The Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board released updated concept designs for parks and park-owned properties in Southwest Minneapolis:

The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) will also meet several times to discuss the preferred concepts, provide direction to project staff, and ultimately make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners.

All CAC meetings are open to the public and anyone interested in the refinement of these park concepts is encouraged to attend! Snacks, refreshments and passive children’s activities are provided. Please contact Cindy Anderson at 612-230-6472 or to request language, access or interpretation accommodations.

CAC Meeting #11
Thursday, July 11 2019, 6:00-8:00 pm
Lynnhurst Recreation Center, 1345 West Minnehaha Parkway

CAC Subcommittee Meeting on Fields/Diamonds at Kenny/Armatage/Pershing/Linden Hills
Monday, July 15, 2019, 6:00-8:00 pm
Lynnhurst Recreation Center, 1345 West Minnehaha Parkway

CAC Meeting #12
Thursday, July 25, 2019, 6:00-8:00 pm
Pershing Recreation Center, 3523 West 48th Street

Minnehaha Creek Master Plan

New concept designs are also available for the Minnehaha Creek Master Plan. Follow the link below for more information on that project.

Minnehaha Creek Master Plan Project Page

Armatage Neighborhood Association