Armatage Neighborhood Association Meeting
Meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by board president Denis Houle
ANA board members in attendance: Denis Houle, Judy Vecere, Kelly Falsani, Steve Johnson, Bri Keeney, Sara Emmenecker, Sarah Broich
Others in attendance: Nikki Lindberg- ANA Coordinator, Nikki Frederich- Park Coordinator, Jennifer Waisanen-Crime Prevention Specialist, 4 neighbors
Safety Update
Jennifer Waisanen, Crime Prevention Specialist
- Distributed handout showing crimes from January 1st until now (5 burglaries, 6 thefts from motor vehicles, 1 auto theft, 2 thefts).
- Jennifer encouraged calling 311 to track patterns of crimes (please report even if minor). Extra patrols go to areas with more crime.
- Mentioned being cautious of leaving doors open and being out in yard, make sure bike is registered through 311 (bike thefts increase this time of year)
- Precinct open house on May 17th
- Personal safety workshop on Thursday 4/21 at 6:30 at the precinct.
- If you notice suspicious activity (casing)- please call 911 with car info, info goes out to patrols and they can stop cars for probable cause
Park Update
Nikki Frederich, Park Director
- Outdoor bathrooms will open this weekend and will be open every weekend from now on through the summer.
- Rec Plus program- some child care spots are still open
- Summer hours will start when Mpls Public schools are out (June 8th– pools open)
- Armatage pool will be repainted this year
- Fields can be rented
We talked about contributions the ANA could make to the park and Nikki F. proposed adding a free standing trophy case in lounge, re-upholstering lobby furniture, or conversion table tennis for pool table, separate air hockey table. We had designated $8000 for the park.
Estimates: $700-900 for trophy case
Water bottle filler is $850 (thinking about this for the one near the gym)
Reupholstering lobby furniture: $1800
The board expressed support but wanted more details. Nikki F. agreed to put firm numbers together and itemized list for our May meeting and we’ll move on amount at that point.
Community Engagement
ANA Happy Hour is 4/28 4:00-6:00 at Café Maude. Bri acknowledged Ryan’s efforts in making this happen and said Café Maude is excited. Nikki posted on Nextdoor and already had some positive responses.
Organics containers won’t be delivered until end of May or early June. Next possible date for info day is 6/11.
Summer Festival
Denis Houle is checking with band “Invisible 2 Women”
Sponsorship letters were mailed today
Nikki L. presented an opportunity for artist Adam Turman to do an Armatage illustration to celebrate the ANA 25th anniversary. We’d have rights to illustration for one year. We can order prints for the festival. There was a question about if other neighborhoods have done this- Nikki doesn’t think he’s done this before- would be unique. It would cost $3000.
One neighbor said the amount sounds expensive.
There was some discussion and then a motion by Sara E. to pursue having artist Adam Turman create a design unique to Armatage that we would have available to neighbors for purchase. The motion was seconded by Bri.
There was more discussion-
Kelly expressed concern about the high amount for something unknown. Other board members thought neighbors would buy the art. Kelly suggested getting confirmation/approval from city liaison so we know this is an okay use of funds.
Another neighbor suggested a marketing plan with the motion.
Suggested FB/Nextdoor post to gauge neighborhood interest in this.
Kelly moved to table the motion to a further date, Sara accepted, Judy seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Nikki L. is going to explore neighborhood interest and find out timeline that Adam would need.
Nikki L. asked for help with historical research. Steve said he would help. Kelly suggested checking with Settegren’s. Denis is checking with a neighbor. Judy expressed interested in helping too.
Councilmember Update:
Councilmember Palmisano was present to give update.
- Councilmember introduced Patty Day, a new Ward 13 staff and reported that Ken Dahler was promoted to Senior Policy Aide. Patty is the first point of contact at the Ward 13 office.
- Organics cart delivery- there is a link on the website to know when it will be delivered (welcome kit will be delivered one week prior)
- Spring sweep started- the whole city takes 4 weeks. No parking signs are posted 24 hours in advance
- Parks- park board has continued on march toward referendum. Councilmember is fighting against this referendum. Councilmember does not believe referendums are good ways to govern. Park board does a good job explaining/identifying where the gaps are. Councilmember has been working with other councilmembers on alternative plan. Mayor has also proposed a plan- right now the park doesn’t buy into her plan. Councilmember is hoping there will be a combined approach to address long term funding plan for roads and parks.
- There was a question about how to control how/when money is diverted from parks- Councilmember reported this is written in the proposed plan/contract.
- Light rail- question about how close it is to getting started. It is stuck at the state level right now. Councilmember is still optimistic. Met council website said construction will start in 2017
Housing Fairs Update:
Nikki L. went to one last weekend- not worth doing again. Nikki was able to educate contractors, vendors who were there about the home loan program.
Home loan program- money still available for neighbors
ANA Website– needs to be rebuilt
$450 to get site back
Bite Tech as host $1000/year (right now we budgeted $600/year)
Kelly motioned to issue $800 for web maintenance, Steve seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Annual Meeting
Nikki put agenda together (bike theme) *look for this in emails
Nikki L. distributed info from “Alliance for Sustainability”
Secretary Report
Minutes were approved via email, CPP plan was approved and passed via email
Treasurer Report
Judy presented treasurer report.
Ed- moved to neighborhood recently, moved to 60th and Thomas
Ryan- running for board in May
Michael- 58th and Sheridan moved here 9 months ago
Announced that we’re electing new board members in May if anyone is interested.
Kelly motioned to adjourn and Judy seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm.