ANA Board Meeting
October 20, 2020
Board Attendees: Joel Federer, Patty Grabski, Sharla Mcintosh, Adriana Dobrzycka, Kevin Ross, Adam Miller, Donte Maran, Sean Burke
Board members absent: Judy Vecere
Support team: Lauren Anderson, Rachel Ireland-Henry
Additional attendees: Ethan and Sarah Komoroski, Linea Palmisano, Stephanie Vigen, Bob Cooper
Start time: 6:37
Update from council member Linea Palmisano
- Snow plowing today/tomorrow – street sweeping is underway which limits plowing ability – the vehicles are the same
- Please send mail-in ballots within the next 7 days; MN can start counting 14 days prior to election day; Mount Olivet is the closest drop box location for Armatage; over 100,000 people in Mpls have voted to date
- Plan to open 38th and Chicago (site of Floyd memorial); barricades currently exist to cordon the space but also allow for emergency access, but blockage is difficult for local residents and businesses and metro transit; open to recommendations for a winter setup/design
- Linden Hills trolley path soil regeneration initiative
- Working on plan to address homelessness in the area
Neighborhood funding update (NCR staff) & ANA 2021 budget: Bob Cooper
- Two topic priorities: New neighborhood programming, funding levels
- Neighborhoods get 4.2M, dropping progressively down to 3 in 2023
- $31k in 2020, $25,600 in 2021, $23 in 2022, $14 in 2023 for Armatage; additional 1800 for equitable engagement fund
- Next steps and decision points: Nov 5 for Public Health and Safety committee vote, then to city council, Dec 9 budget adoption
Halloween Decoration Tour
- 15 houses signed-up
- Help needed in the next week from board members as ambassadors to spread the word for signups and viewer participation; asking for individual Nextdoor posts
- Flyering around the park and at local businesses – Adriana and Donte volunteers
- Program begins Sunday 10/25
- Discussion re local businesses to support via purchase of prize gift cards
Holiday Lighting at the Park
- Need park to confirm if there will be an ice rink
- Proposal to utilize CPP funds to purchase lights for use this year and years forward VS hiring a vendor to hang tree lights (~$600)
Fall program Wrap-up & Recommendations
- Fall neighborhood clean-up
- 34 volunteers, 12 teams, 18 bags of trash, 10 bags of recycling
- Let’s Get Uncomfortable Workshop
- Some mixed reviews from attendees; attendance was lower than desired
- Fall Food Truck Night
- 200 attendees
- Dinner hour traffic and long menus slowed down the process significantly – some hour-long waits to receive food
- Vendors were pleased with sales
President’s Report
- Brett Anderson resigned from the board effective immediately (home move)
- Patty Grabski resigns from the board effective November (home move)
Minutes – approved via email
Committee Updates
- Green Team: Ideas for future equity-focused engagement
- Ongoing discussion re how to diversify and expand outreach to residents, building off of popularity of the rain garden program; expand seasonal programming
- Mini Grant: Update on 2020 grant projects
- Armatage school projects on hold for the time being
- Subcommittee assignments and structure – plan to discuss at November board meeting
Coordinator Update
- November HH
- 11/10, 8-9pm, virtual on Zoom – proposal to cancel due to previous very low participation VS plan a structured activity or game
- Decision to cancel and perhaps plan something later in the year/season
- Supply and Tech needs continued
- Funds leftover in CPP
- T-shirts, rechargeable speaker, microphone
- Plan to organize for November meeting to vote on spending and supplies
- Funds leftover in CPP
Adjourned 8:30