August 18, 2020 Agenda

6:30-8:30pm | Zoom:
All meetings are open to community members. Please allow time to sign in at the link above.

  • Welcome & Introductions
  • Fall Planning:
    • Armatage Park Alternative Halloween Event
    • Virtual Happy Hours Topics/Guests
    • Rescheduled National Night Out
    • Litter Be Gone
    • Let’s Get Uncomfortable Workshop
  • Sweet Treats in the Park:
    • Event Details
    • Volunteer Tasks
    • Minutes – Approved Via Email
  • Neighborhoods 2020 Letter
  • President’s Report
  • Treasurer Report – Financials Emailed
  • Coordinator Update:
    • Fall Newsletter Content and Timeline – Election, Census, Let’s Get Uncomfortable
    • Web and Social Media Content Updates
  • Neighborhood Financials Training

Sweet Treats in the Park

Sunday, August 23
Armatage Parking Lot

Grab your mask and come to Armatage Park for a new safe and distanced neighborhood event – Sweet Treats in the Park! Food trucks Sonny’s Ice Cream and Thumbs Cookies & Milk will take orders in the parking lot while practicing new safety guidelines and distanced ordering. Dairy-free or gluten-free? Not to worry – Sonny’s has options for you.

Thanks in advance for following our safety guidelines to wear a mask during the event, maintain *at least* 6 feet of distance from everyone outside of your household, follow signs and use the pre-marked spaces to wait in line, and eat away from others in the park (or bring your treats home!).

Donations Needed for the Bridge for Youth

Currently, youth are the most likely segment of Minnesota’s population to be homeless. Of Minnesota’s 6,000 homeless youth, 35% are pregnant or parenting. In Hennepin County, this rises to nearly 50%. Opening this month, Gloria’s Place will be the only emergency shelter specifically for homeless teen parents and their children in the state of Minnesota. Through comprehensive case management, youth in Gloria’s Place will have their immediate needs met, in addition to access healthcare, assistance in obtaining vital documents, parenting groups, enrolling in school and individual and group counseling and more.

You can help the Bridge for Youth create a safe, welcoming environment for the youth at Gloria’s Place by donating much-needed items from their registry at Target. Follow the Bridge for Youth on Facebook and Instagram for more updates along the way and check out KARE11‘s recent feature on Gloria’s Place.

Census Takers Started Door-to-door Outreach on August 11

On August 11, enumerators (also known as census takers) began going to households to help those who have not yet completed the census. If you do not want someone to come to your door, you can still complete the census:

Census takers will only visit households until September 30. Let’s make sure our community is seen and heard. Be counted now, so we have the resources we need for education, healthcare, housing and other vital services for the next 10 years.

Travel Needs Survey

You are invited to participate in a short University of Minnesota survey on people’s travel needs in the Twin Cities region and how shared automated vehicles may help meet these needs. This survey is part of a larger study titled SCC: Leveraging Autonomous Shared Vehicles for Greater Community Health, Equity, Livability, and Prosperity (HELP), which is funded by the National Science Foundation.

The survey is completely online, is available in English and Spanish, lasts no more than 15 minutes, and is voluntary. After completion, all survey participants will be entered into a raffle to win one of forty $50 VISA gift cards!

Link to survey:

Emergency Rent Assistance

Hennepin County is still accepting applications for its emergency rent assistance program. Learn more and apply at


Distanced National Night Out: September 15

Minneapolis National Night Out is officially rescheduled for September 15 this year due to COVID-19. Learn more about registering your event at Here are some ideas for safe and distanced block gatherings:

  • Be out in front yards at the same time to see one another, pop over for a brief conversation, etc.
  • Meet a neighbor you don’t know yet (masks on, 6+ feet apart)
  • Reconnect with 2 neighbors you do know (masks on, 6+ feet apart)
  • Pick up 3 pieces of litter
  • Clean up a storm drain of leaf/tree debris
  • Chalk a picture on your sidewalk
  • Play a song with an instrument or speakers in your front yard for others to enjoy (be mindful of adjacent neighbors doing this to not complete and take turns)
  • Put out a few balloons or other decorations to make the block festive
  • Share an interesting “show and tell” in your front yard for other neighbors  (a chicken, another interesting pet, a historical novelty, a favorite book of yours, etc.; No touching, just looking)
  • BYO food, drinks and chairs

Hennepin County Deconstruction Grants

To help divert waste from landfills, Hennepin County has grants available for homeowners and developers to deconstruct buildings to salvage building materials rather than demolish them. Homeowners and developers of residential properties can receive up to $5,000 to help offset the additional costs associated with deconstruction.

Grants are available for demolition or renovation projects that are 250 square feet or larger on structures built prior to 1970. Learn more about the grants including eligibility and requirements at

Armatage Neighborhood Association