Armatage Neighborhood Association Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 6:33 pm by board vice president Kelly Falsani

ANA board members in attendance: Kelly Falsani, Lance Custer, Sarah Broich, Judy Vecere, Sarah Emmenecker, Laurel Luxenberg, Tara Brown, Bri Keeney, Jeff Forss

Others in attendance: Nikki Lindberg- ANA Coordinator, Nikki Friederich Park Coordinator, Matt Perry- SWBA, 4 neighbors

Nikki L. presented letter about public hearing for 60th and Thomas variance, passed around letter about project as well as plans. Opened up for discussion:

A neighbor raised concerns regarding communication about the project stating that neighbors in immediate vicinity haven’t been clearly communicated with. She has general questions for the builders about the impact of the development. She had already reached out to the builder and has researched the project and the builder. Her last communication with the builder was last Thursday asking him to send alternative meeting times, as the public hearing is at a difficult time for them to attend. Neighbor expressed being nervous going forward because the communication so far has seemed “just for show” and builder seems unwilling to meet with neighbors even though letter sent offers that as an option. It was stated that further research with others who have worked with the same builder have had good experiences.

Nikki L. sent out link to “Toolkit for Neighbors of new construction.”   Nikki will include the letter from the builder and plans for the project in the ANA E-news. Nikki will include the link to the “Toolkit” in the E-news as well.

Matt Perry- chair of zoning board-spoke about public hearing. He stated the communication piece won’t be addressed at this, just the variance will be addressed (the zoning board doesn’t take into account construction issues)

The neighbor who spoke said she would keep Nikki L. informed of the process going forward.

Nikki L. reported that 5857 Washburn no longer needs variance

Park Update:

  • Egg Hunt is Saturday at Armatage Park. The hunt starts at 11:00 and there will be lots of other activities as well; cost is $5
  • Sports registration is underway (
  • New Activity Guide is out for the summer.
  • Mentioned the variety of summer camps available and highlighted the safety camp at Theodore Wirth Park; there are lots of free camps too. Registration is open for these.

*Feedback from parents supported the idea of different age group start times for egg hunt

Committee Updates:

Safety Committee

  • Lance is the new chair; he has received resources from Nikki and Judy; he is putting together communication plan for quarterly safety updates
  • Talked about news in paper today about recent robberies, crime in South Mpls- board hasn’t heard any updates from Jennifer W. (Crime Prevention Specialist) on this
  • Jeff reported there is a lengthy discussion on Nextdoor about this, with a link to today’s newspaper article

Community Engagement

Tara presented on organics recycling. Board is going to host event about composting in April/May. Tara is going to Tangletown/Lynnhurst workshops. Tara needs speakers from the neighborhood who already do organics recycling. Board discussed dates that might work. Tara will confirm date with Nikki.

Nikki had a conversation with Stevens Property Management Company for ideas on reaching out to renters.

There was a question from board member about his neighbor at 57th and Thomas who is doing Airbnb. Nikki will research any rules about this. Tara talked about her experience with this and the safety of it (she has had good experiences).

Summer Festival

  • Next meeting will likely be April 6th
  • Sponsorship letter was completed
  • Denis contacted the Melvilles for a possible band

Coordinator Update

  • March 26th and April 16th Housing Fairs- Judy and Bri are staffing these
  • Nikki provided flyers on city conference
  • Trophy case and water bottle filler discussion on hold until Nikki F. can join
  • Nikki L. passed around information on Clean Sweep- if Armatage is interested, we need to pick a date. The board expressed interest in pursuing this.
  • Welcome packets- board members should help deliver these- will distribute at the end of the meeting.
  • Adventure Guide- Nikki passed this around as an option to add to our welcome packets. Board reviewed this and Nikki will find out what cost of this would be. Some board members thought people might not use it, but other were interested in it. Nikki will get more information about it.
  • Nikki went to a meeting about running meetings and has good resources available from that, which she will share with the board
  • Nikki went to CPP meeting- has info about how we have to run to get funded by the city. CPP will send guidelines of CPP when it’s up for review.   There will be an updated version of this. They are trying to get guidelines together for all neighborhoods.
  • Nikki mentioned MN Council of Non Profits- will send link to board members, trainings available
  • Nikki has put together draft of annual report. Denis is reviewing this. Nikki will send to board via email before her vacation.
  • Ideas for Annual Meeting on May 17th:
    • Bike theme
    • Board acknowledged politicians might not be available but Denis has been reaching out to see
  • ANA website is down- it was hacked. Nikki is working on this.

Secretary Report:

February minutes were approved via email

Treasurer Report:

Judy passed out revenue and expense report for review by board

Lance motioned to approve report; motion was seconded and passed.

New Business:

SWBA- Matt Perry presented

  • Talked about plastic bag ban and bag fee- public hearing on 3/21
  • Matt explained that the business association surveys members and provides feedback to the city council, if there is consensus on an issue then SWBA takes a stance
  • Paid sick time- workgroup made recommendation. Going to council group on Wednesday. Full city council will review on Friday. Business association polled members on this topic. (Small business status is determined by revenue and number of employees: $1,000,0000 or less in gross revenue). Survey results were pulled into report. Matt will send to Nikki.
  • Business association suggested incentives for businesses to offer paid sick time vs. mandating this. Also going to push for “micro-businesses” to have a cut out exemption.
  • SWBA heard from businesses that they want to treat their employees well, but each is unique in situation.

Judy motioned to adjourn, Bri seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.

Armatage Neighborhood Association