January Meeting Highlights

Quarterly Safety Update

Jennifer Waisenen, our Crime Prevention Specialist, presented 2015 crime statistics. Compared to 2014 we were almost identical for total numbers of Part 1 Crimes that took place at 71. A map was handed out showing the location and Part 1 Crime classification for these incidents. She shared some breakdown details to help clarify a couple categories noted below.

  • Homicides (0)
  • Rape (3) NOTE: all were known to the victim/family
  • Robbery (0)
  • Aggravated Assault (3) NOTE: all domestics
  • Burglary (20)
  • Larceny (42) NOTE: 14 were thefts from cars
  • Auto Theft (1) NOTE: occurred near the end of December, car left running
  • Arson (2) NOTE: park dumpsters (kids involved were caught)

We had a noted drop in unforced entries, so people are locking their doors and garages. Our next safety update will be in April.

Regular Meeting

The ANA has set some community engagement goals for 2016. They will include:

  • Hosting a neighborhood happy hour
  • Trying to connect better with both renters and older residents.
    • Establishing relationships with rental owners/managers
    • Getting our paper newsletter delivered into apartment complexes
    • Creating programming at the park for older residents (survey in progress)
  • Improving neighborhood organics recycling involvement to 40% (currently at 32.7%)

Planning for our annual Summer Festival will kick off on Wednesday, February 3 at 7:00pm in the park building. Anyone is welcome to attend.

Armatage will host a table at the Southwest Home Improvement Fair on Saturday, March 26 from 10:00am-2:00pm at Burroughs School.

The FixIt Loan program has now pooled all remaining dollars from the involved neighborhoods, so any resident from the four areas can apply for these funds for home improvement projects.

Park Programming for Older Residents

The ANA and our neighborhood park want to offer programming to older residents that they would like to participate in! Some ideas we have come up with are listed below. Let us know what interests you!

  • Complete the online survey located on our homepage
  • Mail to the ANA (2500 W 57th St, Mpls 55410)
  • Email your suggestions to anacoordinator@armatage.org
  • Chime in on Facebook, Twitter or Next Door

Book club    ~    Adult sport league (volleyball, basketball, other)    ~    Walking club    ~    Classes (cooking, yoga, other)    ~    Gardening club    ~    Monthly event (cards, dancing, other)

2016 Paint-A-Thon

Interested homeowners and agencies can find more program details including eligibility requirements outlined on the 2016 homeowner application available online or by contacting the Metro Paint-A-Thon at 612-276-1579, Molly Chandler (mchandler@gmcc.org), Director of Senior Services.

Nominations for the
2015 MPRB Volunteer of the Year Awards
are being accepted through February 15th!

Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board (MPRB) staff, volunteers, and community members are encouraged to nominate an outstanding park volunteer.

Nomination criteria is offered below; nominations are accepted via the official nomination form.
Attached is the program flyer and nomination form for you to print and share as you wish.

Please let us know if you have any questions about this program. Thank you!

Help for Dislocated Workers

The MN Teamsters Service Bureau is a nonprofit organization providing services, not only to Teamster members, but  also to Dislocated Workers throughout the metropolitan area.

We hold contracts with the state to provide career counseling, training, and placement services to laid off workers qualifying for unemployment insurance. We have funding to serve such individuals in your neighborhood. Learn more online.

Interested in becoming a Minneapolis CERT Volunteer?

Or learning about how to prepare for a disaster?  CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) is an opportunity to learn about how the emergency response system works, how to prepare for a disaster – everything from what supplies to have in your disaster preparedness kit, to how to use a fire extinguisher – and how you can support emergency responders in case of a large disaster.  The course is great for individual preparedness, as well as those wanting to be part of a disaster response team.

Steps to become a Minneapolis CERT Volunteers:

  • Take the FREE online FEMA introductory course, “IS317: Introduction To Community Emergency Response Teams
    • Once completed, print out the Certificate of Completion and bring a copy to class
    • It’s RECOMMENDED that you take this online course before starting the in-class sessions, but NOT REQUIRED
    • Complete 5 in-classroom sessions on various CERT topics, all held from 6-8pm at the Minneapolis Police 5th Precinct. The dates of the classes and the topics are listed below.
  • Send an email with your:
    • Full Name:
    • Address:
    • Telephone number (cell phone preferred):
    • Email address:
    • Dates of the 5 classes you would like to take (see selection below):
  • Once you complete the online IS317 course, and 5 classroom sessions, you will receive a CERT Volunteer Certificate and a CERT Backpack (free while supplies last)
  • Questions? Contact Casidy Anderson at Casidy.Anderson@minneapolismn.gov or 612-673-3184


Tuesday, Feb 2: Terrorism and CERT
Tuesday, Feb 16: Disaster Psychology
Tuesday, March 1: Search & Rescue

Monday, March 14:Disaster Preparedness & CERT Organization
Monday, May 2: Fire Safety
Monday, May 16: Terrorism and CERT
Monday, June 6: Disaster Psychology
Monday, June 20: Search & Rescue

Monday, Sept 5: Disaster Preparedness & CERT Organization
Monday, Sept 19: Fire Safety
Monday, Oct 3: Terrorism and CERT
Monday, Oct 17: Disaster Psychology
Monday, Nov. 7: Search & Rescue

Monday, Nov 21: Disaster Preparedness & CERT Organization (TENTATIVE)

Home Tour needs nominations soon

The Minneapolis & Saint Paul Home Tour, April 30-May 1, 2016, is accepting nominations at www.MSPHomeTour.com, click on “submit a home” for the option to apply online. Or request an application by calling Margo Ashmore at 612-867-4874.

For 11 hours, homeowners and contractors open their doors to share ideas with other home enthusiasts, based on their remodeling experience. Visitors are particularly interested in period-accurate restoration and expansions sensitive to the surroundings. Being on the tour gives homeowners great feedback as well as the incentive to finish those last few projects.

If you or someone you know needs more information, contact coordinator Margo Ashmore at mfashmore@aol.com. Organizers want to have visited nominated homes by early February, so inquire “today.” Later nominations will be considered if they help reach tour goals.

Armatage Neighborhood Association