Navy & light blue graphic that says "Armatage Monthly Meeting" next to a photo of a tree in holiday lights at Armatage Park next to the skating rink. Further down, the graphic reads "Tues, Dec 21 6:30-8:30pm Community members welcome! Register to attend on Zoom at"

December 21, 2021 Agenda

Please join the last Armatage Monthly Meeting of the year this Tuesday, December 21 from 6:30-8:30pm on Zoom. Neighbors are encouraged to attend. Register at

  • Welcome & Introductions (6:30pm)
  • Park Update – Jordan Nelson, Armatage Park Director (6:35pm)
  • President Midterm Election (6:40pm)
  • ANA Committee Work Plans (6:50pm)
  • Safety Rebate Program Changes (7:25pm)
  • Approval of 2022 ANA Budget (7:45pm)
  • Coordinator Report (8:00pm)
    • ANA Web Updates & Financials
    • 2021 Fundraising
    • Holiday Light Tour Wrap-up
    • Staffing Update & Holiday Schedule
  • New Business (8:15pm)

Graphic with holiday lights at night in the background and text that reads "Armatage Holiday Light Tour, Friday 12/10 through Sun 12/19 from 5-8pm. More info at"

Holiday Light Tour Ends Sunday

Friday, Dec 10 – Sunday, Dec 19

Enjoy the colorful city streets and light displays of the Armatage Neighborhood this holiday season!  The tour runs from 5:00-8:00pm each night through Sunday, December 19. Check out this year’s tour map at  Please be courteous and respectful of neighbors on your adventure and minimize the amount of time your car is idling. If you leave your vehicle, please maintain social distancing.

Once you’ve visited every stop on the tour, visit to vote for your favorites! Voting closes at 12:00pm on December 20 so don’t wait to get your votes in! To keep things as fair as possible, please refrain from voting until you’ve visited each and every address on the tour. The three addresses with the most votes will each win a $50 gift card to an Armatage business.

Image shows children walking up a sledding hill with sleds in hand.

Socially Distanced Sledding at Armatage Park

Tues, Dec 21 & 28

Come hit the slopes! As you probably know, Armatage Park has one of *the best* sledding hills in Southwest along Penn Ave. Limited sleds are available at the recreation center, so bring one if you can and plan to distance.  Please register in advance here so staff know how many to expect.

(Can’t make it this week?  You’ll have more chances for socially distanced sledding each Saturday January 8 – February 12 from 10:00am-12:00pm at Armatage Park. Learn more here.)

Sign up for Southwest Voices

We’re happy to announce that the Armatage Neighborhood Association will be partnering with Southwest Voices, a local news and information service covering SW Minneapolis. Southwest Voices has a free daily newsletter with information on how to get involved with the city, fun local events, restaurant openings and closings, live reports from School Board, Park Board, and City Council meetings, and information about community happenings. Sign-up at

The ANA will receive a portion of each membership fee from people that sign up from our neighborhood, so if you sign up to support Southwest Voices, you’re also supporting the ANA. As a civic news organization that believes that good local journalism starts with listening, Southwest Voices wants to hear from you! Shoot them a note at or a text message at 612-204-2887 to share what you’d like to see covered and follow them on TwitterInstagram or Facebook.

Image shows a City of Minneapolis press conference from Dec 13, 2021 with diverse attendees and sign language interpretation

New Minneapolis Crisis Response Teams

The City of Minneapolis launched a behavioral crisis response teams pilot project. Canopy Roots will provide crisis intervention, counseling, and connection to support services as an alternative to police responders.  Two mobile units will operate throughout Minneapolis 7:30 am to midnight, Monday through Friday, and eventually ramp up to service 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Each vehicle will have a team of two behavioral health responders and outreach supplies, such as water, socks, snacks and toiletries.

People should continue to call 911 for help with behavioral crises. 911 dispatchers will gather information and determine if the incident is eligible for a mobile behavioral health team response. The teams will not respond to incidents involving firearms or violent behavior. The Minneapolis Police Department will only be on scene if dispatch determines the need to clear the scene first or the response teams request assistance to complete their work. Learn more about the behavioral crisis response teams here.

Image of a traffic circle at a Minneapolis snowy neighborhood intersection.

Take the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Survey

Minneapolis Public Works wants your input on a proposed process to address traffic safety concerns and traffic calming requests on neighborhood streets. The process provides a way for community members to request traffic calming and for Public Works to review those requests fairly, transparently and equitably. We know traffic calming has been a priority for neighbors for a long time and we hope you’ll weigh in!

Find more information about the proposed traffic calming process and share your feedback by Dec 31 here. After reviewing feedback, Public Works will finalize the process early in 2022 and share details in the spring about how to request traffic calming measures.

Make This Holiday Season Low Waste

Minneapolis Solid Waste & Recycling has a TON of helpful resources to help you celebrate low waste holidays, find answers to your “where does this go?” recycling questions, and more!

The image shows a group of recreational skaters of all ages and abilities wearing masks and skating outdoors on a rink on a lake.

Minneapolis Ice Rink Updates

Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board staff are hard at work preparing the ice for this year’s skating, hockey and broomball season!  None of the rinks or warming houses are open yet, but you can watch the progress using this interactive rink map.

Do you have old or outgrown skates that are still in great condition? Parks (including Armatage Park) would love to adopt them!  You can do the park staff a big favor by making sure they’re in ready-to-go condition and freshly sharpened for new skaters.

Graphic with full shelves of books in the background and text that says "Join the 2022 Armatage Reading Circle. Sign up at"

Sign up for the Next Armatage Reading Circle

Hello neighbors! Interested in joining a book club? Have past book clubs overwhelmed you with the pace of reading and content overload? Well, then consider joining our slothful book club. Each month, we will read a small chunk of a book and then get together to discuss questions focused solely on that chunk. That way, the pace is more manageable and the questions feel more relevant.

Last year, we read All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis and are currently looking for a new title for next year! The goal would be to start in Jan/Feb 2022 and it would last anywhere from 6 to 9 months based on the book we choose. If you’re interested in joining and/or have titles that might be worth sharing with your neighbors, please sign up at

Image of a Minneapolis Public Works blue dump truck with an orange plow attached in the midst of plowing a city street.

Are You Signed up for Snow Emergency Alerts?

When a Snow Emergency is declared, parking rules take effect so plows can clear the streets and emergency vehicles and other cars can then get around and park. Plowing the streets completely requires vehicles parked on streets to move. We all have to work together to do our part and follow the parking rules so plows can do the best job possible and we can avoid a ticket and tow.

You can sign up for text, email and phone alerts and download the Minneapolis Snow Emergency smartphone app. Keep your app updated to make sure you have the latest version. Learn more at

Pledge to Salt Smart to Protect Water

Did you know that Minnesota is over salting our roads and sidewalks? Learn more with the City of Minneapolis educational program, the Salt Mini-Course. Winter road and sidewalk de-icing salt can be hazardous to our safety and our environment. Safety is the priority when applying de-icers, and over application of salt is actually LESS effective. More salt does not mean more melting!

Take the pledge to salt smartly with the self-guided Minneapolis Salt Mini-Course! Residents and businesses can learn about the consequences of over salting, and what we can do to help protect our beloved Minnesota waters from the permanent pollutant of chloride salt. Click here to learn more or reach out to program coordinator, Léa, at

Graphic that says "Keep Minneapolis walkable. Clear your sidewalks. Call 311 to report unsafe sidewalks" over a picture of a person shoveling a snowy sidewalk.

Remember to Shovel Your Sidewalks

Sharing this friendly reminder that Minneapolis ordinance requires property owners of single family homes and duplexes to clear sidewalks within 24 hours after a snowfall, and all other property owners must clear their sidewalks within four daytime hours. Clearing snow and ice from sidewalks helps people of all ages and abilities safely walk or roll to where they need to go. Sidewalks are a primary mode of transportation for many people in the city and should be open for everyone.

In addition to relying on complaints reported to 311, City inspectors will also be out in neighborhoods actively looking for sidewalks that aren’t shoveled. Failure to shovel and maintain your sidewalk could result in a warning letter and, if left uncleared, a bill for the City to remove snow from your sidewalk. A typical bill is $229. People should call 311 to learn more about resources available to people who may need help clearing their sidewalks.  Learn more here.

Free Dog & Cat Adoptions

Minneapolis Animal Care & Control currently has NO adoption fee for cats and dogs over six months old! Are you ready to adopt a new furry family member just in time for the new year?

Visit the City website for more information.

Personal Safety & Carjacking Prevention

ICYMI, the Minneapolis Police Department released tips around personal safety and carjacking prevention in response to the uptick in carjackings, robberies and home invasion.  We’ve shared some of the tips below – see the full list here.

Personal Safety:

  • Be aware of your surroundings. Look at who and what is around you and take note of anyone following you closely, especially while driving home.
  • Always keep your doors locked, even while you are home.
  • Be aware of what’s happening to others around you and call 911 if you see signs that someone is being threatened or assaulted.
  • Never leave your car running while unattended and never leave a key inside a parked vehicle.
  • Keep some distance between yourself and a stranger who approaches you. Staying more than arm’s length away means someone can’t grab your bag or you, as easily.

Carjacking Prevention:

  • Don’t sit in your car with the door unlocked or with the windows rolled down.
  • Have your license plate memorized. This can help in a fast recovery and arrest.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Call 911 and use your key fob or other car alarm if you feel a threat.
  • Keep your distance between the car in front of you so that you can drive around it if needed to get away fast.
  • Be wary of how carjackers lure victims. These include bumping your car, pretending to be stranded motorists or flashing their lights as if there were something wrong with your car.

Roll up your sleeves Minnesota graphic showing a person with a mask and a bandaid to indicate recent vaccination.

COVID-19 Vaccines and Boosters

With the omicron variant hitting Minnesota, getting a COVID-19 booster for anyone 16 and up who is at least 6 months past their second dose AND getting children ages 5 and up vaccinated is more important than ever. Visit to use the Vaccine Locator Map (more options listed below).

Find a Vaccine:

Vaccines work. If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, get a free vaccine as soon as you can. About nine out of 10 Americans live within 5 miles of a COVID-19 vaccination site.

Armatage Neighborhood Association