Fix-it Clinic & Free Cocoa

Saturday, March 9, 2019
12:00 – 4:00 pm • Armatage Rec Center

Join us for the Armatage Fix-it Clinic on Saturday, March 9 from 12:00pm – 4:00pm at the Armatage Recreation Center (2500 West 57th Street). The Armatage Green Team is serving free cocoa to anyone who braves the snow to attend. Should we need to cancel due to the weather, we’ll post Saturday morning on Facebook and Twitter.

Fix-it Clinics allow anyone to bring in broken small household appliances, clothing, electronics, mobile devices and more and receive free guided assistance from knowledgeable volunteers with repair skills to disassemble, troubleshoot and fix your items.

In addition to teaching valuable troubleshooting and basic repair skills, Fix-it Clinics build community connections and reduce the number of repairable items that are thrown in the trash. For more information, visit

Armatage Neighborhood Association