You Could Lose Your Neighborhood Association. We Need Your Help.

Funding for neighborhood organizations like the ANA expires in December. The City is considering a new funding plan that would have equity goals for neighborhoods’ work and increase funding for areas of the city that need it most. But it would also drastically reduce the annual base funding for Armatage and many other neighborhoods to such a degree that many core services will be in jeopardy.

If you value the ANA and our continued work in the neighborhood, please take a few minutes to comment before the deadline of September 30, 2020 at 11:59pm. Feel free to use our sample comment below or write your own.

Submit a Public Comment

Check out the Draft Funding Plan here and submit a comment by September 30, 2020 at 11:59pm.  Comment through email using our draft below or via phone, text or postal mail (visit for more info).

Copy and paste the Neighborhoods 2020 and all City Council member/staff email addresses into the “recipient” address line:

Use this template for your email or write your own personal comment:


Neighborhoods 2020 Public Comment


Dear Minneapolis City Council Members and NCR Staff,

As an Armatage resident, my neighborhood supports the equity goals outlined in the draft Neighborhoods 2020 plan and the emphasis placed on engaging historically underrepresented residents. We recognize that shifting more funding to areas of Minneapolis that need it most and increasing racial equity in our communities is overdue.

However, the proposed program changes will reduce the annual base funding for Armatage and other small neighborhoods to such a degree that many core services and the ability to actually work on equity goals will be in jeopardy. Base funding allows neighborhoods to operate by making a small amount of staff time, accounting services, rent, and communications such as mailings and digital tools to reach community members possible.

Should the funding cuts in this plan pass, many Minneapolis neighborhoods will need to drastically reduce their programs and services immediately. With a higher overall budget and base funding level, neighborhoods would be better able to keep their doors open while still protecting the equity goals and funding in the plan. Therefore, I urge the Minneapolis City Council to increase the overall neighborhood program funding budget, so base funding can be raised from $10,000/year to at least $15,000/year (currently, base funding starts at $25,000/year).

COVID-19 and months of reckoning and reform have demonstrated how critical strong, local communities are to our wellbeing, safety, and ability to make change. Neighborhood organizations are needed now more than ever to listen to all community members’ needs, serve as a key connector between residents and government, and strengthen our city through advocacy, housing support, safety initiatives, annual community-building events, environmental work, and communications that keep residents informed and engaged.

We believe there can be a better funding plan that will support neighborhood organizations to continue much-needed community organizing while increasing and supporting the racial equity work happening across Minneapolis.

Your Name
Your Neighborhood or Address

Armatage Neighborhood Association