50th Anniversary of Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day! Today marks the 50th Anniversary of the first Earth Day in 1970.  Scroll below for all kinds of green info including a DIY Earth Day clean-up and easy ways to take action to protect our planet.

April 21 Meeting Recap

Council Member Palmisano gave an update on the City’s response to COVID-19 and City services. Armatage Park Director Jordan Nelson shared MPRB’s new Ambassador program, which is stationing staff at all park properties throughout the City to serve as a resource. Armatage Park’s playground is up for reconstruction over the next year and the ANA is working with the MPRB on engagement and minimizing impact on the neighborhood.

The ANA will hold virtual Annual Meeting and Online Board Elections on June 16 (look for more details to come) and continue monthly virtual Happy Hours with different topics (next month’s Happy Hour is May 12 at 8:00pm with the topic of gardening). In May and June, the ANA will collect pictures of neighborhood art, poetry, knitting/crocheting, gardens, sidewalk art, etc. to create a final pdf or video. The board approved this year’s Mini Grant recipients and the sign-ups for the 2020 Rain & Native Garden program are underway (see below).

Minneapolis Housing Gap Funding – apply by April 27

Applications are now open for the City of Minneapolis’s Housing Gap Funding.  Eligible expenses include rent payments, utility payments and/or other housing stability related costs.  Apply by 12:00pm on Monday, April 27 at http://minneapolismn.gov/coronavirus/gap-funding. Please help spread the word!

Find links to the Gap Funding program, assistance programs, free food and meals,  unemployment, chore help, volunteer opportunities, and kids activities at https://armatage.org/covid19Thank you to everyone who has shared this resource with their block’s e-list or on social media. 

DIY Earth Day Clean-up

Join the Parks’ Annual Earth Day Park Clean-up, DIY style! Sometime during the month of April….

  1. Use a trash bag from home.
  2. Head to a nearby park or trail and pick up trash you see, while getting fresh air and exercise!
  3. Practice social distancing and other current COVID-19 guidelines. Learn more at www.minneapolisparks.org/coronavirus-covid-19-information/
  4. Share pictures your trash haul on our Facebook page – at @MPLSEarthDay – and get a prize!

Learn more at https://www.minneapolisparks.org/activities__events/events/earth_day_cleanup/

Win a $50 Gift Card and Help Our Community Count in the Census

We need your help to ensure Minnesota gets its full share of funding for schools, health care, roads and more. Help out and enter to win one of four $50 gift cards to local businesses:

  1. Take the 2020 Census: my2020census.gov
  2. Take Action. Choose from the following list…
    • Snap a selfie and share with hashtags #WeCountMN #Census2020 #ArmatageTakesTheCensus
    • Share a social media post with my2020census.gov/ and hashtags #WeCountMN #Census2020 #ArmatageTakesTheCensus
    • Reach out to a neighbor (or two!) about completing the Census using #socialdistancing. (This is a perfect chance to check in remotely).
  3. Visit armatage.org/2020census and enter your info for a chance to win one of four $50 gift cards to local businesses. All Minneapolis residents are eligible to enter.

Sign up for the Armatage Rain & Native Garden Program

The Armatage Neighborhood Association is teaming up with local nonprofit, Metro Blooms, again this year to help Armatage residents install a low cost rain or native garden. Slots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis and virtual consultations will start right away. Apply today at armatage.org/programs/rain-gardens/

Participants pay an average of $300-$450 and are responsible for planting and maintaining their garden. Additional need-based grants are available through the ANA for residents who meet income guidelines: click here for guidelines and to apply for additional assistance. We’ve been busy retooling the program with your safety in mind so site visits and installations will take place through social distancing – learn more at armatage.org/programs/rain-gardens/.

Transportation Action Plan Open Houses

Check out the draft Transportation Action Plan website to read the draft plan and provide feedback. The interactive website includes opportunities to provide your input on specific strategies and actions during the public comment period, which is extended until May 22.

Two more Open Houses are scheduled for you to hear about your plan, give input, and interact in real time:

example Recycling Reminder email

Sign up for Recycling Reminder emails

We encourage you to sign up for our Recycling Reminder emails. By signing up you’ll receive an email every other week that includes:

  • Holiday collection delay notices
  • Seasonal service reminders like the start and end of yard waste collection
  • Tips and tricks to reduce waste, recycle and compost more
  • Notifications of upcoming waste reduction, reuse, and recycling events
  • Fun facts about what happens to your garbage, recycling, organics recycling, etc.

Sign up by finding your recycling day, and clicking “Sign up for Recycling Reminders”.

Fall street sweeping begins Oct. 22

Street Sweeping is Underway

Street sweeping began this week and will continue for the next several weeks.  Look for temporary “No Parking” signs at least 24 hours before your street is scheduled. Spring street sweeping is critical clean leaves, debris and other pollutants from the more than 1,000 miles of city streets and alleys to protect our waterways.  Click here to see when your street is scheduled to be swept.

Last Chance to Comment on the SW Parks Master Plan

The comment period for the Southwest Service Area Master Plan ends on April 25, 2020. With park buildings now closed, visit www.minneapolisparks.org/sw to view and comment on the plans.


Armatage Neighborhood Association