Join Us Thursday!
Armatage Happy Hour
4:00-6:00 • Cafe Maude
Septemer Meeting Agenda
Sept 20, 2016 Agenda
- Welcome
- City Council Update
- Park Update
- Proposed expenditures
- Portable projector screen (large, indoor/outdoor, movie night, etc) $209 (Amazon)
- Tree lighting $650-700
- Hydration station $850
- Park event tent $96
- Window blinds for multi-purpose room $1,015
- Skate board lock-up $380
- Additional reupholstering cost $1,130 (for a total of $2,930)
- Other park amenties to explore
- Shade trees/structures
- A/C
- Additional picnic tables/benches
- Committee Updates
- Safety
- November Safety meeting
- Community Engagement
- Summer Festival – recap/feedback
- Safety
- Coordinator Update
- Open Streets
- October newsletter
- 2017 calendar
- Treasurer Report
- 990 filing
- Secretary Report
- New Business Solar gardens • pollinators • ash borer
Please submit agenda items and requests for childcare at least 3 days in advance.
Fall Park Guide Available Online
NEW Creative Dance Class at Armatage Park
Our littlest dancers learn creative dance and pre-ballet in an imaginative and childlike setting. We will make simple costumes (materials fee included). The session will culminate in a holiday Nutcracker performance. Parents are welcome but not required to participate.
Ages 3-5
Thursdays (9/15 to 11/17) #61156
Saturdays (9/17 to 11/19) #61155
$80 per session
Minneapolis Zero Waste Plan Reminder
In 2016 the City of Minneapolis will be developing a Zero Waste Plan, focused on a set of strategies to move the City toward zero waste. Your input, perspectives, ideas, and concerns will help City staff and policy makers develop a plan that supports the achievement of the City’s ambitious goals for waste reduction, while also enhancing livability, community vitality, and economic prosperity
Multi-Unit Residential Sector
Thursday, September 22, 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
(registration and light breakfast at 8:00)
Sabathani Community Center
310 38th Street East, Minneapolis, MN 55409
This event is free, but we do request that you RSVP by Tuesday, September 18. Contact Meleah Houseknecht at 612-334-3388 ext. 8104 with questions.
Commercial Sector
Wednesday, September 28, 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
(registration and light breakfast at 8:00)
Minneapolis Central Library
300 Nicollet, Minneapolis, MN 55401
This event is free, but we do request that you RSVP by Tuesday, September 23. Contact Meleah Houseknecht at 612-334-3388 ext. 8104 with questions.
Keep informed about the 54th St Construction
Tenant Engagement Workshop
September 22, 2016 • 6:00-7:30pm
Van Cleve Recreation Center
About the Tenant Engagement Work Group
The Tenant Engagement Work Group meets on a quarterly basis at rotating locations throughout the city. Meetings are informal and are open to all Minneapolis renters, people who advocate for and support renters, and others interested in tenant engagement. To receive future communications about the work group, email
RSVPs are appreciated at
Organics Recycling Training
Session 1: Tuesday, September 27, 6PM – 8PM, Longfellow Park (3435 36th Ave S)
Session 2: Thursday, October 13, 6PM – 8PM, Windom Park Northeast (2251 Hayes St)
Get your organics recycling questions answered with hands-on learning, demonstrations, and tips that make organics recycling easy.
Learn about the City’s new Recycling Block Leader program and how you can sign up to be the leader on your block.
- Hear presentation from Minneapolis Recycling Staff
- Get a free kitchen organics collection container, while supplies last
- Pick up a free yard sign promoting organics recycling
- Enjoy refreshments with your neighbors
RSVP: Encouraged but not required.
Visit to RSVP and for more information.
Questions: Laura Horner,, 612-673-3318
Register to vote in the general election, November 8
Eligible Hennepin County voters have until Tuesday, October 18, to preregister for the 2016 general election. If you’ve recently moved or are a new voter, save time on Election Day. Register to vote or check your voter registration status at
Voters may also register in person on Election Day, which is November 8, or vote absentee for any reason.
For information about voting and elections in Hennepin County, visit
Kids Vote need volunteers!
Free gun locks available to Hennepin County residents
The Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office, in partnership with the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office, offers free gun locks to Hennepin County residents.
The lock is a cable-style device and it is intended to discourage unauthorized access to a firearm, particularly by young children. Cable locks require that many types of firearms be unloaded before the cable lock is installed, providing an extra level of safety.
The free gun locks are available at:
Hennepin County Sheriff’s Enforcement Services Headquarters at 9401 83rd Ave. N., Brooklyn Park
Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office Gun Permit Office at 350 S. 5th Street, Room 22, Minneapolis
Find out more information here about gun safety in your home.
Help shape our city — apply for openings on Minneapolis boards and commissions
Applications are now being accepted for a number of open board and commission positions that the City Council and mayor will appoint this fall. Board and commission members in the City of Minneapolis provide valuable insights, help shape key policy decisions and provide community-based input into administration of services. The City is seeking applicants with a diversity of backgrounds and experiences to strengthen the work of the City.
Applications will be reviewed beginning Oct. 21. The positions are open until filled. There are 151 open positions on 17 City boards and commissions:
- Advisory Committee on Aging
- Advisory Committee on People With Disabilities
- Arts Commission
- Capital Long-Range Improvement Committee
- Charter Commission – the application review process is underway
- Commission on Civil Rights – the application review process will begin Oct. 14
- Community Environmental Advisory Commission
- Heritage Preservation Commission – the application review process will begin Sept. 30
- Planning Commission
- Police Conduct Review Panel – the application review process will begin Oct. 10
- Police Oversight Commission – the application review process will begin Oct. 10
- Public Health Advisory Committee
- Public Housing Authority
- Telecommunications Network
- Workplace Advisory Committee – the application review process will begin Oct. 14
- Youth Violence Prevention Executive Committee
- Zoning Board of Adjustment