October 20, 2015

Armatage Neighborhood Association Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by board president Denis Houle

ANA board members in attendance: Denis Houle, Sarah Broich, Kelly Falsani, Bri Keeney, Steve Johnson, Jeff Forss, Tara Brown

Others in attendance: Nikki Lindberg- ANA Coordinator, Ken Dahler- Ward 13 City Council Staff, Nikki Frederich- Park Director, Jennifer Waisanen- Crime Prevention Specialist, 2 interested neighbors

Safety Update:

Crime Prevention Specialist Jennifer Waisanen reported:

There have been 2 homicides so far this week: one in Kingfield and one in the Lyndale neighborhood. Police are canvassing the neighborhoods to investigate. Details are not available at this time.

Addressed a question about the difference in sound of a gunshot vs. firecracker. Gave the advice- whenever in doubt, please call 911.

Reviewed crime report/details from June to now. Burglaries have been decreasing.

There was a question about whether or not police monitor “problem addresses”- properties with higher police calls. Jennifer said the police do monitor this and try to address the problems.

Reported that during Halloween extra patrols will be out.

City Council Update:

  • City Council approved funding for public art.
  • Airplane Noise: City is encouraging MAC to hold off on long-term comprehensive plan until next year so that current changes can be incorporated and feedback gathered. (More time to analyze the temporary changes that are happening now).
  • Fall street sweep started today; watch for signs for parking guidance.
  • Working Families Agenda: last week the fair scheduling portion of the proposal was tabled (lots of concern about how those rules would affect small businesses). Small business community will be involved in any future discussions on this.
  • Sick pay proposal: Councilmember Palmisano is supportive of the goals of this (there are good examples around the country). She doesn’t support the current draft, but this will likely still be changing. There are still many questions to be addressed, for example, how will the city monitor these new rules? Council staff stated that it is important that small businesses still feel like they can take risks. The council wants Mpls to be a desirable place to open a business.
  • A board member made a suggestion about the way communication is happening with the city. It seems like the city requests involvement and feedback too late in the process. A suggestion was made that the public needs to be invited to have involvement early on.
  • Comment from council staff to address the communication on the working families agenda specifically: on this agenda, 3 council members authored the bill, brought it forth and now the city has been reacting.

Park Update:

There is a Halloween party at the park on 10/31 from 4-7. No haunted house this year. Lots of activities. The ANA board is paying for ½ the cost of the hayride.

The park lights will be on until 10 pm that night.

Volleyball season is starting.

Winter sports registration starts Nov. 4. Online registration will be available 11/4. In person registration is still an option as well.

Winter and spring programs can be viewed online.

Dinner and movie is once a month.

Nikki F., Armatage Park Director, announced that she is also overseeing Kenny Park.

Closing the Gap meetings- info available on website (mplsparks.org)

Committee Updates:

Community Engagement Committee

  • New welcome bags arrived
  • Nikki L. has reached out to local business for inserts (no takers yet)
  • We have a new tri-fold with neighborhood info. It was created by Nikki L. and looks great.
  • Suggestions to include in welcome bags: list of board meetings, fix-it loan info
  • Nikki L. would also like have a “new resident” page online and is working on that
  • There are 44 new residents, Nikki L. asked for help distributing the welcome bags and each board member took some to distribute.
  • We have a board development event on Monday 10/26- Nikki L. will send out the location this week.
  • MetroBlooms- Nikki L. has an email about a program that promotes rain gardens
  • Question: Is there interest in an environmental subcommittee? The board talked about promoting this committee at events, especially in the spring. No one volunteered to chair this committee at this time.
  • Nikki L. asked if there is any interest in historical documenting of ANA? Jeff said he was interested in helping with this and a suggestion was made to reach out to possible interns to help also (maybe high school aged kids)

Coordinator Updates:

A neighbor from Fulton will come in November to talk to us about the micro-grant program they are starting.

Fix-It Loan update:

There have been 7 applications from Armatage; the money will roll into the larger fund this month.

We discussed some ideas for further promoting the program. Ideas were talking to realtors and local contractors and advertise at Settegren’s


Their public hearing is tomorrow 10/21. The ANA submitted a letter of support for Kwan’s application for a beer and wine license. Kelly motioned to approve the letter. The motion was seconded by Steve and approved unanimously. Nikki L. will submit the letter to Kwan’s.

Xerxes Crosswalk

There are issues with cars not stopping at this crosswalk (it is also a bus stop). Nikki L. is communicating with concerned families. Extra patrols were there for awhile. An idea was suggested to move the bus stop.

Blueprint for Equitable Engagement

  • The new letter is much more general.
  • There are 3 upcoming meetings to offer input and the SW neighborhood coordinators are meeting about this on 11/5
  • Denis updated a new board member on what this is.

2016 Calendar

Nikki L. proposed dates for ANA meetings. We agreed to schedule December 13, 2016 instead of the 3rd Tuesday that month.

Treasurer Report

Nikki L. provided a spreadsheet of the ANA accounts and the board reviewed it. Money came through from the city and was deposited.

Secretary Report

The September minutes were approved over email.

New Business

Package Theft is a hot topic on NextDoor.

There was a motion to adjourn by Bri at 7:51. Seconded and carried.

Armatage Neighborhood Association