September 21, 2017 eNews

September Meeting Highlights

  • 911 is implementing a new quality assurance program. This has been in the works for years, and will help provide more consistency to how calls are handled no matter from where you call. It was also emphasized that if you are wondering if you should call 911 or not — CALL. They know how to triage each situation, and prioritize life-threatening situations. The worst thing you can do is to hang up, and please note, that certain cell towers and carries make it hard to know where a cell phone is calling from. (What? TV shows exaggerate?!)
  • The City has presented a Zero Waste plan, and would like your input. The draft plan and a survey link are available online.
  • The Mayor has released her 2018 budget proposal. Part of this includes a 5.5% tax levy increase. The Board of Estimate and Taxation will host a public hearing on September 27 at 4:50 at City Hall to adopt the maximum for levies to be paid in 2018. If you have an option, it is now that you need to be heard.
  • The ANA will be doing a review of their bylaws and procedures starting soon and hope to have draft recommendations by early next year.
  • The Park will be having a coffee truck the next several Saturdays starting at 9:00 am during fall sports. They are still in need of a few more volleyball coaches.
  • Welcome to Annique London, as our new Safety Chair. We look forward to having her support in helping to keep us up to date on neighborhood issues.
  • The board expressed concerns regarding the City’s generous granting of all variance requests, as it seems to not take into account the ecological impacts involving water run off, watershed impacts, and other green space loss due to over building. Tara will help draft a letter we can send to the City expressing these concerns.

FREE Personal Safety Workshop

This Saturday • 10-Noon

Armatage Rec Center

All and all ages are welcome!

Details of what to expect listed online. Bring a water bottle (sounds like a warm day) and dress comfortable if you’d like to get involved in the demonstration portion!

Happy Hour

Tuesday, October 3 • 7:00-9:00pm

Red Wagon Pizza

Meet neighbors, learn about what’s happening in the neighborhood. Enjoy drink specials and complimentary snacks!


Halloween at the Park

Friday, October 27 • 6:00-8:30pm

Armatage Park


We will once again be hosting a neighborhood event Friday night, and there is something for everyone!

  • Pumpkin carving contest — watch for details about our pumpkin give-away sponsored by 
  • Bonfire with s’mores
  • DJ
  • Horse-drawn wagon rides
  • Bounce house for kids
  • Trunk-or-Treating — watch for treat station sign up coming soon! Host your own display, the Park and Neighborhood provide the treats that you hand out, you provide the cool decoration station.

Tree Lighting & Charity Event

Friday, November 24 • 7:00pm

Armatage Park

We will again host a tree lighting event on Friday evening after Thanksgiving. This year we hope to have some more activities, so watch for more details coming soon. 

We will be collecting diapers and formula to donate to the Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery. You can bring your donations that night, or a collection box will be placed in the park building soon!