Electronics Recycling & Paper Shredding Event This Saturday!

Armatage is co-sponsoring an e-waste and paper shredding recycling event this Saturday (Sept 24) from 9am–12pm! Bring documents, tablets, computers, phones, peripherals (cords, computer parts, keyboards, etc.) and small appliances for safe recycling AND data destruction. The suggested donation is $5 (or $5 + $5 to sponsor a neighbor), but no one will be turned away. Cash and cards will be accepted on-site.

**Friendly reminder that Mpls Solid Waste & Recycling customers can also set out two electronics items every week and recycle paper in their blue cart for no extra fee!** Learn more at armatage.org/ewaste.

Sept 20, 2022 Meeting Recap

Thanks to Council Vice President Linea Palmisano for joining this week’s ANA Monthly Meeting. The ANA Board discussed the new city traffic calming process (see below for more info) and were joined by neighbor Lara Bergman who represented a group of neighbors that are planning to apply for traffic calming measures at 57th & Penn.  PhD candidate Daniel Rosenblum gave an overview on his project to interview residents of homes that had racial housing covenants (more info below). The ANA Board also discussed its 2023-2024 city funding applications. Funding for the ANA is set to drop to $14,131 per year on January 1, 2023.

Fall Neighborhood Clean-up

Join the Armatage Green Team for our annual fall clean-up of our neighborhood streets, sidewalks, and parks on Sat, Oct 1 from 9–11am!  No need to register – just show up!  Every single person who volunteers makes a huge impact and this is a great, meaningful opportunity for kids, teens and adults to show our neighborhood pride and keep trash and recycling from polluting our waterways. Learn more at armatage.org/events/clean-ups/

Register for the Kenny & Armatage Halloween Tour

Registration is open for this year’s Halloween Tour! We’re excited to partner with our neighbors in Kenny on this year’s tour. Learn more and sign up at armatage.org/2022halloweentour/ through Oct 19. By signing up, you agree to have your decorations up each night of the tour AND to have the your address published on our map.

Visitors will be able to vote for their favorite displays in each category: Best Use of Pumpkins, Spookiest, Armatage Neighborhood Fave and Kenny Neighborhood Fave. HUGE thanks to Book Club at 54th & Penn for generously donating gift cards for this year’s prizes!

New Neighborhood Traffic Calming Request Process

Each year the City of Minneapolis receives 2,500+ requests for traffic calming measures – far more requests than resources. In an effort to better serve residents, the City just launched a new Traffic Calming Request Process! Visit https://bit.ly/mplstrafficcalming to learn more and apply for traffic calming at an intersection or on a street around Armatage or anywhere in Minneapolis now through November 1!

The ANA submitted comments on this process this past winter and are glad to see the application launch. Please go check it out!

Fall Fun Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for Fall Fun at the Washburn Tot Lot on Saturday! It was such a blast to see so many of you! Special thanks to our renters who stopped by and everyone who gave input on the new community pollinator garden! Stay tuned for more information on the garden.

Thanks also to our event partners: Move Minnesota, Metro Blooms, League of Women Voters, and Minnehaha Creek Watershed District.

Help Needed: Racial Housing Covenant Interviews

Do you live in a home that had a racial housing covenant? Daniel Rosenblum, a visiting PhD researcher working with the Mapping Prejudice Project, is looking for residents from Armatage who would be open to participating in interviews. This would be a great opportunity to share your perspective on your home, neighborhood, racial covenant histories, and recent events in Minneapolis in relation to covenant data compiled by the Mapping Prejudice Project.

To sign up, contact Daniel Rosenblum at rosen918@umn.edu or 267-337-0670. Daniel swung by this week’s ANA Monthly Meeting and will give a longer talk about this project at our December  20 meeting.

Register for Fall Park Programs

Fall is here and it’s a perfect time to register new programs at your local Minneapolis parks!  There are some especially great programs for toddlers, preschoolers and older adults – check them out here!

Find and register for all activities and programs at https://apm.activecommunities.com/minneapolisparks/Activity_Search

Free Meals and Snacks for Youth 18 and Under

Whether it’s after school, on school-release days, or during summer, kids 18 and under can visit participating community sites for no-cost healthy meals and snacks from Minneapolis Public Schools. Children do not need to attend Minneapolis Public Schools to participate! Find the full list of participating community sites at https://nutritionservices.mpls.k12.mn.us/community_park_menus

Hearing Increased Airplane Traffic? Here’s Why!

Runway 17/35 at MSP Airport is closed for a runway restoration project, likely through mid-October. Flights that would normally use this runway are currenly directed to the other runways, which bumps up the airplane traffic (and likely noise) that we experience in Southwest Minneapolis.

Runway use and flight activity information are available on the MAC’s FlightTrackerAnyone with questions about runway closures may call the Metropolitan Airports Commission’s community relations office at 612-726-9411.

National Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15th-October 15th is National Hispanic Heritage Month. September 15th was chosen as the commemoration date because it is the anniversary of the independence of five Hispanic countries. It is the anniversary of the Cry of Dolores, which marked the start of the Mexican War of Independence and thus resulted (in 1821) in independence for the New Spain Colony, which is now Mexico and the Central American nations of GuatemalaEl SalvadorCosta RicaHonduras, and Nicaragua.

National Hispanic Heritage Month is a time for recognizing the contributions and influence of Hispanic and Latino Americans to the history, culture, and achievements for the United States. It is also a time for the U.S. Military to honor both fallen and active-duty Hispanic Americans who served in the armed forces. Sixty-one people of Hispanic heritage have been awarded the Medal of Honor.

This year’s theme is Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation. The theme is to encourage all voices to be represented and welcomed to help build stronger communities and a stronger nation. Did you know that Latinos are the largest ethnic minority (57.5 million) in the U.S. and that 40 million U.S. residents aged 5 and older speak Spanish at home?

Meet Minneapolis has compiled a list of art studios, markets, restaurants and special events where you can support local businesses or celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.

Upcoming events include:

Thanks to Armatage neighbor, Sheila Dingels, for this fabulous write-up!

New Washburn Tot Lot Pollinator Garden

ICYMI, the ANA is excited to announce that we received grant funding from the State of Minnesota’s Lawns to Legumes Neighborhood Demonstration Program and the Minneapolis People for Parks Fund to create a pollinator garden at the Washburn Tot Lot!  The new garden will be installed along the alley to provide a safe, beautiful barrier that will benefit our community and local pollinators.

Thanks to all who gave feedback on the garden at Fall Fun at the Washburn Tot Lot. We anticipate the new garden will be completed in May 2023 with our partner, Metro Blooms.


Armatage Neighborhood Association