ANA board members in attendance: Tom Alagna, Sarah Broich, Jeff Forss, Steve Johnson, Kelly Falsani, Nikki Lindberg, Betsen Philip, Jim Steely, Alisha Strowbridge, and Keith Swanson.
Others in attendance: Tina Erazmus, ANA staff member; Matt Perry, NEHBA; Mark Noble, Danielle & Tom Walczak, David DeNamur, and Bonnie Riley.
Armatage Neighborhood Association Meetings
Called to order at 6:31 by Betsen Philip
Safety Update – Keith Swanson
Keith gave a brief update of recent crimes (which continue to be low). There was a break in at the school in the Minneapolis Kids office (computers, walkie talkies, and other items stolen). An arrest was made.
Tina presented information about a new non-profit program looking for support who’s mission is to use middle and high school students to help clean up tagging. Alisha had just learned about a very similar program, and will forward to Tina to compare, and we can decide which to support.
Coordinator Update – Tina Erazmus
March Meeting Speakers: the new police chief, can’t make it, but might be able to come to our quarterly safety meeting in June or Sept. Most of the other bigger names (Senators, etc.) won’t know until closer to the date (making it riskier to rely on them). She is still waiting to hear from Minnesota Senator Scott Dibble & Representative Paul Thissen.
Tina will get meetings and other dates update on the ANA website calendar.
SW Airport Advocacy Team (SWAAT)
Tina went to the first SWAAT meeting and will attend the MAC Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) meeting tomorrow afternoon. SWAAT was hoping to have about 20 people present at the NOC meeting, which will discuss including Edina residents in the NOC, present updates about the navigation systems proposed, and hopefully SWAAT can continue to emphasis the need for an environmental study. Tina will attend and present an update in February. It was recommended that we share updates through our Facebook page and the ANA website.
Secretary Report
December minutes accepted with no changes.
Treasurer Report
Budget presented and accepted with no changes.
New Business
Matt Perry, NEHBA: Presented the updated seasonal champaign materials. Some brochures available tonight and at area businesses and events. The expenses for these materials come partially from membership dues, but mostly from a city grant. A letter from the ANA showing appreciation and support for this grant would be a help on continuing this funding stream. NEHBA distributed about 15,000 brochures in 2012. Alisha asked about branding the areas along Penn & Xerxes to help distinguish these areas. Matt mentioned that no plans were underway, but he is working with the 50th & Bryant area to do just that.
Applied for grant for facade improvements. Asked for $50,000 and should know end of January. NEHBA started issuing facade improvement grants in 2008 and since then has distributed about $200,000 with $0 in administrative expense. Examples of facade improvements can be seen with the businesses at 46th & Bryant.
Steve asked Matt who might lead NEHBA if he wins election to the City Council. Matt shared that they have a great board, two paid staff, and are shifting some of his duties already. They are also looking at adding an executive director.
Tom, in response to speed concerns along Penn (especially with the upcoming construction project), presented an idea to add permanent radar signs. It would fit into the CPP funding for our neighborhood, and Tina will look into what the city may offer, and if this is something we can do, and the potential cost. (Alisha also mentioned that these radar signs are used by Cornelia Elementary school in Edina.)
TIna suggested that we present this along with two other ideas at our Annual Meeting in March and neighbors could vote (Dot-mocracy: use dots to vote for ideas by those in attendance). Providing clean-up bags for dog walkers in the park could be another possible idea.
Matt mentioned that there are only 6 speed wagons city-wide. If we are interested in having one in our neighborhood because of speed concerns, residents need to call 3-1-1 to report “traffic traveling at an unsafe speed.”
Mark Noble asked about the Penn Ave construction timing and phases. There will be a meeting at the Armatage Rec Center on January 22 at 6:30 pm (letters of invitation were sent to affected property owners). A Public Hearing by the Transportation and Works Committee will take place on January 29 at 9:30 am in room 317 at City Hall where the reconstruction and lighting project are on the agenda.
Meeting adjourned at 7:09 p.m.