Meeting Minutes
Date: April 21, 2020
Format: Virtual meeting held via Zoom
Called to Order: 6:33pm
Presided by: Joel Federer (President)
Note taker: Patty Grabski
Board members in attendance: Donte Mearon, Patty Grabski, Adriana Dobrzycka, Michael Kootsikas, Adam Miller, Brett Anderson, Ryan Antkowiak, Joel Federer, Lauren Anderson (Coordinator), Rachel Ireland-Henry (Accountant)
Others in attendance: Linea Palmisano (Council Member, Ward 13), Jordan Nelson (Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board, Stephanie Vigen, Neil D.
Board members absent: Judy Vecere (technical difficulties), Tyler Mulcahey
Welcome & Introductions
Parks and Rec Update: Jordan
- Rec Center closed in conjunction with schools at least through May 3
- Trying to move programs online
- Ambassador program
- Parks and trails are open
- Park reps available to check on things, answer questions and be a resource to residents
- ID via light blue jackets
- Trying to keep park reps employed
City Update: Linea Palmisano
- Property tax late fees in Hennepin and Ramsey will be waived until June 15
- $2.2M in small business relief agreed and available
- Passed takeout wine and beer with food – big revenue boost for small businesses
- Donation hub located in the city
- COVID health department line open – 24/7 response
- Street sweeping impending for pollution control
- There will not be towing but tickets will be issued
- Dumpsters included in required moving
- Construction nuisance update
ANA Annual meeting and Board Elections
- Question of whether to hold online June 16 or wait until Fall
- Board consensus to hold online in June
- Discussion re Annual Meeting main topic
- City staffer to present re 2020 Census via webinar
- Suggestion for open forum re feedback and outreach
- Grant recipient updates
- Process discussion re whether and how to end vote count during hte online meeting in order to announce new board members
- Need to determine best web platform to utilize – need volunteer to research
- Suggestion to model voting process on Kingfield, utilize their voter guide
- This requires candidates to self-identify in advance – no nominations during meeting
- Lauren to confirm open seats – please communicate with her if your term is up
- Content review is crunched this month – need several volunteers to help with proofreading
Virtual Happy Hour and Coffee Break
- 1 held so far with 7-8 in attendance
- 5/12 to be hosted by the Green Team with topic of Spring Gardening
- 6/9 host Mini Grants subcommittee
Social Distancing Engagement
- Art booklet and Quarantine projects – PDF or slideshow
- Contracted art kit
- Contest for mural artwork
- Donte to compile and organize submissions
Presidents Report
March Minutes – Approved
Treasurer Report
- CPP funds could be revoked by the city – $38k in report – should we earmark these with the intention of safe-guarding
- Suggestion to move to Metro Blooms bill to ‘professional services’ within CPP
Green Team Update
- Rain and Native Gardens
- This will go forward despite COVID with social distancing
- 15 gardens in program, several spots still open – will boost on social
- Continue feedback to Metro Blooms re sensitivity to size etc
- June installation
- Virtual Organics workshop 5/18
- Hennepin county grant is canceled due to COVID
Mini Grants Committee Update
- 3 applications received
- The Fen – garden installation at 58/Penn triangle
- Application lacked clarity – vote to deny passed
- Armatage Montessori School – equity and race workshops
- Application approved
- Armatage PTA courtyard garden improvement and nature studies
- Application approved
- The Fen – garden installation at 58/Penn triangle
Complete Count
- FB paid ads
- Please help boost by sharing via Twitter, FB and Instagram
Coordinator Update
- COVID19 relief fund – could combine with two other neighborhoods, we would have $8500 to contribute from program funds – to look into
- Attorney support paid for by city
- Armatage Park playground up for renovation – goal to encourage fast movement on plan