Board Election Results

Thanks to everyone who voted in the 2023 Armatage Board Election and congratulations to our seven newly-elected board members:

  • Eli Johnson (continuing)
  • Ethan Komoroski (continuing)
  • Holly Stallons (new)
  • Laura Studer (new)
  • Ryan Tvenge (new)
  • Judy Vecere (continuing)
  • Charlie Wolfe (continuing)

We’re so grateful to have Eli, Ethan, Judy and Charlie continue their fantastic contributions on the ANA Board and to welcome Holly, Laura and Ryan as new board members!

Vote in the Board Election: May 13–16

  • Vote in person: voting kicks off in-person on Sat, May 13 from 9am–12pm at Springtime in Armatage! You’ll also be able to vote at the beginning of the Annual Meeting on May 16.
  • Vote online:  voting runs online from Sat, May 13 at 9am through Tue, May 16 at 7:30pm. Look for the voting link on this page and at

If you need assistance voting, please call us at 612-466-0296 – we’re happy to help. All Armatage residents 18 years and older and designated business and institutional representatives are eligible to vote in the election and help select the next ANA Board.

Annual Meeting: Tues, May 16 • 6:30pm

Join your neighbors for free pizza, a great talk from the folks at House Novel (if Zillow and had a baby, it would be and Q & A with Council Vice President Palmisano!

Vote in the Board Election, hear what your neighborhood has been up to, and share a free meal with neighbors at the Armatage Community Center. Email with dietary restrictions.

Join the ANA Board

One of the best ways to support our small but mighty neighborhood organization is to serve on the ANA Board!  Please consider joining this fabulous group of volunteers who live all over Armatage and get together on the third Tuesday of the month to advocate on behalf of the neighborhood, meet with city and other government officials, and guide ANA programs and events.

Click below to sign up by Sat, May 13 at 12pm or find us at the Springtime in Armatage event on May 13 to sign up in person. Members of underrepresented communities are especially encouraged to join.

Armatage Neighborhood Association