Upcoming meetings/events:

Apr 6 – Green Team Donation Drive (10:00 am – 12:00 pm)
April 13 – Armatage/Kenny Egg Hunt (10:00 am)
April 16 – Monthly Meeting (6:30 – 8:00 pm)
May 11 – Free Shredding Event (10:00am – 12:00 pm)
May 14 – Neighborhood Happy Hour (7:00 – 9:00 pm)
May 21 – Annual Meeting & Board Elections (6:30 – 8:00 pm)

Green Team Local Nonprofit Donation Drive

Saturday, April 6
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Armatage Recreation Center

Whether you are spring cleaning, need to Marie Kondo your house or just want to make a donation to help someone in need, bring your goods to the Armatage Rec Center on Saturday, April 6 from 10:00am – 12:00pm and we will pass them along to nonprofits and other great organizations for environmentally and socially responsible reuse. If for some reason we cannot take your item, we will find the best recycling or disposal option for you.

Check out the full list of accepted items and organizations supported through the Donation Drive at https://armatage.org/donation-drive/ Extra boxes and bags to help transport donations after the event are very welcome, too!

Introducing Armatage Neighborhood Mini Grants!

How can we make our neighborhood a better place and engage our neighbors? If you have ideas and want to implement them, the ANA has just launched a new Armatage Neighborhood Mini Grants Program. Grants are available for up to $1,000 and subject to the City requirements that prohibit spending on food or entertainment. Get all your questions answered at armatage.org/programs/mini-grants or at a Q & A session at our Annual Meeting on May 21.

The deadline to apply for a Mini Grant is June 15. Award notifications will be made by August 1, 2019 and grant recipients will have up to a year to complete their projects. Questions? Please contact us at anacoordinator@armatage.org.

Armatage/Kenny Egg Hunt

Celebrate the arrival of spring with our annual egg hunt at Armatage Park. Bring the whole family down for this fun event. Enjoy an Egg Hunt, caricature artist, arts and crafts, live bunnies, and a light continental breakfast.

Important details:
*The Egg Hunt will begin at 11 am sharp.
*$5 per child.
*Pre-registration is required. Spots are limited and we will not take registration at the door.

Register today at: https://apm.activecommunities.com/minneapolisparks/Activity_Search/86682

Help shape the future of transportation in Minneapolis!

The City is hosting 5 community workshops and 1 online open house in April to collect public input on transportation-related opportunities, issues, and priorities to develop the Minneapolis Transportation Action Plan and the Vision Zero Action Plan. We’ve linked the SW and Online Open Houses below – see the rest at http://msptap-staging.com/get-involved

Community Workshop (Southwest)
Tuesday, April 9
Richfield Lutheran Church 
8 W 60th St

Online Open House (Facebook Live)
Tuesday, April 30
City of Minneapolis Facebook page

Can’t attend an event? You can still get involved!

You can learn more about the Transportation Action Plan and provide direct feedback on our interactive website. Our topic pages include short surveys and are a great place to share your thoughts. You can also use #gompls to talk transportation with us and follow the City of Minneapolis on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Climate Change, Energy & Transportation Town Hall

Senator Scott Dibble (DFL-Minneapolis), Representative Frank Hornstein (61A), and Representative Jamie Long (61B) invite their constituents to attend a town hall meeting on climate change, energy, and transportation opportunities that are being discussed at the legislature and in Minnesota.
Sunday, April 7
Temple Israel (2323 Fremont Avenue S, Minneapolis, MN 55405)

Armatage Neighborhood Association