The Holiday Light Tour Starts Friday

Enjoy the colorful city streets and light displays of the Armatage AND Kenny neighborhoods this holiday season! This year’s tour map will be available on Thurs, Dec 8 The tour is self-guided and open to all! Please be respectful of neighbors on your adventure. If you drive, please turn off your vehicle when you arrive at each stop.

Today is Your Last Chance to Register for the Tour Map!

If you live in Armatage or Kenny and love to decorate for the holidays, sign up to be a tour stop on the Holiday Light Tour! The deadline to register is tonight (Tues, Dec 6) at 11:59pm. Learn more and sign up here!

Final City Budget Public Hearing Tonight

Give feedback on the proposed 2023-2024 City budget through tonight’s public hearing or online comment. The proposed 2023 budget is $1.66 billion and the 2024 budget is $1.71 billion. The proposed tax levy increase for 2023 is 6.5% and is expected to be 6.2% in 2024.  Visit the City’s website to learn more about the mayor’s recommended budget, key dates in the approval process, FAQs and more.

Online comments (click here to submit) will be entered into the public record and shared with the mayor and council members.

There is one final public hearing TONIGHT (Tues, Dec 6) at 6:05pm at City Hall, 350 S Fifth St, in Room 317. Learn more about participating here. The City Council is scheduled to vote on adopting the budget after tonight’s hearing.

Ward 13 Conversation with MPD Chief O’Hara

Join Council Vice President Linea Palmisano for an evening of conversation with new Police Chief Brian O’Hara on Mon, Dec 12 from 6:30–8 pm at Southwest High School (enter through Door #1 on Beard Ave S).  Please pay attention to parking restrictions on certain blocks around Southwest High School.

Chief O’Hara will share some remarks and then open up the floor to Q &A. Pizza and cookies will be served starting at 6:15 pm. This promises to be a great forum – hope you can join in!

Support Your Neighborhood

Join us in supporting the Armatage Neighborhood Association Association this giving season! Click here to make a secure donation through Give MN.

Big or small, EVERY donation matters!  With your help, the ANA works to make Armatage a place where all are welcome, empowered, and connected through community-building events and programs (see the list below), environmental work, safety initiatives, advocacy and communications that keep you informed and engaged. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, every donation to the ANA is tax-deductible and eligible for employer matching. Give today at

2022 Year in Review

Here’s what your neighborhood association did to build community and make Armatage an event better place to live and work this year:

  • Fire & Ice Skating Party with Armatage Park (Jan)
  • Green Team Monthly Reading Circle (Feb-Sep)
  • Green Team Regenerative Agriculture series (Mar)
  • Earth Day Neighborhood Clean-up (Apr)
  • Tech Help for Seniors drop-in event (Apr)
  • Armatage Pet Fest (May)
  • Garden Tool Swap with City of Mpls (May)
  • Annual Meeting & Board Election (May)
  • Movie in the Park with Armatage Park (Jun)
  • Garden Evolution Workshop (Jun)
  • Armatage Summer Jam (Aug)
  • Rain & Pollinator Garden Program (Aug)
  • Fall Fun at the Washburn Tot Lot (Sep)
  • Electronics Recycling Event (Sep)
  • Fall Neighborhood Clean-up (Oct)
  • Halloween Decoration Tour (Oct)
  • Holiday Light Tour (Dec)
  • New Washburn Tot Lot pollinator garden coming in 2023!

Buying and Selling Safely This Holiday Season

MPD has seen an increase in robberies associated with buying and selling items using social media such as Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist. Meeting with a stranger to make a transaction can be a dangerous situation. During an in-person transaction, individuals have been robbed of the item being sold or the money being paid.  In some cases, people have been shot.

Buying/Selling Meeting Safety Tips:

  • Transactions should only occur in a public place where there is good lighting, surveillance cameras, and with vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Police precincts, coffee shops, and public libraries are good examples of places to meet.
  • Never meet at your home or at a residence.
  • Do not disclose your personal information.
  • Check-out the buyer or seller’s social media profile to help determine if he or she is legitimate.
  • Bring a friend or family member to the transaction.
  • Have a complete plan in place before meeting, including a public meeting location, specific time, how funds will be exchanged (use transaction apps when possible – if paying in cash, only have the payment due on hand). Be wary and strongly consider canceling if the person changes anything last minute.
  • Trust your instincts! If something doesn’t feel right, cancel the meeting.
  • Never meet at night, alone, or in an isolated area.

Keep Sidewalks Clear of Snow and Ice

Please clear your sidewalk of snow and ice all winter to keep Minneapolis accessible for everyone. Many in our city rely on the sidewalks to get to work, school, errands, appointments and more. One- and two-family dwellings have 24 hours after the snow stops to clear their sidewalks. All other properties must have clear sidewalks within four hours. If you don’t clear your sidewalk, you could get a warning letter and bill from the City to remove snow from your sidewalk. A typical bill is $229.

Resources are available for people who are unable to shovel or clear their sidewalks. Several for-hire contractors and a few nonprofit organizations can help. If you need help, you can call 311 to find the best match in your area. Visit the City website for more information and resources or to report an issue.

Using the Right Amount of Salt Saves Money and Protects Clean Water

Winter road and sidewalk de-icing salt is a major – and permanent – polluter of local freshwater lakes and streams. Seventy-eight percent of salt applied in the metro area ends up in groundwater or local lakes and rivers.  Salt also causes infrastructure damage to things like vehicles and concrete and can hurt pet’s paws. Use the tips below or take the 30 minute Salt Mini Course here.

Salting tips:

  • Shovel: Physical removal is always most effective and prevents snow from turning into ice.
  • Select: Salt or sand? Salt doesn’t melt ice if the pavement is below 15 degrees, so use sand or grit for traction when it’s too cold or choose a different de-icer.
  • Scatter: A 12-ounce coffee cup of salt is enough to cover 10 sidewalk squares or a 20-foot driveway.
  • Sweep: Clean up leftover salt and reuse as needed.

Equity Corner: Microaggressions

Microaggression is a term used for commonplace daily verbal, behavioral or environmental slights, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative attitudes toward stigmatized or culturally marginalized group, including LGBTQ+ people, people living in poverty, and people who are disabled. The persons making the comments may be otherwise well-intentioned and unaware of the potential impact of their words.

  • This handout has helpful examples of common racial microaggressions we may be unwittingly committing in our day-to-day interactions with friends, neighbors, or co-workers.
  • Also, this YouTube video does a great job of illustrating the little things people say that on the surface may not seem harmful.
  • Finally, if you’d like a quick tool for learning how to avoid microaggressions in the future, you can watch this short video here.

Thank you to Armatage neighbor, Sheila Dingels, for this write-up!

Neighborhood Roots Winter Markets

Neighborhood Roots Winter Markets return to Bachman’s with music, fresh food and beverages, produce, crafts, and gifts from local farmers, bakers, and artisans. This market series will take place outdoors (November and December) and indoors (January – March) at Bachman’s and will feature all your favorite vendors from the Kingfield, Fulton, and Nokomis Farmers Market.

The next winter market is this Saturday, December 10 from 10am – 2pm. For more information, visit Pets are not allowed at the market. Service animals are always welcome.

Field + Festival Holiday Market at Wagners

Field + Festival’s popular holiday markets at Wagner’s Garden Center are BACK! Check out the food and maker market series every Saturday and Sunday from 10am–2pm this holiday season. The fun happens inside the Wagners greenhouses, a warm escape perfect for holiday shopping!

Check out each week’s participating vendors and learn more at

Apply for the 4d Affordable Housing Incentive Program

The 4d program helps preserve naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH) in Minneapolis through commitments from property owners to ensure long term affordability. This program allows property owners to obtain property tax reductions for agreeing to keep at least 20% of rental units affordable for 10 years. The eligibility for 4d property tax rate provides an approximate 40% tax rate reduction on qualifying units with prorated reductions. For example, if you enroll 50% of the units in the building the reduction would be about 20%.

The 4d program also helps rental property owners make their existing buildings greener through cost sharing: $50,000 per building (up to 70% of project costs) with eligibility determined by a free energy assessment and Solar Energy incentives up to $50,000 per project. The application deadline is January 11, 2023 at 5pm. Property owners are encouraged to apply early! For additional information regarding the application process, benefits, and commitments, visit the 4d website. Please feel free to reach out with any questions at or 612-673-5055.

Armatage Neighborhood Association