Armatage Summer Jam Thank You!

Thanks for another great neighborhood event! We are grateful for every chance to celebrate our community and the awesome folks in it! Huge thanks to our generous sponsors:

Book Club Participating in Twin Cities Vegan Chef Challenge

Our very own Book Club is participating in the Twin Cities Vegan Chef Challenge! The challenge brings over 1,000 diners to restaurants and over 25 new and classic vegan dishes to diners throughout the month of August. You can find more information and see each participating restaurant’s offerings here.

Hazardous Waste Drop-off Event this Weekend

Hennepin County is collecting household hazardous waste (HHW) this Friday, Aug 12 and Saturday, Aug 13 from 9am – 3pm at South High School, 3131 19th Ave. S. (enter from 21st Avenue). Safely dispose of unwanted household and lawn and garden products including paint, chemicals, fluorescent bulbs, batteries and fuel. Click here for a list of items you can bring to the event and to review safety guidelines.

Can’t make it? You can also find more info on the year-round HHW drop-offs in Bloomington and Brooklyn Park here.

Fix-it Clinic this Saturday

Get free help with your broken stuff and learn valuable repair skills at the Fix-It Clinic this Sat, Aug 13 from 12–4pm at Mount Olivet Lutheran Church (5025 Knox Ave S). Get free, guided assistance from volunteers with repair skills to disassemble, troubleshoot and (hopefully) fix small household appliances, clothing, electronics, mobile devices and more and keep them out of the waste stream.

Clinics are held monthly and no pre-registration is required. Items must be carry-in-sized. Bring any parts and supplies that might be helpful. The events are family friendly. Learn more and see the full schedule of 2022 Fix-It Clinics at

Police Contract Listening Sessions

Join a community listening session to give input on the new three-year contract with the Police Federation of Minneapolis. The City staff will explain the negotiation process and hold work groups where people can collaborate on ideas related to the contract. This process will help inform the City in its negotiations with the Police Federation. Members of the public are welcome to attend the upcoming community listening sessions:

  • 6-7:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 15. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Park Recreation Center, 4055 Nicollet Ave. S. See the Facebook event.
  • 6-7:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 22. Folwell Recreation Center, 1615 Dowling Ave. N. See the Facebook event.

Fall Fun at the Washburn Tot Lot

Come to the Washburn Tot Lot for a start-of-school fun pop-up event on Sat, Sept 17 from 10–11:30am! All are welcome, so tell your neighbors and come on down! We want to extend a special invitation to all of our neighbors who rent who make up nearly 15% of the households in Armatage.

We hope to see you on Sept 17 for…

  • FREE treats
  • Activities for all ages
  • On-site voter registration thanks to the League of Women Voters
  • Free renters’ resources
  • New Washburn Tot Lot pollinator garden community dreaming open house.

E-Waste Recycling & Paper Shredding Event

Save the date for a fall e-waste and paper shredding recycling event on Sat, Sept 24 from 9am–12pm! Bring documents, TVs, computers, phones, peripherals (cords, computer parts, keyboards, etc.) and small appliances for safe recycling AND data destruction. Thanks to Mayflower Church for hosting the event.

The suggested donation is $5 (or $5 + $5 to sponsor a neighbor), but no one will be turned away. Cash and cards will be accepted on-site. We’re offering a pick-up service for seniors and residents with disabilities (items must be outside). Call us at 612-466-0296 to sign up. Learn more at

Join the August Stop Food Waste Challenge

We love food, which leaves us wondering: why do we let so much of it go to waste? About 40% of food is wasted somewhere along the supply chain, and you may be surprised to learn that much of that food waste happens at home. Here in Hennepin County, we throw away enough edible food each year to fill Target Field 1.5 times!

Join Hennepin County’s online Stop Food Waste Challenge to learn easy, practical skills that will help you stop wasting food, put more money in your pocket, and create a healthier environment. Even better, taking steps to reduce food waste is one of the most important actions we can take to address climate change.

The challenge runs through August 31. Join now at

Take the Minneapolis Climate Action and Equity Plan Survey

Minneapolis is working to reduce the impact of climate change. With a 10-year update to the 2013 Climate Action Plan, the City needs your help to meet its ambitious goals: eliminating carbon emissions and improving the daily lives of residents, particularly those most impacted by changes in our climate.

Fill out the Climate Action Plan survey here or contact

All Are Welcome Here Lawn Signs

Get your All Are Welcome Here lawn sign to support your neighborhood organization and proudly spread the message that ALL are welcome in Armatage!

Signs + stakes are $20 each and your tax-deductible donation goes to supporting the ANA’s work in the community. Order online here or grab a sign at Armatage Summer Jam!

Water Boulevard Trees

Water is especially important for trees under five years old, including newly planted trees on city boulevards (that is, the land between the sidewalk and the street). Water in the evening to minimize evaporation, track your tree watering by doing it on weekly solid waste collection day. Watering one tree weekly costs only about $3 for 23 weeks – the entire summer-fall season.

How to help: Watch this video or check out the three options below:

  • Option 1: Fill a tree watering bag. If you live near a newly planted tree supplied with a green tree watering bag, fill the bag once a week. When it’s one-quarter full, pull up on the bag handles to straighten it. Bags hold 20 gallons of water and take about five minutes to fill.
  • Option 2: Use a five-gallon bucket to slowly pour water around the base of a tree. Do this four times for 20 gallons once a week.
  • Option 3: Run a garden hose on a slow trickle, placed at least six inches from the tree trunk. Let it run for an hour each week.

New Washburn Tot Lot Pollinator Garden

The ANA is so excited to announce that we have received grant funding from the State of Minnesota’s Lawns to Legumes Neighborhood Demonstration Program and the Minneapolis People for Parks Fund to create a pollinator garden at the Washburn Tot Lot!  The new garden will be installed along the alley to provide a safe, beautiful barrier that will benefit our community and local pollinators.

Community engagement will begin this fall with a Fall Fun event at the Washburn Tot Lot on Saturday, September 17 from 10–11:30am so save the date! We anticipate the new garden will be completed in May 2023 with our partner, Metro Blooms.

Field + Festival Summer Market

Looking for something fun to do? Wagners Garden Center and Mpls Craft Market’s popular winter markets are now Field + Festival! Find them outside at Wagner’s each Tuesday this summer from 4-7pm and indoors this fall. More vendors will be added throughout the season!  Learn more at

Fulton Farmers Market

The Fulton Farmers Market takes place weekly on Saturdays from 8:30 am to 1 pm in the Lake Harriet United Methodist Church parking lot!  Stop by for breakfast, activities for kids, and live music starting at 10 am. You’ll find a huge variety of fresh and local fruit and veg, as well as meat, eggs, mushrooms, baked goods, preserves, crafts, and more!

Home Help MN – Apply by August 17

If you’ve fallen behind on your mortgage, property taxes, insurance, association fees or lot rent because of COVID, you can now to apply for the State’s Home Help MN program. Visit to learn more and get your application started.

COVID-19 Vaccines and Testing

Vaccines: find vaccines for kids ages 6 months and up and boosters at (click on the Vaccine Locator Map). Learn more about  boosters here.

Free Rapid Tests: order free rapid tests at or at Ordering takes just a couple minutes.

Graphic with a blue background and coral flowers that says "Donate Today. The Armatage Neighborhood Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit."

Enjoy the eNews? Support Our Work

The Armatage Neighborhood Association works to make Armatage a place where all are welcome, empowered, and connected through safety initiatives, community-building events, environmental work, advocacy and communications that keep you informed and engaged.

Big or small, EVERY donation matters!  Give today at  As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, every donation to the ANA is tax-deductible and eligible for an employer match.

Armatage Neighborhood Association