April 3, 2020 eNews

Win a $50 Gift Card and Help Our Community Count in the Census

The 2020 Census is HERE and we need your help to ensure Minnesota gets its full share of funding for schools, health care, roads and more.

Help out and enter to win one of four $50 gift cards to local businesses:

  1. Take the 2020 Census: my2020census.gov
  2. Take Action: choose from the following list…
    • Snap a selfie and share with hashtags #WeCountMN #Census2020 #ArmatageTakesTheCensus
    • Share a social media post with my2020census.gov/ and hashtags #WeCountMN #Census2020 #ArmatageTakesTheCensus
    • Reach out to a neighbor (or two!) about completing the Census using #socialdistancing. (This is a perfect chance to check in remotely).
  3. Visit armatage.org/2020census and enter your info for a chance to win one of four $50 gift cards to local businesses.

Thanks to support from the State of MN and the Minneapolis Foundation! All Minneapolis residents are eligible to participate.

COVID-19 Resources & Links

Do you need to…

  • Find a food shelf,
  • Apply for unemployment or an emergency small business loan,
  • Look up high risk grocery shopping hours,
  • Request help around your home (esp. if you’re a senior or have a disability),
  • Find ideas to keep kids busy during the day,
  • Check the details of our the #StayHomeMN order?

We have links to these and more in one place and are updating our page daily: https://armatage.org/covid19 If you haven’t done so yet, please send it to your block’s e-list or share on social media. Email suggestions for additions to anacoordinator@armatage.org.


Park Event and Facility Closures through August 31

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board made the difficult decision to cancel all park events and close recreation centers, restrooms, pools and beaches through August 31. This includes the cancellation of neighborhood events like Armatage Summer Festival that are held at parks. Parks, trails, athletic fields and courts, parkways, dog parks, and golf courses will remain open.  Read the full list of what’s open, closed and canceled here.

Stay safe while enjoying our parks and trails:

  • Stay six feet apart – if you are able to, please move aside for families with young kids, seniors, and people with disabilities.
  • No group sports, play dates, or activities
  • Don’t drive across the city or metro to visit popular parks
  • Use parks in moderation
  • Don’t visit parks or trails if you feel sick or have symptoms like a fever, runny nose and/or sore throat

mnhealth on Twitter: "Viruses don't discriminate, and neither ...
Check Out this Message from Mayor Frey and Chief Arradondo

There have been increased incidents and attacks against Asian American communities across the nation as a result of racism coupled with coronavirus fears. Watch and share Mayor Frey and Chief Arradondo’s video to learn about how the City is responding.

Call 311 to report discriminatory actions to the City’s Civil Rights Department and call 911 in an emergency.

The Minnesota Department of Health also has some great anti-discrimination posters available on its website.

Minneapolis City Trees Program

Low-cost Tree Sales for Minneapolis Residents

The Minneapolis City Trees Program is now open to ALL Minneapolis property owners! Sales are happening on a new online system through May 1 or until trees are sold out.

Unlike past years, there is no lottery and available trees will be smaller in size (#5 and #7 containers) in order to make more trees available to more property owners. Visit https://mpls-tree-sale.myshopify.com/ and please spread the word to your neighbors!

SW Parks Master Plan Comment Period Extended

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board extended the comment period for the Southwest Service Area Master Plan through April 25, 2020. With park buildings now closed through until May, visit www.minneapolisparks.org/sw to view and comment on the plans.

Transportation Action Plan Comment Period Extended

Check out the draft Transportation Action Plan website to read the draft plan and provide feedback. The interactive website includes opportunities to provide your input on specific strategies and actions during the public comment period, which is extended until May 22.

Attend the Online Open House on Monday, April 13 from 4:30-5:30pm on the Minneapolis Facebook page to hear about your plan, give input, and interact in real time.

Comment Period Extended to July 15

The City of Minneapolis has extended the public comment period for the Neighborhoods 2020 Draft Guidelines through July 15, 2020.

Proposed funding levels for neighborhoods like Armatage will significantly decrease in 2021 and beyond to shift more funding toward areas of the City with greater equity needs. Base funding levels will drop to 1/3 of their current level for Armatage, which will impact our ability to serve the neighborhood. Read the draft guidelines and learn more at www.minneapolismn.gov/ncr/2020

We Love Our Neighborhood

Thank you to Armatage neighbors Linda and Maggie for sharing their sidewalk poetry with us during this turbulent time!

Let us know how you’re making Armatage a bit brighter so we can share it with the neighborhood by emailing anacoordinator@armatage.org.