable bags (kraft paper bags or BPI-certified compostable bags – look for the BPI logo) or bundled branches string or twine (no wire or tape). Learn more about yard waste collection requirements here.

Help Needed: Racial Housing Covenant Interviews

Do you live in a home that had a racial housing covenant? Daniel Rosenblum, a visiting PhD researcher working with the Mapping Prejudice Project, is looking for residents from Armatage who would be open to participating in interviews. This would be a great opportunity to share your perspective on your home, neighborhood, racial covenant histories, and recent events in Minneapolis in relation to covenant data compiled by the Mapping Prejudice Project.

To sign up, contact Daniel Rosenblum at or 267-337-0670.

Graphic with a blue background and coral flowers that says "Donate Today. The Armatage Neighborhood Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit."

Enjoy the eNews? Support Our Work

The Armatage Neighborhood Association works to make Armatage a place where all are welcome, empowered, and connected through safety initiatives, community-building events, environmental work, advocacy and communications that keep you informed and engaged.

Big or small, EVERY donation matters!  Give today at  As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, every donation to the ANA is tax-deductible and eligible for an employer match.

October 13, 2022 eNews

Oct 18, 2022 Meeting Agenda

Come one, come all to the Armatage Monthly Meeting next Tuesday, Oct 18 at 6:30pm!  Meetings now kick off with comments from community members and we’d love to have you attend and share your thoughts, concerns, and ideas! Park Board Commissioner Cathy Abene will join us this month – come check it out!

  • Welcome and Introductions (6:30pm)
  • Comments from the Community (6:35pm)
  • Armatage Park Director Dillon Clements (6:45pm)
  • Board Representation Survey – City of Mpls Neighborhood & Community Relations (6:50pm)
  • Commissioner Cathy Abene (7:10pm)
  • Edits & Approval of 2023-2024 City Funding Application (7:25pm)
  • Approval of Minutes & Financials (7:40pm)
  • Board Refresher Training (7:45pm)

Sign up for the Kenny & Armatage Halloween Tour

Registration is open for the annual Halloween Tour! We’re excited to partner with our neighbors in Kenny this year! Learn more and sign up at through Oct 19. By signing up, you agree to have your decorations up each night of the tour AND to have the your address published on our map.

Visitors will be able to vote for their favorite displays in each category: Best Use of Pumpkins, Spookiest, Armatage Neighborhood Fave and Kenny Neighborhood Fave. The display with the most votes in each category will get a $50 gift card generously donated by Book Club at 54th & Penn!

Neighborhood Funding Changes for 2023

The Southwest Connector just released a story on the reduced funding for many neighborhoods including Armatage starting this January. Please check it out here.

Minneapolis School Board Candidate Forum

The League of Women Voters Minneapolis will host a Candidate Forum for Minneapolis School Board with the Advancing Equity Coalition on Sat, Oct 15 from 1–2:30 pm at the University of Minnesota Research and Outreach-Engagement Center (UROC), 2001 Plymouth Ave. N, Minneapolis.

This event is free and open to the public. Can’t attend in person? The forum will be live streamed at and a recording will be available after the event at Submit questions before the event to Audience members will also have the opportunity to anonymously submit questions in writing at the event.

Fall Market at Wagners this Sat

Wagner’s popular holiday markets are BACK! Join them this fall and holiday season for a food and maker market series that happens indoors at the Wagners greenhouse! The next Fall Market will be this Sat, Oct 15 from 10am–2pm. More details on this and upcoming events is at

Nokomis Farmers Market Pop-up Tonight!

Our neighbors in South Mpls are hosting a fundraiser to bring back the Nokomis Farmers Market next season and you’re invited! Head to the Nokomis Farmers Market at 5167 Chicago Ave TONIGHT (Thurs, Oct 13) from 4–6:30pm for tons of vendors, live music artists, and food trucks!  The Nokomis Farmers Market is run by Neighborhood Roots, which also runs the Fulton and Kingfield Farmers Markets. Learn more here.

Ward 13 Climate & Sustainability Initiatives Forum

Join Council Vice President Linea Palmisano for a conversation about climate and sustainability actions/initiatives in the City of Minneapolis on Mon, Oct 24 from 6:30–8pm.

Special Guests and Presenters:

  • Heidi Ritchie, Interim City of Minneapolis Commissioner of Health
  • Patrick Hanlon, City of Minneapolis Director of Environmental Programs
  • Kim Havey, City of Minneapolis Sustainability Manager
  • David Wilson, Green Minneapolis Board Chair

Please register on Eventbrite so you get reminder or the link to stream the forum if you choose to attend virtually.

Apply for Neighborhood Traffic Calming

Each year the City of Minneapolis receives 2,500+ requests for traffic calming measures – far more requests than resources. In an effort to better serve residents, the City just launched a new Traffic Calming Request Process! Visit to learn more and apply for traffic calming at an intersection or on a street around Armatage or anywhere in Minneapolis now through November 1!

The ANA submitted comments on this process this past winter and are glad to see the application launch. Please go check it out!

Street Sweeping Starts Oct 18

Watch the progress, look up your sweeping date, and get all your street sweeping questions answered at

Crews will post temporary “No Parking” signs at least 24 hours in advance so streets will be clear of cars when they’re swept. Anyone who parks on the street will need to follow posted parking rules or their cars may be ticketed and towed. A friendly reminder that it’s against the law to sweep your yard or boulevard leaves into the street. Use the City Yard Waste program instead.

Weekly Yard Waste Collection is Back!

Weekly yard waste pickup is back and the yard waste collection season has been extended through the end of November going forward to catch all those late-to-fall leaves! The week of Nov 28 will be the final week for collection of leaves, brush and other yard trimmings.

Set out property prepared yard waste at your alley or curb next to your carts by 6am on garbage/recycling day. You can use a reusable container, compostable bags (kraft paper bags or BPI-certified compostable bags – look for the BPI logo) or bundled branches string or twine (no wire or tape). Learn more about yard waste collection requirements here.

Help Needed: Racial Housing Covenant Interviews

Do you live in a home that had a racial housing covenant? Daniel Rosenblum, a visiting PhD researcher working with the Mapping Prejudice Project, is looking for residents from Armatage who would be open to participating in interviews. This would be a great opportunity to share your perspective on your home, neighborhood, racial covenant histories, and recent events in Minneapolis in relation to covenant data compiled by the Mapping Prejudice Project.

To sign up, contact Daniel Rosenblum at or 267-337-0670. Daniel will give a longer talk about this project at the Dec  20 Armatage Monthly Meeting.

National Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15th-October 15th is National Hispanic Heritage Month. September 15th was chosen as the commemoration date because it is the anniversary of the independence of five Hispanic countries. It is the anniversary of the Cry of Dolores, which marked the start of the Mexican War of Independence and thus resulted (in 1821) in independence for the New Spain Colony, which is now Mexico and the Central American nations of GuatemalaEl SalvadorCosta RicaHonduras, and Nicaragua.

National Hispanic Heritage Month is a time for recognizing the contributions and influence of Hispanic and Latino Americans to the history, culture, and achievements for the United States. It is also a time for the U.S. Military to honor both fallen and active-duty Hispanic Americans who served in the armed forces. Sixty-one people of Hispanic heritage have been awarded the Medal of Honor.

This year’s theme is Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation. The theme is to encourage all voices to be represented and welcomed to help build stronger communities and a stronger nation. Did you know that Latinos are the largest ethnic minority (57.5 million) in the U.S. and that 40 million U.S. residents aged 5 and older speak Spanish at home?

Meet Minneapolis has compiled a list of art studios, markets, restaurants and special events where you can support local businesses or celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.

Upcoming events include: Cine Latino, the upper Midwest’s largest showcase of the best new films from U.S. LatinX, Latin American, and Iberian cinema, from Oct. 13-20

Thanks to Armatage neighbor, Sheila Dingels, for this fabulous write-up!

Energy Assistance Program

Too many low-income residents of Hennepin County have to choose between paying their energy bill and other necessities like food, medicine and healthcare.  The Energy Assistance Program can help!  Call 952-930-3541 or visit for more info.

October 6, 2022 eNews

Sign up for the Kenny & Armatage Halloween Tour

Registration is open for the annual Halloween Tour! We’re excited to partner with our neighbors in Kenny this year! Learn more and sign up at through Oct 19. By signing up, you agree to have your decorations up each night of the tour AND to have the your address published on our map.

Visitors will be able to vote for their favorite displays in each category: Best Use of Pumpkins, Spookiest, Armatage Neighborhood Fave and Kenny Neighborhood Fave. HUGE thanks to Book Club at 54th & Penn for generously donating gift cards for this year’s prizes!

New Neighborhood Traffic Calming Request Process

Each year the City of Minneapolis receives 2,500+ requests for traffic calming measures – far more requests than resources. In an effort to better serve residents, the City just launched a new Traffic Calming Request Process! Visit to learn more and apply for traffic calming at an intersection or on a street around Armatage or anywhere in Minneapolis now through November 1!

The ANA submitted comments on this process this past winter and are glad to see the application launch. Please go check it out!

Weekly Yard Waste Collection is Back!

Weekly yard waste pickup is back and the yard waste collection season has been extended through the end of November going forward to catch all those late-to-fall leaves! The week of Nov 28 will be the final week for collection of leaves, brush and other yard trimmings.

Set out property prepared yard waste at your alley or curb next to your carts by 6am on garbage/recycling day. You can use a reusable container, compostable bags (kraft paper bags or BPI-certified compostable bags – look for the BPI logo) or bundled branches string or twine (no wire or tape). Learn more about yard waste collection requirements here.

Ward 13 Climate & Sustainability Initiatives Forum

Council Vice President Linea Palmisano will host a forum on the actions the City of Minneapolis is taking to address the climate crisis on Monday, October 24 from 6:30 – 8:00pm at Mount Olivet and streaming online. More info to come!

Tentative speakers include:

  • Heidi Ritchie, Interim Minneapolis Commissioner of Health
  • Patrick Hanlon, Director of Environmental Programs
  • Kim Havey, Sustainability Manager

Upcoming Fall Market at Wagners

Wagner’s popular holiday markets are BACK! Join them this fall and holiday season for a food and maker market series that happens indoors at the Wagners greenhouse! The next Fall Market will be Sat, Oct 15 from 10am–2pm. More details on this and upcoming events is at

Upcoming Minneapolis School Board Candidate Forum

The League of Women Voters Minneapolis will host a Candidate Forum for Minneapolis School Board with the Advancing Equity Coalition on Sat, Oct 15 from 1–2:30 pm at the University of Minnesota Research and Outreach-Engagement Center (UROC), 2001 Plymouth Ave. N, Minneapolis.

This event is free and open to the public. Can’t attend in person? The forum will be live streamed at and a recording will be available after the event at Submit questions before the event to Audience members will also have the opportunity to anonymously submit questions in writing at the event.

Nokomis Farmers Market Pop-up

Our neighbors in South Mpls are hosting a fundraiser to bring back the Nokomis Farmers Market next season and you’re invited! Head to the Nokomis Farmers Market (5167 Chicago Avenue Minneapolis, MN, 55417 on Thurs, Oct 13, 2022 from 4–6:30pm for tons of vendors, live music artists, and food trucks!  The Nokomis Farmers Market is run by Neighborhood Roots, which also runs the Fulton and Kingfield Farmers Markets. Learn more here.

Help Needed: Racial Housing Covenant Interviews

Do you live in a home that had a racial housing covenant? Daniel Rosenblum, a visiting PhD researcher working with the Mapping Prejudice Project, is looking for residents from Armatage who would be open to participating in interviews. This would be a great opportunity to share your perspective on your home, neighborhood, racial covenant histories, and recent events in Minneapolis in relation to covenant data compiled by the Mapping Prejudice Project.

To sign up, contact Daniel Rosenblum at or 267-337-0670. Daniel will give a longer talk about this project at the Dec  20 Armatage Monthly Meeting.

National Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15th-October 15th is National Hispanic Heritage Month. September 15th was chosen as the commemoration date because it is the anniversary of the independence of five Hispanic countries. It is the anniversary of the Cry of Dolores, which marked the start of the Mexican War of Independence and thus resulted (in 1821) in independence for the New Spain Colony, which is now Mexico and the Central American nations of GuatemalaEl SalvadorCosta RicaHonduras, and Nicaragua.

National Hispanic Heritage Month is a time for recognizing the contributions and influence of Hispanic and Latino Americans to the history, culture, and achievements for the United States. It is also a time for the U.S. Military to honor both fallen and active-duty Hispanic Americans who served in the armed forces. Sixty-one people of Hispanic heritage have been awarded the Medal of Honor.

This year’s theme is Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation. The theme is to encourage all voices to be represented and welcomed to help build stronger communities and a stronger nation. Did you know that Latinos are the largest ethnic minority (57.5 million) in the U.S. and that 40 million U.S. residents aged 5 and older speak Spanish at home?

Meet Minneapolis has compiled a list of art studios, markets, restaurants and special events where you can support local businesses or celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.

Upcoming events include: Cine Latino, the upper Midwest’s largest showcase of the best new films from U.S. LatinX, Latin American, and Iberian cinema, from Oct. 13-20

Thanks to Armatage neighbor, Sheila Dingels, for this fabulous write-up!

Energy Assistance Program

Too many low-income residents of Hennepin County have to choose between paying their energy bill and other necessities like food, medicine and healthcare.  The Energy Assistance Program can help!  Call 952-930-3541 or visit for more info.

Ward 13 Climate & Sustainability Forum

Ward 13 Climate & Sustainability Initiatives Forum

Please join Council Vice President Linea Palmisano for a conversation about climate and sustainability actions/initiatives in the City of Minneapolis.

Special Guests and Presenters:

  • Heidi Ritchie, Interim City of Minneapolis Commissioner of Health
  • Patrick Hanlon, City of Minneapolis Director of Environmental Programs
  • Kim Havey, City of Minneapolis Sustainability Manager
  • David Wilson, Green Minneapolis Board Chair

Please register here on Eventbrite so you get reminder or the link to stream the forum if you choose to attend virtually.

September 22, 2022 eNews

Electronics Recycling & Paper Shredding Event This Saturday!

Armatage is co-sponsoring an e-waste and paper shredding recycling event this Saturday (Sept 24) from 9am–12pm! Bring documents, tablets, computers, phones, peripherals (cords, computer parts, keyboards, etc.) and small appliances for safe recycling AND data destruction. The suggested donation is $5 (or $5 + $5 to sponsor a neighbor), but no one will be turned away. Cash and cards will be accepted on-site.

**Friendly reminder that Mpls Solid Waste & Recycling customers can also set out two electronics items every week and recycle paper in their blue cart for no extra fee!** Learn more at

Sept 20, 2022 Meeting Recap

Thanks to Council Vice President Linea Palmisano for joining this week’s ANA Monthly Meeting. The ANA Board discussed the new city traffic calming process (see below for more info) and were joined by neighbor Lara Bergman who represented a group of neighbors that are planning to apply for traffic calming measures at 57th & Penn.  PhD candidate Daniel Rosenblum gave an overview on his project to interview residents of homes that had racial housing covenants (more info below). The ANA Board also discussed its 2023-2024 city funding applications. Funding for the ANA is set to drop to $14,131 per year on January 1, 2023.

Fall Neighborhood Clean-up

Join the Armatage Green Team for our annual fall clean-up of our neighborhood streets, sidewalks, and parks on Sat, Oct 1 from 9–11am!  No need to register – just show up!  Every single person who volunteers makes a huge impact and this is a great, meaningful opportunity for kids, teens and adults to show our neighborhood pride and keep trash and recycling from polluting our waterways. Learn more at

Register for the Kenny & Armatage Halloween Tour

Registration is open for this year’s Halloween Tour! We’re excited to partner with our neighbors in Kenny on this year’s tour. Learn more and sign up at through Oct 19. By signing up, you agree to have your decorations up each night of the tour AND to have the your address published on our map.

Visitors will be able to vote for their favorite displays in each category: Best Use of Pumpkins, Spookiest, Armatage Neighborhood Fave and Kenny Neighborhood Fave. HUGE thanks to Book Club at 54th & Penn for generously donating gift cards for this year’s prizes!

New Neighborhood Traffic Calming Request Process

Each year the City of Minneapolis receives 2,500+ requests for traffic calming measures – far more requests than resources. In an effort to better serve residents, the City just launched a new Traffic Calming Request Process! Visit to learn more and apply for traffic calming at an intersection or on a street around Armatage or anywhere in Minneapolis now through November 1!

The ANA submitted comments on this process this past winter and are glad to see the application launch. Please go check it out!

Fall Fun Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for Fall Fun at the Washburn Tot Lot on Saturday! It was such a blast to see so many of you! Special thanks to our renters who stopped by and everyone who gave input on the new community pollinator garden! Stay tuned for more information on the garden.

Thanks also to our event partners: Move Minnesota, Metro Blooms, League of Women Voters, and Minnehaha Creek Watershed District.

Help Needed: Racial Housing Covenant Interviews

Do you live in a home that had a racial housing covenant? Daniel Rosenblum, a visiting PhD researcher working with the Mapping Prejudice Project, is looking for residents from Armatage who would be open to participating in interviews. This would be a great opportunity to share your perspective on your home, neighborhood, racial covenant histories, and recent events in Minneapolis in relation to covenant data compiled by the Mapping Prejudice Project.

To sign up, contact Daniel Rosenblum at or 267-337-0670. Daniel swung by this week’s ANA Monthly Meeting and will give a longer talk about this project at our December  20 meeting.

Register for Fall Park Programs

Fall is here and it’s a perfect time to register new programs at your local Minneapolis parks!  There are some especially great programs for toddlers, preschoolers and older adults – check them out here!

Find and register for all activities and programs at

Free Meals and Snacks for Youth 18 and Under

Whether it’s after school, on school-release days, or during summer, kids 18 and under can visit participating community sites for no-cost healthy meals and snacks from Minneapolis Public Schools. Children do not need to attend Minneapolis Public Schools to participate! Find the full list of participating community sites at

Hearing Increased Airplane Traffic? Here’s Why!

Runway 17/35 at MSP Airport is closed for a runway restoration project, likely through mid-October. Flights that would normally use this runway are currenly directed to the other runways, which bumps up the airplane traffic (and likely noise) that we experience in Southwest Minneapolis.

Runway use and flight activity information are available on the MAC’s FlightTrackerAnyone with questions about runway closures may call the Metropolitan Airports Commission’s community relations office at 612-726-9411.

National Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15th-October 15th is National Hispanic Heritage Month. September 15th was chosen as the commemoration date because it is the anniversary of the independence of five Hispanic countries. It is the anniversary of the Cry of Dolores, which marked the start of the Mexican War of Independence and thus resulted (in 1821) in independence for the New Spain Colony, which is now Mexico and the Central American nations of GuatemalaEl SalvadorCosta RicaHonduras, and Nicaragua.

National Hispanic Heritage Month is a time for recognizing the contributions and influence of Hispanic and Latino Americans to the history, culture, and achievements for the United States. It is also a time for the U.S. Military to honor both fallen and active-duty Hispanic Americans who served in the armed forces. Sixty-one people of Hispanic heritage have been awarded the Medal of Honor.

This year’s theme is Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation. The theme is to encourage all voices to be represented and welcomed to help build stronger communities and a stronger nation. Did you know that Latinos are the largest ethnic minority (57.5 million) in the U.S. and that 40 million U.S. residents aged 5 and older speak Spanish at home?

Meet Minneapolis has compiled a list of art studios, markets, restaurants and special events where you can support local businesses or celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.

Upcoming events include:

Thanks to Armatage neighbor, Sheila Dingels, for this fabulous write-up!

New Washburn Tot Lot Pollinator Garden

ICYMI, the ANA is excited to announce that we received grant funding from the State of Minnesota’s Lawns to Legumes Neighborhood Demonstration Program and the Minneapolis People for Parks Fund to create a pollinator garden at the Washburn Tot Lot!  The new garden will be installed along the alley to provide a safe, beautiful barrier that will benefit our community and local pollinators.

Thanks to all who gave feedback on the garden at Fall Fun at the Washburn Tot Lot. We anticipate the new garden will be completed in May 2023 with our partner, Metro Blooms.