ANA Meeting Minutes
10/18/22 / 6:30 PM / Armatage Park Community Center
Kim Herring, Ethan Komoroski, Vikisha Goberdhan, Sharla McIntosh-Ziegler, Kevin Ross, Charlie Wolfe
NOT IN ATTENDANCE: Eli Johnson, Judy Vecere, Nikki Lindberg
Aryca Myers – NCR, Dillon Clements – SW Rec Center, Cathy Abene – MPRB District 6 Representative, Lauren Anderson – Armatage Neighborhood Coordinator
Updated financials were sent via email.
6:30 Welcome and Introductions (Kevin Ross)
6:35 Comments from Community
- Clarification on what became of Lara Bergman’s traffic calming letter/application. Lara is asking residents east of Penn to sign on.
6:40 Armatage Park Update (Park Director Dillon Clements)
- Flag football and soccer season finishing up, week of season-ending parties
- Basketball, other winter sports sign ups start 10/26
- Staffing at Armatage and Kenny has been very strong, worker engagement is great
7:17 Board Representation Survey (NCR representative Aryca Myers)
- Diversity survey is administered every few years. Results are published anonymously to show how the Boards compare to their constituencies through a number of different characteristics (home ownership, gender identity, race, age, etc)
7:35 Park Board Update (MPRB District 6 Commissioner Cathy Abene)
- It’s budget season. Commissioner says that she’s found MPRB’s style of budgeting and governing to be incredibly transparent.
- Youth focused, caring for park assets, and climate change mitigation
- Opportunities to comment on 10/26, 11/2, 11/12, 11/30 and 12/6
- Didn’t get full ask from the Board of Estimate and Taxation (around 7 percent of the property tax levy)
- Got no bonding money from the legislature despite historic state surplus
- 6-year Capital Improvement Plan has some aggressive carbon reduction goals
- Graco Park rec center to be net-zero
- Potential of MPLS waiving registration fees for children’s sports like Saint Paul did
- MPRB never turns away people who cannot pay
- There is a sponsorship program where you can pay for someone else to play/do activities
- MPRB looking at “pay what you can” model. Commissioner Abene believes that this model may actually result in MORE revenue, as many parents/participants view programming as very good value and would probably pay more to support MPRB and cost-burdened participants.
- Harriet Pavilion
- Renovation pushed back to next year (spring, pause during summer programming, then finish in Fall)
- It will be BLUE. Neighbors will be weighing in on the final hue.
- Roof will be wood, stained then going grey over time.
7:30 Edits and Approval of 2023-2024 Funding Applications (Equitable Engagement, Neighborhood Network Fund)
- Some edits to our two documents:
- Motion to pass these two documents along to the city, seconded, motion carries
8:00 Board Refresher Training
- Robert’s Rules, fiduciary responsibilities, examples of what we do and how we do it
8:30 Minutes Approval
- Motion to approve the September minutes. Seconded. Carries.
Meeting adjourned at 8:32
- Oct 24–31 – Halloween Decoration Tour (nightly 6:00–8:00pm)
- Nov 3 – Community Engagement Committee (6-7p, Book Club?)
- Nov 10 – Green Team (7-8:30p, TBD)
- Nov 15 – ANA Monthly Meeting (6:30 – 8:30p, Armatage Rec Center)