April Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, April 18 • 6:30pm
Armatage Rec Center
- Welcome
- City Council Update
- Park Update
- Committee Updates
- 2017 Goals & Priorities
- Community Engagement
- Green Team
- Summer Festival Team
- Coordinator Update
- Annual Meeting Update
- Speaker: Hennepin County Commisioner Marion Greene
- Dinner provided by the ANA featuring pizza from Red Wagon and Pizzeria Lola
- Board Elections
- Door prizes (TBD)
- Financial Audit Update
- Neighborhoods 2020 Dialogues (details below)
- Garage Sales (June 3)
- Movie in the Park (June 19) 8:30pm
- Pee Wee’s Big Adventure (at dusk)
- Perennial Cycle (free helmet fittings and bike safety checks)
- Green Team information tables (Water Stewardship, yard care, etc.)
- Park to provide popcorn
- Future of the FixIt Home Improvement Loan program
- Summer intern
- Gypsy moth update (details online)
- Annual Meeting Update
- Treasurer Report
- Unfrozen funds from the City
- Secretary Report – March minutes approved online
- New Business
- Adjourn
Organics Recycling at Armatage Park
Please note, locks will be installed on the organics cans located at the park. Those who have signed up as part of the drop off location have been notified and provided with codes. This is to help prevent organics recycling contamination.
If you have any questions or want to know if an item is compostable or not, check our website, search for the item on BPI’s website, or send us an email at SWRcustomer@minneapolis.com.
Airport Noise Listening Session
April 19, 2017 at 7:00-8:00 PM
Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Parkway, Eagan, MN 55121
The public is invited to join the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) at the Eagan Community Center, on April 19, 2017 at 7:00 PM for the Spring NOC Listening Session.
The Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) sponsors quarterly meetings for residents to allow for an engaging, two-way dialogue between the public and the MAC committee tasked with addressing MSP aviation noise topics. Conversation from these sessions will be included as discussion items during future NOC meetings. The agenda for the April meeting is included below.
Who’s Invited?
- Airport Neighbors
- MAC Environment Department Staff
- NOC Representatives
- MAC Commission Members
- Local Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Staff
- 7:00 Welcome
- 7:05 Introductions – What is your name? Where do you live and for how long? What would you like to get from this meeting?
- 7:10 Aircraft Noise Basics Video – Efforts Underway to Reduce Aircraft Noise
- 7:20 NextGen Arrival Environmental Benefits – Optimized Profile Descents
- 7:30 Open Floor Conversation 8:00 Closing Feedback – What did you like / dislike about the meeting format?
Earth Day Clean Up Events
Saturday, April 22 • Multiple Locations
Find an event for Earth Day online!
Make & Take Rain Barrel Workshop – Just $35!
Thursday, May 25, 2017 • 6:00pm-7:30pm
Wood Lake Nature Center
What’s one of the simplest, high-impact ways to save water and help protect our local watersheds? Using a rain barrel.
Lawn and garden watering typically makes up 40% of total summer household water usage, according to the EPA. Plus, the biggest threat to our waters today is polluted runoff — water that runs off our roofs and into our streets and alleys, carrying all the oil, sediment and other contaminants that it picks up along the way into our lakes, rivers and streams. For conservation and for pollution prevention, installing a rain barrel to collect and store rainwater for use on your lawn and gardens is a simple but powerful way to make a difference for Minnehaha Creek, the Mississippi River and area watersheds.
Thanks to Coca-Cola Refreshments of Eagan, FMR has 30 used syrup containers for participants to turn into rain barrels. During the course of this workshop, participants will be provided with the necessary parts ($35 per kit) and guided through the process of converting these containers into allies for a cleaner Minnesota. The barrels are white (but paintable) and connect to your existing downspout.
Taking place at Wood Lake Nature Center, the workshop will begin with a presentation on how home lawn and garden practices impact our waters and how we can make a difference. Next, we’ll discuss the watershed-friendly benefits of rain barrels in more detail, then review how to build, incorporate, install and maintain them. With guidance from FMR staff, participants will then build a rain barrel to take home.
Ready to register?
Claim your spot now via Eventbrite – Just $35! Please note, tickets sales end Wednesday, May 24 at 5 p.m. or if the event reaches capacity.
Join Us at the Neighborhoods 2020 Cafes!
Neighborhood organizations across the City are partnering with the Neighborhood and Community Engagement Commission (NCEC) and NCR to host a series of community dialogues about neighborhood organizations in Minneapolis. Each event will include small group discussions to address the following questions:
- What services, opportunities and information should neighborhood organizations provide?
- What are characteristics of an effective neighborhood organization?
- How can neighborhood organizations empower engagement?
These questions were developed by 37 participants at a day-long workshop on the Art of Hosting Conversations that Matter.
The dialogues are a first step in developing recommendations for the Minneapolis City Council on the future work of neighborhood organizations through a process of respectful and inclusive community engagement.
Upcoming Neighborhoods 2020 Community Conversations
- Downtown – Tuesday April 25th – 5:30pm to 8:30pm Plymouth Congregational Church – 1900 Nicollet Ave. So.
- North – Saturday April 29th – 10:00am to 2:00pm North West Corner of Penn and Lowry (Outdoors under tent)
- East – Wednesday May 3rd – 5:30pm to 8:00pm NE Minneapolis Armory – 1025 Broadway St NE 55413
- South – Thursday May 4th – 5:30pm to 8:30pm Abubakar-As-Saddique Islamic Center – 2824 13th Ave So.
- Southwest – Monday May 8th – 6:00pm to 8:00pm Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. Park – 4055 Nicollet Ave So. NOTE: 6:00 (dinner) 6:30-8:00 (program) Free child care provided
More information and to register for the events online,
Armatage & Kenny Neighborhood-wide Garage Sales
June 3 • 8:00am-4:00pm
The garage sale registration form is now available on our website. This year we are also inviting groups to host sales for charity. You may set-up a table or tent at the park. If interested, please contact our coordinator!
Learn Golf & Earn Money
MMJGA Summer Caddie Program
Informational Meeting & Training
Saturday, March 25 • 9:00am-noon
Minneapolis Urban League (2100 Plymouth Ave N)
The Minnesota Minority Junior Golf Association (MMJGA) invites young people ages 13-17, who are interested in golf, to join us this summer. Opportunities to earn money, meet new people, and learn the game of golf!
For more information visit www.mmjga.org.
NOTE: Parents need to attend the first hour. The last 2 hours will be dedicated to training.
Mpls • St. Paul Home Tour
April 29-30
Make progress toward your new kitchen, bath, suite, your quest to claim unused space or to add on. You’ll find help and encouragement on the 30th annual Minneapolis & Saint Paul Home Tour. From the very old homes to the very new, city dwellers open their doors to share their home improvement experiences. Real Homes. Real People. Real Ideas.