January Meeting Agenda
6:30pm in the Armatage Community Center
- Welcome
- Quarterly Safety Update – Jennifer Waisenen, Crime Prevention Specialist
- City Council Update
- Park Update
- Committee Updates
- Community Engagement – 2016 Goal Setting
- Summer Festival – first meeting date
- Coordinator Update
- 25th Anniversary logo ideas
- Welcome packet assignments
- Staffing for Home Improvement Fair & conference attendees
- Small grant program
- Treasurer Report
- Secretary Report
- New Business
- Treasurer election (tentative)
Please submit agenda items and requests for childcare at least 3 days in advance.
Fire on Ice
Family Skating Party
Friday, January 22th
6:00-8:00 pm at Armatage Park
Join us down at Armatage Park for the second annual Fire & Ice Skating Party! Grab your mittens and hat for this outdoor neighborhood celebration. Enjoy a night with family and friends skating (weather permitting) and a variety of outdoor activities or keep warm with hot chocolate and bonfire. No registration required, just come on down!
Lake Harriet Kite Festival – Cancelled!
Armatage Ice Rink is Open!
Warming House Hours
Monday-Friday, 3 pm-9 pm
Saturday, 10 am-9 pm
Sunday, noon-6 pm
Minneapolis School Release Days
Dec. 21-Jan 1, Jan. 15, 18 & 19, and Feb. 12 & 15: noon-9 pm
Ice Rink Hotline: 612-313-7708
Ice Rink Updates: www.minneapolisparks.org/rinks
Experience SW App – Get it Today!
Available now on Google Play and in the Apple App Store. www.experiencesouthwest.com/xswapp
Contact Experience SW at info@experiencesouthwest.com with any questions or suggestions.
Get Engaged
We are looking for people to join our committees:
- Crime & Safety
- Community Engagement
- Summer Festival
We’d love your input and involvement! If you are interested in helping our neighborhood, let us know (anacoordinator@armatage.org).
2016 is the 25th anniversary of the Armatage Neighborhood Association. As part of our celebration, we’d like to showcase “25 Reasons” we love Armatage! Email your reason to anacoordinator@armatage.org or submit your reason online, and we will share our reasons at our summer festival.
Park Programming for Older Residents
The ANA and our neighborhood park want to offer programming to older residents that they would like to participate in! Some ideas we have come up with are listed below. Let us know what interests you!
- Complete the online survey located on our homepage
- Mail to the ANA (2500 W 57th St, Mpls 55410)
- Email your suggestions to anacoordinator@armatage.org
- Chime in on Facebook, Twitter or Next Door
Book club ~ Adult sport league (volleyball, basketball, other) ~ Walking club ~ Classes (cooking, yoga, other) ~ Gardening club ~ Monthly event (cards, dancing, other)