January 17, 2023 Minutes

ANA Meeting Minutes

1/17/23 / 6:30 PM / Armatage Community Center


Vikisha Goberdhan, Ethan Komoroski, Nikki Lindberg, Kevin Ross, Judy Vecere, Charlie Wolfe

NOT IN ATTENDANCE: Eli Johnson, Sharla McIntosh-Ziegler


Lauren Anderson (Armatage Coordinator), Jason Green (interim Rec Center Director), Amy Schutt  (Assistant City Attorney), Ryan Tvenge (new neighbor), Denis Houle, Linea Palmisano (City Council)


Updated financials were sent via email and are posted online.

6:37 Welcome and Introductions (Kevin Ross)

6:39 Comments from Community

  • Denis Houle — former board member (served about 15 years) and sat on the NCEC city board. Denis spoke at the December City Council budget meeting. He is hoping to get some organization around the budget needs of neighborhoods. He is concerned about the current trend by the council to defund neighborhood organizations. Nikki shared info about a collaboration group meeting of six area neighborhoods, and their hope to work together to address these funding needs. Linea also spoke to the new Mayoral process, and the current $10k base funding (which isn’t sufficient to professionally run these organizations that are a key component in citywide communications).

7:01 Council Vice President Linea Palmisano

  • 57th and Penn update. The city received over 1,000 traffic calming applications (map on the website). Public works is working to narrow down the most feasible projects, and have capacity and budget to implement 10-15 projects. Hope to know by spring to know which projects are selected.
  • One-sided parking. Feedback over recent plowing and parking issues has the city considering implementing 1-sided parking restrictions to help right-of-way access.

7:12 Armatage Park Update (interim Park Director Jason Green)

  • Jason also manages Bryant Square and has been with the MPB since 1985, and has worked for 12 different neighborhoods. Jason commented about the importance of the work neighborhoods do, and is happy to support us if needed.
  • Fire & Ice (January 27th at Armatage Park). Events (such as Fire & Ice at Kenny) for this weekend will likely be canceled due to warm temperatures (hope to reschedule).

7:19 Minneapolis Just Deeds Program
(Amy Schutt, Assistant City Attorney)

  • Just Deeds helps homeowners discharge racial covenants from their deeds. They also help educate residents about the impacts of discrimination in homeownership and its long term impacts. Launched in 2021, they initially got over 1,800 applications, and are now positioned to re-engage their efforts with a more focused approach.
  • Just Deeds is willing to help with any number of outreach efforts. We can consider doing door knocking, mailing a targeted postcard, hosting a presentation, tabling at an event (like Summer Jam, August 27) and adding more info online.
  • Longfellow is using a grant to help them do this type of outreach in partnership with Free the Deeds.
  • The process to discharge the covenant is free. Just Deeds is able to get the needed documents, file with the county, and access an electronic notary service.

7:42 2023 City Engagement Funding

  • Discussed above. City leveled up some neighborhoods to a $20,000 total budget ($10,000 base operating  funds and $10,000 equitable engagement funds). Neighborhoods can now spend some limited amount on food (a small %) .

7:44 Welcome Bag Program Changes

  • In February we will work on distributing the remaining bags. Moving forward we will switch to different bags (paper w/ sticker…clip on magnet?) and a shared delivery method, with assembly taking place just before a regular monthly meeting.
  • We are drafting a postcard to invite renters (and homeowners) to receive a welcome bag, and plan to have a limited supply available at ANA events.

8:05 Office Clean-out Progress

  • For the people who have volunteered to help, more clean out sessions will be scheduled. Currently, we have gathered a lot of information to go to the Hennepin County Library archives, set aside materials we’d like to keep a copy of (and need to figure out the best way to create that copy/storage plan before giving this to HCL).

7:50 Approval of Minutes & Financials

  • Motion to approve November minutes. Seconded. Motion carries.

8:14 Committee Updates

  • Community Engagement — Welcome bag recommendations (noted above), Fire & Ice on January 27, Planning has starting on spring events (neighborhood election day/garden tool swap on May 13)
  • Green Team — Finalized grant submittals for Lawns to Legumes, Securing garden tool swap volunteers (master gardener for questions, tool maintenance info), Washburn tot lot meeting soon for final design plans, and working on building connections with neighbors for weeding and watering needs (May 20 & 21)

8:20 New Business

  • Need someone to do minutes in March and May as Nikki will not be able to attend those meetings

Meeting adjourned at 8:23


  • Jan 27 – Armatage Fire & Ice Skating Party (6:00-7:30pm, Armatage Park)
  • Feb 2 – Community Engagement Committee (6:00-7:00pm, Book Club)
  • Feb 9 – Green Team Meeting (7:00-8:30pm, TBD)
  • Feb 21 – Monthly Meeting (6:30-8:30pm, Armatage Park)