Armatage Neighborhood Association Meeting
Meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by board president Denis Houle
ANA board members in attendance: Denis Houle, Kelly Falsani, Steve Johnson, Michael Kootsikas, & Ryan Antkowiak
Others in attendance: Nikki Lindberg- ANA Coordinator, Nikki Frederich- Park Coordinator, Ken Dahler, City Council Rep, Matt Perry, President of SW Business Association, & 2 neighbors
City Council Update
Ken Dahler, City Council Rep
- Early Primary voting is open beginning August 9th
- Downtown location (M-F 8AM-4:30PM)
- There will be general election early voting as well; details to follow
- In need of Election Judges; to become an election judge or for more info visit:
- 2 petitions up for consideration
- Committee for Professional Policing – Police Insurance Amendment
- Proposal to increase the minimum wage in Minneapolis to $15/hr.
- Reviewed reconstruction project on 54th 2 year project should end at the end of summer 2017. Century Link should finish their portion by the end of this summer. Street will likely be closed for the remainder of summer.
- 60th & Xerxes to get a stop light. Will be installed in September.
Park Update
Nikki Frederich, Park Director
- Community center will be purchasing a ping pong table, will reupholster furniture
- Thank you extended to ANA for contributing funds to support the cause
- Fall sports registration is open – soccer, volleyball, flag football
- Discussions are underway to expand the hockey facilities
- Consideration to bring the Kenny Pond Hockey facilities to Armatage
Community Engagement Update
No Formal Update
- Ryan Antkowiak worked with Café Maude to schedule the next ANA Happy Hour; scheduled for 09-15 4:00-6:00 at Café Maude.
- Nikki included announcement in most recent newsletter; will continue to promote
Summer Festival Update
Nikki Lindberg, ANA Coordinator
- Sponsorships are going well; raffle item collection is underway
- Steve offer to help with raffle collecting
- Booths are nearing capacity
- New events this year for teenagers and adults
- Kan Jam
- Henna Tattoo Artist
- Shuffle Puck Tournament – compliments of SW Business Association
- Winner receives a Kindle Fire
Coordinator Update
- Focus has been on summer festival
- Will revisit shades and projector
- Will email board for approval
Treasury Report Update
No formal update
Secretary Report
Minutes were approved via email.
Other news/notes
Matt Perry brought up concern the SW Business leaders have surrounding the proposed increase to the minimum wage up to $15/hr. He indicated it may not even make the ballot due to the concerns expressed thus far. SWBA is hosting their next happy hour at Red Wagon Pizza on July 26 from 4-6.
Kelly motioned to adjourn and Ryan seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm.