ANA Meeting Minutes

4/19/22 / 6:30 PM / Zoom


Eli Johnson, Ethan Komoroski, Nikki Lindberg, Sharla McIntosh-Ziegler, Kevin Ross, Charlie Wolfe

NOT IN ATTENDANCE: Samantha Bild, Vikisha Goberdhan, Janhel Leandre, Judy Vecere


Lauren Anderson (Coordinator), Jordan Nelson (Armatage Park Director), Sarah Komoroski


Updated financials were sent via email.

6:30    Welcome and Introductions (Kevin Ross)

6:35    Park Update (Jordan Nelson)

  • The park hosted additional programming over spring break
  • The park board hosted an in-person buoy-draw event for summer lake buoy usage
  • Summer Rec+ full (waitlist) and fall is almost full already
  • Hiring summer staff (prefer 16+ but the parks do have some opportunities for younger teens through Team Teenworks)
  • Saturday is the city-wide clean-up for Earth Day, and the park is hosting the ANA’s Tech Help for Seniors event
  • May 14 the park will also be hosting two ANA events: Garden Tool Swap and Pet-fest

6:40    Comments from Community

  • The board discussed adding a standing agenda item to encourage regular community comments (2-3 minutes/person; anything longer would need to added as a regular agenda item)
  • We have examples of language from a couple other neighborhoods to help lay some groundwork/foundations of expectations. The board will develop this language over email.
  • This will start in June.

6:50    Approval of March Minutes & Financials

  • Discussion regarding the ANA mask policy. We are requesting masks at the indoor Tech event in particular because distancing is not an option. Will continue to evaluate the recommendations and levels of illness to help determine when masking at ANA events is requested or required.
  • Nikki will be out of town for the May meeting. Ethan has volunteered to take notes during the annual meeting.
  • Motion to approve the March minutes. Seconded. Carries. 

6:55    Renter Engagement Fall Event

  • Date selected: Sept 17 / 10-noon (will be reaching out to the LWV to coordinate voter registration at this event) at the Washburn Tot Lot
  • Organizational Partners
    • LWV/voter registration
    • Homeline (Nikki and Charlie to reach out)
    • SEO will discuss other renter focused services to invite
    • Tables available to borrow from neighbors, ANA and Nikki
    • Plan to have some sort of treats for kids
    • Will be mailing a targeted invitation to encourage participation

7:05    Annual Meeting & Board Election Final Details

  • Speaker & Agenda Update
    • Kevin (welcome, intros, ANA key messaging)
    • Elected reps: Palmisano, Greene, Long (tentative) (10-min each)
    • Julie from Unwind Within (20-minute keynote)
  • Set-up, take-down & tabling volunteers (Lauren has list)
  • Committee updates (will do printed sheets with info from each committee and financial summary) and 3-minute presentation from each
  • Kevin to close and present election info
    • We have one community member who has expressed interested in running for the board
    • Requested to reach out to neighbors to see if there is any other interest
    • Will try to reach out to area businesses/organization over social media (Kevin & Lauren)
  • Will evaluate location near the park outside for set-up (likely by the archway)
  • Bad weather plan is to move indoors (ANA and park have masks and hand sanitizer, if needed)
  • Election team (Lauren has list)

7:25    Update from Council Member Palmisano

  • She came directly from an in-person open house in Fulton about the proposed development at 50th & Beard. This is one of four developments proposed in Fulton this year. As a neighborhood, Fulton has set forth goals to support affordable housing and address environmental impacts for any development in their neighborhood. She expressed an appreciation for being with people again, and the ability for people with different perspectives to come together and discuss, listen, learn and civilly interact.
  • Her office hosted a hybrid public safety forum (there were about 100 in-person and 100 online participants).
    • Mount Olivet did a great job of creating a quality experience for those attending both in-person and virtually.
    • Panel participants included people from the behavioral health team, the head of juvenile  corrections, a city attorney, and Inspector Blackwell from the MPD
    • Several elected officials were in attendance as well
    • The community input guided the discussion, and tried to show how the system works, types of consequences, how decisions are made, etc.
  • Council will be discussing the approach to homelessness and encampments next week and hopes for better coordination with the county
  • They have heard a lot of positive feed-back around the Final Four and the free events hosted by the city
  • A question was raised about the funding of the Open Streets events. There has been some confusing messaging around this issue, but fundamentally the city and Our Streets had come to an agreement for 2022-2024. After that agreement was signed, Our Streets has come to the city requiring additional funding beyond the scope of the initial agreement. They are working together to see how they address these additional needs, and will do what they can to have 2022 events, and may have to go out for proposals again depending on this year’s negotiations.

7:55    Transition to In-person Meetings Update

  • AV Equipment Needed
    • Kevin said a donation from the U is a good possibility, and more likely after the end of the semester in May
    • Other items on the ANA wishlist: laptop or tablet, microphone/speakerphone
  • Committee Plans for meetings: will mostly be outdoors, but will be taking it back to each committee to see what they want to do

7:55    Coordinator Report

  • Training tomorrow morning for Lawns to Legumes. Budget remaining $3,000 could help with staff support, as this looks to be somewhat involved.
  • Uploaded items to our YouTube channel (to help off-load Zoom)
  • Will be stepping down from Kenny (facing a lot of personal challenges in the next year)

8:05    ANA Committee Updates

  • Green Team
    • Lawns to Legumes program grant recipient ($25,000)
    • Washburn tot lot natural barrier ($5,000)
    • Clean-up event on Saturday
    • June 11 Gardening as you Grow Older
    • Soil health series (on YouTube) and great panel event
    • Partnering with other neighborhoods and Mayflower for Tech Dump event on September 24 at Mayflower Church (including anything that has data). Asking for a max of $250 per partner (but could get some donations at the event)
    • Motion to commit up to $250 from the ANA for the Tech Dump event. Seconded. Carries.
  • Safety, Equity & Outreach
    • Tech Day for Senior event Saturday 1-3
    • Next meeting May 3
  • Community Engagement
    • Talked about ways to follow-up (email, phone calls, tablets/sign-up sheets at events)
    • Senior workshop (Oct 1, 10-12, topic: home maintenance)
    • Food truck festival
      • Trying to secure a band
      • 5 food vendors committed
    • Pet Fest on May 14 (
      • Pet food and supply drive
      • Animal chiropractor / Rescue / Woof Central / Caricature artist / Obedience demos / and much more!

8:20    New Business

Meeting adjourned at 8:22


  • April 23 – Earth Day Clean-up (9:30am-12:00pm, Armatage Park)
  • April 23 – Senior Tech Day (2:00-4:00pm, Armatage Park)
  • May 3 – Safety, Equity & Outreach Committee (6:00-7:00pm, Zoom)
  • May 5 – Community Engagement Committee (6:00-7:00pm, Zoom)
  • May 12 – Green Team Meeting (7:00-8:30pm, Zoom)
  • May 14 – Pet Fest (2:00-4:00pm, Armatage Park)
  • May 17 – Annual Meeting (6:30-8:30pm, Zoom)
Armatage Neighborhood Association