August 24, 2021 Minutes

ANA Meeting Minutes

Monthly Meeting 8/24/21 / 6:30 PM / Zoom


Samantha Bild, Adriana Dobrzycka, Joel Federer, Vikisha Goberdhan, Ethan Komoroski, Nikki Lindberg, Sharla McIntosh-Ziegler, Kevin Ross, Judy Vecere

NOT IN ATTENDANCE: Eli Johnson, Janhel Leandre


Lauren Anderson (Coordinator), Sarah Komoroski, Inspector Katie Blackwell (5th Precinct), Sheila Dingels, Council Member Linea Palmisano, Jennifer Waisanen (Crime Prevention Specialist), Jan Unstad


Updated financials were sent via email.

6:33    Welcome and Introductions

6:35    Safety Update (CPS Jennifer Waisanen and
    Inspector Katie Blackwell)

  • The biggest concerns in the precinct are the increase in robberies, with many happening in the morning (6-9am). Juveniles have been involved, and hoping the start of school will address some of these. The 5th precinct no longer has a community response team (only in 1 and 4) to help with these matters, however they did arrest two juveniles this morning. Armatage has had only one robbery reported since May (the northern parts of the precinct are seeing most of the crime).
  • Armatage Crime stats YTD Jan 1-August 24th:
    2019 — 7 Violent Crimes/45 Property Crimes
    2020 — 6 Violent Crimes/37 Property Crimes
    2021 — 6 Violent Crimes/28 Property Crimes
  • Second biggest issue is auto thefts (most from people leaving cars running while running in to pick up food or keys being left in the car).
  • Traffic complaints are what they get the most calls about in the office. The police have very limited resources to address these types of concerns.
  • We are still seeing some catalytic converter thefts, and package thefts on the rise. Ring cameras can help, but thieves are often covering faces or keeping heads down, so best to arrange deliveries when you know you will be home. There have also been several mopeds put into trucks and taken, so need to park in a garage or more securely lock them.
    • Minneapolis is still evaluating a program like what St Paul implemented that painted catalytic converters in the hopes that it would deter thefts. In asking area junkyards if they would purchase painted converters, the responses were mixed, so it isn’t clear if such a program is effective.
    • There is a way to register your Ring or other security camera with the Minneapolis Police Department. This can allow them to know where footage might be available to help with an investigation. Learn more at
  • Our SEO team made sure to invite the MPD to our September 25th Community Helpers celebration event.
  • Regarding the racial assaults via milk jugs, an investigator with the assault unit has been assigned. They are running the prints from the jugs, where possible, but this takes time. If you see a jug, call 911 to request proper removal (they ask we don’t don’t touch them or if you must, to use gloves and put in a paper bag) so it can be fingerprinted. The neighborhood wants to make sure that any affected individuals know about the support from the ANA, both in our disgust towards these actions, as well as efforts to counteract these messages (through social media and our “All Are Welcome Here” sign sales), and the availability of the safety rebate program to help with buying a security camera.

7:00    City Update (Council Member Linea Palmisano)

  • Linea reiterated that hate speech has no place in our city — and appreciates the ANA’s efforts
  • Neighborhood Funding — She is supportive of funding neighborhood organizations, and will work with the Mayor and City Council to have funding included in the budget, but this City Council has not been as receptive to neighborhood funding. A community survey will be coming out some time after September 6 to ask about where to distribute the federal relief funds. She is part of a review team, and noted that proposals that are Covid-related best fit the funding parameters, and everyone should be sure to let the city know your ideas to support neighborhoods, etc.
  • Roof Depot Project — The Council voted to reassess the city-owned property in East Phillips. The community was granted 2 years to present a plan to create an urban farm or other project that can be financially viable. It was a divided vote, but Linea felt strongly about supporting both the environmental and equity issues this project represents.
  • Ballot language for 3 charter amendments has been finalized. The three amendments are 1) Government Structure 2) Rent Stabilization and 3) Public Safety (watch for more information to learn about these amendments coming soon).

7:20    Equitable Engagement Plan due Sept 1

    • Lauren completed the plan and sent the draft to the City. It was given great feedback, and were were told it was ready to submit. With a few minor changes, it was felt that the plan is reflective of what our committees hope to achieve for calendar year 2022. Future funding cycles should cover a three-year period. Two main groups we will be focusing on include renters and residents with disabilities/seniors. (see attached)
  • Motion to approve the Equitable Engagement Plan. Seconded. Motion carries.

7:30    Future of Safety Rebate Program

  • Because of our future budget limitations, the board discussed the pros and cons of this program, and our ability to sustain it. The program has run for four years and it has been very well received. We have distributed about $6,000 annually to area residents, and at this current level we could continue the program for one more year. The program has been a great way to connect with individuals (mostly homeowners) in the neighborhood, and has been used to purchase security cameras, carbon monoxide detectors, radon tests and more.
  • If we choose to continue the program, and want it to last more than one year, we can consider some program changes. Ideas included a cap per resident, a cap for total annual allocation, requiring an education or registration component, or adding an income limit.
  • The SEO committee will continue this discussion and present a recommendation to the board in October.
  • It was recommended that we could share stories in the newsletter about what neighbors have done with their rebate purchase that have been successful at their house. For example, Sheila has two alley cameras installed and has had a lot of helpful outcomes as a result of footage that has been pull off the cameras.

7:50    Coordinator’s Report

    • Plan Mod Budget & Engagement Plan
      • The ANA has approximately $65k to be put toward Staffing and Community Engagement (with language to allow sweep for exact totals at time of transfer).
      • This budget modification requires a 30-day comment period which will run from September 15 to October 15
  • Motion to move forward with the Plan Mod as proposed. Second. Motion carries.
    • Bylaws Updates (draft updated Bylaws)
      • Bylaw updates requires a 30-day comment period which will run from September 15 to October 15
      • Need to schedule a separate meeting to walk through these updates with appropriate focus. Lauren will send out a Doodle Poll to find a date in the next week or so.
    • Funds for District 6 Park Commissioner ($75), Charter Amendment Education ($150), and Ward 13 City Council Candidate Forums ($100)
  • Motion to fund voter education for the District 6 Park Commissioner forum  ($75), Ward 13 City Council candidate forum ($100) and charter amendment education efforts ($150) (total of $325). Seconded. Motion carries.

8:10    Committee Action Needed

    • Safety, Equity & Outreach: Funds for Sep 25 Event EQUITY signs (Donte/Sheila)
      The idea is to create a sign that spells out the word Equity (and maybe Safety on the other side). People will be prompted with a question,and their ideas and reactions will be captured on Post-it notes and added to the sign during the event. This information will be gathered to help us know what the neighborhood wants the ANA to focus on for future programming.To create a reusable sign, Sheila and Donte requested up to $225 to purchase a pack of ten 3-4 foot tall blue Coroplast boards, paint, and other supplies as needed.
  • Motion to approve up to $225 for the materials needed to create a re-usable Equity/Safety sign. Seconded. Motion carries.

8:30    New Business

  • Motion to approve the June and July minutes. Seconded. Motion carries
  • Park ribbon cutting event on August 26 may need to be postponed due to weather. Suggested we move to overlap with the school’s open house on September 2 if we need to reschedule. Exact event time will be determined as needed. We should also purchase hand wipes for families that may be going from popsicles into the school.

Meeting adjourned at 8:36


  • Aug 26 – New Playground Celebration (4:30-6:30pm, Armatage Park)
  • Sep 2 – Community Engagement Committee (5:30-6:30pm, Zoom)
  • Sep 4 – Safety, Equity & Outreach Meeting (10:00-11:00am, Armatage Park)
  • Sep TBD – Reading Circle Meeting #8 (7:00-8:00pm, Outdoors)
  • Sep 9 – Green Team Meeting (7:00-8:15pm, Outdoors – email for address)
  • Sep 21 – Monthly Meeting (6:30-8:30pm, Armatage Park)
  • Sep 25 – Meet Your Community Helpers Event (2:00-5:00pm, Armatage Park)
  • Sep 28 – MPRB District 6 Candidate Forum (7:00-8:30pm, Mount Olivet and Live Streaming)